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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: The Surgical Menopause Thread  (Read 81647 times)


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #210 on: June 27, 2017, 07:22:05 AM »

Hi Sandy, so lovely to hear your op went ok and you're recovering.

Awful that you had to go back into hospital though. I do hope you're feeling better?

Take things slowly, you really need to give yourself time to heal on the inside.

If you start to experience any meno symptoms could you get someone to drive you to docs to ask about HRT?

Rest rest rest! Let everyone take the strain for you  :)

Lots of love xxx


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #211 on: June 27, 2017, 07:56:00 AM »

Thank you Claireylou

I am sitting here with a blanket over my knees, watching the TV, i feel and look like an old woman!  But 2 days ago i was giving my husband cheek so good days and bad days.  ::)  Husband is working away this week so i don't have to try to put on a brave face and can just sit here in my pj's with no one watching me.

Before i left hospital the surgeon gave me a prescription for Climara (Oestradiol) - 25 Patches, i don't know what kind of HRT they are as i haven't even google'd them yet.

One thing i would like to know is why did my surgery take twice as long as normal, i was in there for 4 hours. When i asked the surgeon why, she just dismissed it as if it was nothing. I would like to know what the issue was because i have other problems with the downstairs dept and maybe my giant uterus was making them worse?



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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #212 on: June 27, 2017, 08:08:15 AM »

Write down any questions or queries you have and then you can ask your consultant at your six week check. Don't be fobbed off, it's your body and you have a right to know.

I was started on oestradiol 100 five days after my surgery. I was expecting to ask to have them lowered as they are the maximum strength but so far (touch wood) no problems at all and they have stopped my joint aches and hot flushes.

The patches you've been given may be just right for you too but be prepared to ask for a higher dose if you feel you need it.

Make the most of your sofa time, before you know it you'll be at full speed again xxx  ;)


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #213 on: June 29, 2017, 07:25:41 PM »

Please don't drive again - not only are you putting your recovery at risk but you are also (probably) not insured. I couldn't drive legally until eight weeks after mine although most insurers give the six week guideline. The small print in most insurance policies does state that they need to be informed of changes to your health and this includes surgery.

Try to take it easy as much as you can. These are the guidelines given to me by my consultant and also from the Hysterectomy UK site. Although you feel well there is lots of inner healing going on and it is really important not to strain your pelvic floor which can lead to prolapses which hysterectomised women are prone to.

I hope that your migraines disappear now. I hadn't heard that removing ovaries could cure them. I understand now why you wanted them gone having suffered from migraines myself in the past.

Taz x  :bighug:


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #214 on: July 07, 2017, 09:15:20 PM »

Hi Ladies,

I am new to the site...

Full hysterectomy 12 years ago at 39... now 51...

Was on patches for the 1st 3 years... then started struggling GP's couldn't sort it so came of the HRT for the last 9 year... just had funny turns now and again..

Vaginal dryness got worse over the last 4 years... intercourse got more painful... so intercourse eventually stopped..

Been through hell the last year where started struggling with anxiety, depression, flushes, dizziness, rage, tics....list goes on..

Currently on 2 pumps of Estrogel and 5 mg testosterone....

Been told i don't need progesterone due the hysterectomy and no uterus, is this correct ?

At the moment struggling with anxiety and depression since taking the Estrogel ( 1 month in , testosterone 2 weeks in)

Also since taking the Estrogel.. have suffered with BV, Thrush like symptoms...

Don't know whether to increase the Estrogel or try small amount of Progesterone

Y x


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #215 on: July 08, 2017, 06:26:21 AM »

I replied on your other thread but forgot to say maybe you should also look into a form of extra oestrogen for the vaginal area, it will keep things lubricated and less irritated


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #216 on: July 09, 2017, 08:33:09 PM »

Hello Ladies - I am pleased to have found this site.  I am hoping my "situation" can be recognised by some and I am open to suggestions.  I had a Total Hysterectomy 7 years ago (when I was 48 years old), which immediately put me into surgical menopause.  We did try sex before my 8 weeks checkup and have had sex since, (painfully I add), however, after gaining quite a few "stones" in weight, and the constant flushes at any intimacy, Sex became a thing of the past.  In April 2015 after a holiday where I felt a fat frump, when my Husband didn't even make any attempt to initiate any intimacy (which is unusual for holidays), I came home depressed but determined I would NOT let anyone make me feel like that again.  I lost 5 stones in weight and felt great.  It helped my flushes too.  However, since I am now back into a size 10/12 my Husband appears to be interested again but I`m afraid " that boat has floated" for me now.  I have no desire whatsoever to have sex with him or anyone else.  I have told him that if he wants that sort of a relationship (we`ve been married 34 years), that he would need to go elsewhere.  He obviously said it didn't matter to him and that he didn't want to "go anywhere else" for it.  However, he regularly now wants me to relieve him without penetration.  I really do not want this as it hurts me so much to know that 1) he didn't want me when I was fat, 2) I can not get aroused to enjoy any intimacy.  So it puts me in a bad mood for days - the fact he has been "satisfied", and I`m just getting more and more frustrated.  I can`t see any options open to me and I really don't want us to split up, but I fear that if this continues, I will explode and cause more harm than good.  Please don't say "try talking" to him.  I am not good at opening up around these matters and thought I had addressed the issues when I was brave enough to tell him that I could not give him that kind of relationship anymore.  I have tried Lubricants  thinking if things were not as dry - I would feel more like it, but all that happens is I get an infection from the Lube.  I'm really not sure what else to do.  My GP did prescribe Estradol vaginal suppositories but as there is Breast Cancer in the family I am really loathed to try anything hormone related, (especially as I was unable to take the Contraceptive Pill from the age of 25)  I really wish I hadn't agreed to the Hysterectomy as I feel it has ruined my life and my Marriage.  Am I being selfish?   :'( 


