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Author Topic: 5:2 Diet / Intermittent Fasting / Calorie Restriction  (Read 7862 times)


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5:2 Diet / Intermittent Fasting / Calorie Restriction
« on: January 27, 2017, 02:15:10 AM »

I know there have been discussions about this in the past, but I couldn't find any recent ones that were specifically on this topic, so I thought I would start one for those who have done it, are doing it, or just interested in doing it. I know there will possibly be people who don't agree with it, or think it's unhealthy, but perhaps please just agree to disagree with those who are in favour of it, or just move on to the next topic. Incidentally, there is no “starvation mode”, because even if that was an issue, it would take a lot longer than one day for the body to enter that state.

For those who don't know what it is, basically you eat normally (but not unhealthily) for 5 days a week and for 2 days a week you limit yourself to 500 calories. These are called “fast” days, but that's a misleading word because you are still eating food, but you are just eating about 25% of what you would normally eat. There has been research done that seems to indicate that this may help not only with weight loss, but also blood sugar levels and other health issues. When you think about it too, it does reflect more of how we are supposed to live because prehistorical people didn't have the luxury of eating the same amount of food every day. They could have gone for days without food. There is a lot of information available, so you can google if you want to know more.

Anyway, just to give a bit of a back story about myself. I gained a fair bit of weight over the last few years. There were lots of reasons for it (medication problems and the associated depression etc), but ultimately the reason was because I shoved too much food in my mouth. I've always exercised, but exercise alone is not enough. Just over 12 months ago I joined Weight Watchers and over the next 8-9 months I lost 10kg. That has gone a long way towards bringing my weight back to a healthy range, but I do need to lose another 5kg, and ideally a further 5kg. However, even though I am still following the WW routine, and walking 50 minutes nearly every day, my weight stalled last October and I have struggled to lose anything since then. My weight has gone up and down a lot and there will be days I think I've lost some weight, only to put it back on the next day, but basically I am still at the same weight I was in October, and that's really annoying.

I have read and seen a lot of stuff on TV, and did consider the 5:2 diet a while back, but assumed it would be too hard to limit myself to 500 calories a couple of days a week, so I never tried. However, after talking with some ladies on a local Facebook menopause page, I decided to stop being judgemental and to actually give it a go. I was skeptical, and I will admit the first day was a bit difficult, but I think that's more of a “mind over matter” thing. However, it's early days, but I have to say I am very impressed. So far I have done 3 x 500 calorie days and I have lost 1.5kg. Now that in itself isn't always great, because we all know how our weight can fluctuate. However, I have also lost 1.5cm from around my waist which is a much more accurate way of measuring actual fat loss. For me 1kg equals about 1cm because I've lost 10kg and 10cm since starting WW.

Now that I've done it 3 times I have no problems handling that number of calories and I don't dread the day before it even starts. It's actually not that hard and you can actually eat a fair bit provided you choose the right kinds of food. You also need to make sure you are drinking a lot of water, and that will also help you feel full. I have found it helps to delay breakfast as long as possible. I will have two glasses of water when I come back from walking, then I will have a cup of coffee a bit later, so I'm really not feeling like breakfast until at least 10am or even later. Also keep yourself distracted. If you're going to sit around thinking about food you will be more likely to buckle. My routine so far has been to do it every 3rd day, but it will depend a lot on what I'm doing. The beauty is you make it fit into your lifestyle a couple of days a week instead of always having to be aware of everything you eat everyday.

Anyway, it's early days and I am NOT expecting to lose the same amount every week, because we all know that you tend to lose more at the start of a weight loss routine. However, I would be happy with a 1-2kg loss every month. I can also see that this would be a good way to maintain your weight by just doing a 500 calorie day once a week or once a fortnight.


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Re: 5:2 Diet / Intermittent Fasting / Calorie Restriction
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2017, 03:56:51 AM »

Well done Dana!!

