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Author Topic: Prempak c discontinued  (Read 28601 times)


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Prempak c discontinued
« on: January 27, 2017, 08:13:32 PM »

I wondered if anyone can advise me, I had my ovaries removed some time ago and was eventually put on prempak c 0.625 and have been taking it for about 20 years, in which time I have developed oesteoperosis and have several spinal fractures.  The chemist has informed me that Prempak c has been discontinued in the dose I usually take, in communication with the surgery apparently Premique is going to be prescribed next week but I have read that the low dose of Premique has been discontinued I am concerned that this drug may not be available and is it the right one for me ? I am used to a monthly 'bleed' .  After the initial surgery I was put on medication for hysterectomy which was wrong, I have asked for years how do the doctors know I am on the right strength but never received an answer  can anyone advise any or all of the above?
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 11:50:28 PM by Wagon »


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Re: Prempak c discontinued
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2017, 09:16:18 PM »

Hi, Wagon'!

Can I ask how old you are now, and if you are receiving good care for your osteoporosis? Are you taking Fosamax? And have you had a DEXA scan to fully assess your osteoporosis?  As you've had several fractures, you will require good support and care.

I am not well versed on Prempak or Premique, but I'm sure one of the more knowledgeable ladies will be along shortly. xxxxx


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Re: Prempak c discontinued
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2017, 12:07:39 AM »

Thank you so much for your reply, to answer your questions :- I am 53 years old,  I had a Dexa scan in 2001 and eventually convinced a GP that I needed a follow up Dexa  which I had in 2015,  as for treatment I am on Alendronic acid and colecaiciferol / calcium carbonate.
I am not sure what you mean by good care and support I feel I have to fight for everything, my previous GP retired four years ago although I have seen someone else a few times but they have n't a clue as to my history and medication which is unfortunately long and numerous respectively.


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Re: Prempak c discontinued
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2017, 12:17:45 PM »

Hi Wagon

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: Prempak c discontinued
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2017, 12:59:30 PM »

Thank you stellajane for your reply and Taz2 for the welcome.
I have spent hours reading various information but cannot find names of  available HRT, I am hoping to continue on HRT with a monthly bleed which I gather is classed as sequential HRT, I do not think the Premique prescription that should be at the surgery next week ( unless it has been discontinued ) is sequential, does anyone know the names of sequential HRT ?


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Re: Prempak c discontinued
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2017, 01:06:56 PM »

I think Hurdity would be the best one to advise you on the types of sequential Wagon, or Dancinggirl possibly! You must have been quite young when you had your oopherectomy? It's a travesty how GP's offer so little follow up, it really is! You have to literally fight for everything.....I know the NHS is cash strapped but you have every need of good care and monitoring. It makes my blood boil!! >:(


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Re: Prempak c discontinued
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2017, 05:09:18 PM »

Hi Wagon so sorry to hear about your problems.
I went from Prempak C to Evorel Sequi 50 patches and felt even better on the patches. About 10 years ago when I was taking Prempak I remember there were several times when I had problems getting hold of it and there were rumours even then about it discontinuing.
Hope you find something that suits you


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Re: Prempak c discontinued
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2017, 05:28:10 PM »

Thank you Flutterby for your information and Stellajane, I had been looking at the wrong subheading above and then got bogged down in the, (British Menopause Society)
Just having the names of the medication, others experience and knowing what they do will aid me considerable  next week as the premique prescription is supposed to be ready, I have spoken to three local chemists all say the lower dose Prempak c has been discontinued by the manufacturers as has the lower dose Premique so I shall see what has been prescribed.  You would think if a medication was no longer manufactured that the surgeries technology (computers) would highlight this fact so patients do not have to chase round chemists, and the doctors could be pro active.


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Re: Prempak c discontinued
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2017, 11:49:14 AM »

Hi there

I don't know what the equivalent patch is in the UK but apparently my brand is going to be out of stock for the foreseeable time (combination 50/140, no bleed). My doc said she was worried she was doing to have a riot on her hands of all these meno ladies not being able to get their oestrogen fix!