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #217 on: July 09, 2017, 09:02:45 PM »

I would suggest trying hrt, there's options like Tibolone, oestrogen and testosterone etc

Having no ovaries doesn't help with the libido but if you're not comfortable to have hrt I don't know what else to suggest

My libido went down the pan too after having a really high Sex drive.  Testosterone and then Tibolone gave me back at least the chance to orgasm again but I've recently been using Tostran and it might just be a temporary phase but I'm enjoying thinking about Sex again and initiating it.  It's so difficult because for men their libido stays the same so must be really confusing for them seeing our changes


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #218 on: July 10, 2017, 10:50:50 AM »

I would definitely try marriage counseling. Even if you don't like opening up to anyone you can't go on like that & need an independent unbiased professional person to help.


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #219 on: July 11, 2017, 02:36:16 PM »

First of all Danzily - welcome!!!

And secondly - WELL DONE YOU on navigating surgical menopause succesfully AND losing weight!!! Wow, girl - do you relise how tough both of those things are? Weight loss for us surgical ladies is EXTREMELY difficult at times!!

As for libido - this is tricky! I can see how you feel totally about Hubby's rejection when you were heavier - and that will stick with you, I should think!

I can't advise how to get the 'urge' back other than to use HRT and added testosterone but you emphatically don't want to do that, and I respect that! I'm not on HRT at all either and it hasn't dented my libido but dyness is an issue. I use the 'YES' VM moisturiser twice per day and they do a great lubricant too - all are 95% organic and were recommended by my fantastic Consultant Gynaecologist.

I hope this helps a bit - and can I just say again how brilliant you are for your achievements! Much love. xxxx


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #220 on: July 12, 2017, 02:22:23 AM »

First of all Danzily - welcome!!!

 I'm not on HRT at all either and it hasn't dented my libido but dyness is an issue. I use the 'YES' VM moisturiser twice per day and they do a great lubricant too - all are 95% organic and were recommended by my fantastic Consultant Gynaecologist.

Oh thank you Tempest, for saying you are not on HRT and you libido is doing okay :)  This is what i am hoping for for me.  After reading what the other ladies are going through i just wanted to cry  :'( 

I know i am just out of surgery (5 weeks now), but i really needed to know that i could/will be okay and that my marriage could/will survive. I was getting worried and stressed out about it all.  :'(  I guess there is always the bad side of hysterectomy and those that have survived and are happy don't post much on the internet.  I wish they would, just to let us know that it doesn't have to be the end of everything.

My son died 9 years ago and if my marriage can survive that, then i think we should be okay.

I think i may be getting some symptoms now of having no ovaries, I will be sitting on the couch at night and feel a warmth spread from my middle body outwards. I even felt it on my face and scalp! It wasn't to bad and i hope it doesn't get worse, but i don't flush like some ladies do maybe that's because i have an olive completion.  :-\

Every day is an adventure!  ::)

Yorkshire Girl

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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #221 on: July 12, 2017, 03:38:56 PM »

Hi Sandy, I had my hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo oophorectomy in Dec last year, I'm very lucky I have a very supportive hubby. It certainly doesn't have to be the end of everything, I guess what you're saying about being happy & survived and not posting sounds like me! I'm happy as I'm not suffering from crippling effects of severe PMS anymore, but on downside menopause hasn't affected me too much, but last 3 weeks I've had a long list of issues, everything just seems to come and go!!! Hope works out for you x


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #222 on: July 12, 2017, 08:39:15 PM »

Thank you to everyone for your comments.  I am trying to boost my mood with St John`s Wort and I think it is helping (when I remember to take it)!   My theory is - the GP prescribe anti-depressants for Flushes so I`m hoping it will have similar effect.  Once my mood improves, I`m hoping other things will improve too.... wish me luck.  And best wishes to everyone on their Journey through Surgical Menopause. If I can help with any advice I am happy to help as I am 7 years into my journey! :)


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #223 on: July 13, 2017, 07:43:58 PM »

Hello Danzily

I haven't had a hysterectomy. But I do take HRT. I am on  pumps of gel + a blob of testim gel every day. Strangely since starting HRT my libido has flattened out quite a bit. But here's the really odd thing, I can still orgasm very easily and they're much stronger!

I think it must be the testim gel at work? You're unlikely to get it via your GP, but you could see a specialist and give it a try?


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #224 on: August 02, 2017, 05:20:23 PM »

Good evening ladies.  I had LAVH and BSO I January 2016. After a long battle with the local gynae department,  I was diagnosed with prolapse in October after paying to see my original surgeon privately.  So here I am 4 month post op small cycstocele,  larger rectocele,  and further endometriosis removed.  I was using evorel 50 before my last op, and feeling good, but as they found more endo, so am having to take combined again,  so 11 weeks into Femseven Conti.  I feel so tired,  no energy,  quite emotional,  and I feel so stiff.   I tried numerous combined tablets last year,  premarin, kliovance,  elleste duet conti, and the progesterone part of these made me feel dreadful.  I feel better on Femseven Conti except for above.  Im a bit scared of changing yet again and feeling worse,  but im so tired.  Any suggestions ladies, i would be  so grateful, as I'm going back to see my GP tomorrow.  Oh.....I've started using vagifem again, and think things are settling down,  although full intercourse is too painful,  but that's another issue :(. Thank you for reading x
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