It definitely worked for me and stabilised my slowly but surely increasing bloodsugar levels...apparently the fasting lowers insulin resistance. However I must say I struggled to cope when I initially did 5:2 with hunger. I then did a combo of lchf( low carb healthy fats) and I coped so much better as my hunger decreased dramatically with a lchf lifestyle.

Nowadays I do 6:1 with my low cal day on a Monday after the weekend's eating out etc and I easily maintain my weight like that. I also lost weight much easier after my estrogen patch was increased to a medium dosage. On the low dosage patch, it felt as though my body was hanging onto every fatcell ;-)

All the best with the last few kgs. Keep us updated!


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Re: 5:2 Diet / Intermittent Fasting / Calorie Restriction
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2017, 04:17:12 AM »

Thanks MM. It's good to hear it worked for you and you are able to maintain using the same theory. That's what I'm aiming for too. I'm glad I decided to give it a try. I have a friend who also needs to lose some weight, but due to recent surgery is very limited in how much exercise she can do. She has also have a good result so far.

I have also found that my weight is a lot more stable, instead of that up and down thing it does nearly every day. Perhaps this is all connected to stabilising the blood sugar levels. I've never had any problems with the level itself, but certainly my weight is very unstable most of the time.

I think the trick with the hunger thing is to choose the low carb high protein type foods as they are relatively low in calories, but good at keeping you feeling full.


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Re: 5:2 Diet / Intermittent Fasting / Calorie Restriction
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2017, 07:37:30 AM »

So true re that trick Dana as eating like that helps with cravings which can be made worse by the high carb foods. It is just so nice to find something which actually works! :)


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Re: 5:2 Diet / Intermittent Fasting / Calorie Restriction
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2017, 08:40:23 AM »

The weird thing is for most of my adult life until menopause and not knowing then about this way of eating, was actually how I ate naturally

I'd eat what I want but always noticed that a couple of days a week, be it because of routine or just no appetite, that's how I rolled, and I was always a petite size 8

Since menopause my weight fluctuates between a size 8 and 12, I'd say currently I'm a 10 from being an 8 in October, but eating every day bar the very odd day nowadays where I don't have an appetite



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Re: 5:2 Diet / Intermittent Fasting / Calorie Restriction
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2017, 09:06:27 AM »

Me too Annie, I've always had eating days and non eating days - I think often we eat a big meal because we think we should, rather than because we need to. I probably have lots of days when I only eat 500 calories, but I think I'd find it harder if I told myself I had to. Good luck Dana, sounds like it is going well so far.



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Re: 5:2 Diet / Intermittent Fasting / Calorie Restriction
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2017, 04:09:49 PM »

Dana, your background story is very similar to my own, I lost two stone on Slimming World, stayed at target for over two years, but have since put on about 7 lbs.  Not a lot compared to what I was prior to that, but still, its 7 lbs I would rather loose as I feel thats the perfect weight and size for me .  Ive found the 5:2 to be the best of all.  I confess I occasionally would go over the 500 calories but not too much, and it seems to fit in with my metabolic rate better.  I would rather accept the 550 0r 600 days than not do it at all.   I have the My fitness Pal app and find it excellent for daily monitoring my intake and since re starting the 5:2 a few weeks ago, Ive noted that I rarely eat all my 12,000 normal day calories anyway.

Good luck and Im sure you will get those pesky kg off soon.  Slow and steady is definitely the tried and trusted way to sustained weight loss, as opposed to dieting .


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Re: 5:2 Diet / Intermittent Fasting / Calorie Restriction
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2017, 05:22:07 PM »

Interesting Dana and great that it's working for you.

The only one I tried was the original idea (I think) which came before the 5:2 which was alternate day fasting and that was absolute hell!!  5:2 sounds much more civilised! I think where it has been shown not to work is when people do not eat normally on the five days and think they can eat as much as they like - which of course is not the case - so it requires more self control than other diets. If you have that control it's brill.