We discussed options, there was a pill but I'd rather stick with patches as its better for my liver etc. So we're going with oestrogen patch, trying a 75 as I'm having hot nights again and a progesterone pill. If I'm able to cut the pill in half she's happy with that dose as a whole pill is more than I'm getting now.

Seems a bit strange that they would just stop making these items without giving a reason to doctors!


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Re: Prempak c discontinued
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2017, 03:39:58 PM »

Thank you for your input, I will let you know how things develop this week, I am not hopeful.


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Re: Prempak c discontinued
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2017, 07:42:14 PM »

Thank you, I have just read your post Stellajane, you write about me possibly being on HRT long term, I would like to know more as a GP asked me in 2015 when I was planning to stop HRT as I had been on it a considerable time,  my reply was that my mother did not go through the menopause until late fifties so I wanted to continue  should I have said I need to continue because of the oesteoporosis ?   Is there a age when the HRT should be stopped?
« Last Edit: January 30, 2017, 07:44:16 PM by Wagon »


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Re: Prempak c discontinued
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2017, 10:11:26 PM »


I had post bleeding which turned out to be a last hurrah period (after being caused a lot of stress by the GP who went into panic mode). The gynae I saw was an old boy but remarkably modern in his thinking who said he was happy for ladies to stay on it as long as they know the risk and are monitored. I had to laugh the lady in the next bed to me in hospital was very old and kept telling everyone that no one was going to take her HRT away and sod the risks! However, she was very frail and tiny so I can imagine she would need it.

I guess the only reason they want us off it is BC risk otherwise it makes total sense to have enough to ward off ostero, flushes, VA and most of the other **** that comes with meno. It's even more important to keep well when the Gov want us all to work until nearly 70!

It's probably better just to stay on it than stop and restart or start later.

More research needed!


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Re: Prempak c discontinued
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2017, 04:33:24 PM »

Thank you for the replies. As you may have gathered I am not upto date with current HRT...

My surgery was carried out by  in my view a antique butcher surgeon, I saw a gynae chap the day I was discharged for about 2 mins his advise was see your GP for HRT. The GP prescribed medication which I found out was for someone that had hysterectomy so my faith in medical folks is very low. I bought an excellent book at this time and felt up to date since then I suppose I have just got on with life, so it is really beneficial to have this forum.
I had to fight for a Dexa scan and now reading Stellajane' s post; guess in what I have never had a oestrogen test, that's with 21 years on HRT. 


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Re: Prempak c discontinued
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2017, 05:36:21 PM »

Been to surgery to collect new HRT, Premique 0.625 / 5 mg prescribed but surgery unable to obtain, contacted two local chemists they say this is no longer available. Next available appointment with GP 24 th Feb.


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Re: Premique discontinued
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2017, 10:46:53 PM »

I'm new to the forum. Premique 0.625 has been discontinued. I have been unable to renew my prescription so contacted Pfizer and they have confirmed that it will no longer be available.
I have been on it for 18 months having experienced a sudden onset of menopausal symptoms 18 months ago. I had been feeling unwell for a long time before the 'onset', but everything seemed to come crashing in at once. I was seriously struggling to function so was put on low dose Premique initially, then moved up to the higher dose after a couple of months.
Premique made a real difference to my quality of life, so imagine my horror to find it has been removed. I've been in a tail spin! My doctor has supplied Kliofem, which I've been taking for a week. It feels as if I've gone back to where I was so hoping it's my body adjusting?? I realise that I'm getting used to a change in both hormones. If I can't adjust, I'll go back to GP and ask for Premarin and Provera 5mg separately as this should be close or match the Premique. I have checked with Pfizer and they confirmed Prempak is also discontinued, but are still continuing with Premarin. The last thing I need is to switch to this then have that stopped as well!
I'm going to try to continue with the Kliofem though. I've only ever used Premique and whilst it radically helped, I never felt 'amazing'. I wasn't sure if I was feeling a bit depressed, but felt this was nothing compared to all the horrid symptoms I was having and was a small price to pay. I am trying to look at this as an opportunity to try something new as otherwise I'll never know if I can feel more myself on something else. I am post menopausal having not had a period for over a year before going on HRT. Had a two random short bleeds since starting Premique but had ovarian scans all clear.
Hope this helps anyone else trying to get hold of Premique. x
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