I was thinking of doing it myself but couldn't work out two days in the week when I was either not working, or doing an exercise class, apart from Fri-Sun and I didn't want to spoil those days with 5-600 calorie restriction especially as I like the odd G & T etc at weekends. So in my case I went for the high protein lower carb idea.

The other thing is I think possibly for women who are menstruating normally or in the midst of peri - it might be more difficult if one of the low cal days comes at a time of hormonal crash - due to the effects on blood sugar metabolism - but if you are post-menopausal and stable then I can't see this problem.

Anyway I can see that it is worth a try even so - provided that people move towards following a healthy balanced diet on the others days - if they don't already do so.

Let us know how you get on as time passes!!

Hurdity x


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Re: 5:2 Diet / Intermittent Fasting / Calorie Restriction
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2017, 09:25:55 PM »

I socalise a lot during the week but while some are lunches or dinners a lot are coffee catch ups so I find it quite easy to incorporate it by just having black coffee or tea. I also still do my 50 minutes of exercise on the 500 days. I just make sure I drink a lot of water.

The alternate day fasting would be too harsh. It might be okay in the short term if you needed to lose a small amount of weight on a maintenance plan but it would be too hard to keep to long term. Doing it every 3-4 days I think is a good interval.


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Re: 5:2 Diet / Intermittent Fasting / Calorie Restriction
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2017, 02:34:14 PM »

5:2 is brilliant and really shifts weight if you keep at it.  i need to do this permanently to keep weight off . I do 700cals on the fasting days which  might slow it a little but gives you a little lee way.  I use almond milk with 2 scoops of a protein shake ( all organic and no nasties ) which gives me around 150 cals for breakfast - and good to make breakfast as late as possible, then have shake for lunch and small salad with meat or fish for supper - If I have been really active I have small bit of toast with peanut butter in afternoon .  Trick is also not to overeat on the normal days. The shake has a lot of fibre in it so stops any constipation which I got when I first started it.
One friend couldnt understand it not working , she was eating up to 6 cadburys cream eggs on her normal days -  :-\


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Re: 5:2 Diet / Intermittent Fasting / Calorie Restriction
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2017, 03:10:56 PM »


I am having a good success on 8-16 fasting, I have an 8hr window a day when I eat sensibly, then a 16hr fast.

 My eating window is 12pm till 8pm, I have a good breakfast/lunch at 12pm and I am fairly hungry by then and then a Dinner at 6pm, I eat fruit as snacks.

I have lost 14lb in a month no calorie counting as such, but did use my fitness pal to add up calories the 1st week and had about 1500 cals a day.

it seems to have made me more mindful to what I eat I make better choices and the morning without breakfast is not bad, coffee and fizzywater with lemon is all I need.

its supposed to have the same benefits as 5-2 diet my GP suggested it too.


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Re: 5:2 Diet / Intermittent Fasting / Calorie Restriction
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2017, 05:34:18 PM »

I find that when it is colder I need 'comfort' food rather than snacks.  Stir fried chicken with mix veg. on rice/pasta.  Cornish pasties with baked beans.  Curry with home made chutney.

Right now my anxiety means that I'm not eating much  :sigh: and I'm sure that I answered this thread earlier on  :D


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Re: 5:2 Diet / Intermittent Fasting / Calorie Restriction
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2017, 10:23:57 PM »

Hi I also do the 16:8 intermittent fasting pattern.  At first I did it to lose weight, but stayed on it because it's really good for digestion.   I suffered from IBS for years, symptoms such as bloating which was really exaggerated by the end of the day after sitting in an office all day.  I'd come home and feel uncomfortable in my clothes and look about 8 months pregnant.  The bloating would dissipate overnight then start again next day.  I tried all sorts of probiotics and none worked.  The bloating has now disappeared thanks to the 16:8 eating plan. I don't get it anymore. It's easy to get into the new eating habits, easier than you might think.