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Author Topic: Starting Utrogestan 100mg  (Read 1412 times)


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Starting Utrogestan 100mg
« on: October 05, 2018, 11:28:41 AM »

Hi everyone.
Ok, went to the doctor in the week and told her I was staying on the Femoston Conti, but adding in
Sandrena 1mg. But because I take 1.1/2mg / 7.5mg . Of the Femoston Conti,. ( Which equates to 3 different prescriptions,) she said that maybe (because I'm telling her I need extra oestrogen,) she will have to give me something else like a patch that contains 2mg oestrogen . Ok, I get that, but I don't want to stop the Sandrena because it's really doing it's stuff for me, it's great, she also said that I might not get all of the different HRTs off one of the other doctors in the practice.
So, after mulling everything over, I've decided to take the plunge and start the separate Utrogestan tonight.
After all, I do think I'm going to run into problems later down the line, if one of the other doctors at the practice picks up my repeat. Then I'm going to have a battle on my hands.
I've been on femseven patches before, and they just didn't suite me, migraines ect......
So after seeing a consultant, (which was just to get the Utrogestan signed off for me, apparently, Birmingham GPs can't authorise  it without a consultant first prescribing it) I've now decided to start it.
I'm a little scared, because of the side effects, it's just that I'm a hell of a lot better now, no migraines,
no anxiety to speak of, and even if it does come back, it don't seem as bad as before, and I'm worried about upsetting what I've got now. If you know what I mean....
So , keep your fingers crossed for me, all goes well.
I'll let you all know how I get on......

Jd xx


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Re: Starting Utrogestan 100mg
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2018, 01:30:20 PM »

Good luck with the Utrogestan, I do hope you get on OK with it.

It was good of your GP to warn you about the other ones in the practice being scared/ignorant about prescribing HRT. My repeats usually go tits up if anyone else gets their hands on them. I once went to see the one who is supposed to be the expert there, she apparently specialises in all the 'wimmen's stuff'. I only wanted to get the Estring (prescribed at the meno clinic) added to my repeats, and also wanted her to remove the old one as I couldn't get it out myself. All simple stuff, so I thought I would road test her. She made a fuss about removing the old Estring (said "I don't do rings") and also told me HRT was "very dangerous".  I got what I wanted after a struggle, but will never go to her again! By contrast, my own GP has always so far prescribed what the hospital says I should have, and knows I do my own research as well. Trouble is, appointments with him are hard to get.  ::)

Wishing you all the best with your new regime,
JP xx


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Re: Starting Utrogestan 100mg
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2018, 05:08:13 PM »

Thanx Joaniepat.
Doctors eh? Although like you say, she was good at letting me know about the other doctors.
I suppose she didn't have to....but I asked her if she was any better(she'd been off for 3/4 weeks )and she said she'd got  similar problems to me....!
So, she probably knows how debilitating these things can be. I know for certain, the other woman doctor there, who is only in her early 30s, wouldn't have given me the prescription.
She was the one who told me that if these don't suite you, none of them will!(the very first one I went on, premique). It's really is wrong..... :(
But anyway, I'm really apprehensive about taking the Utrogestan, but as my OH said,
what's the worse that can happen? If you don't like it, go back on the femoston,. I'm like yeah right, you don't have to suffer the Men!!!  :o

I'll let you know how I'm getting on.....xx


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Re: Starting Utrogestan 100mg
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2018, 05:46:27 PM »

Hi so have you stopped taking the Femoston now Jillydoll?

Are you taking Utrogestan with the Sandrena gel? X


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Re: Starting Utrogestan 100mg
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2018, 06:11:14 PM »

Hi Dotty
I usually take the femoston about 4/5pm, every night.
But haven't tonight, as I was going to start taking  the  Utrogestan tonight.
Yes, I'm still using the  Sandrena, which I think has really perked me up..
Should I leave it a day or so before starting the Utrogestan, or start tonight, do you think?

Hope your good Dotty,
Thanx xx



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Re: Starting Utrogestan 100mg
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2018, 06:23:16 PM »

Hiya yes I'm fine thanks.

I'm a bit confused as to why you are taking the Utrogestan ?


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Re: Starting Utrogestan 100mg
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2018, 06:35:02 PM »

The femoston is good, but after a while my symptoms come back,( I take 1.1/2mg)so I have to up the dose, to 2mg, then because I get horrible side effects from the prog, I drop back down again, then I'm ok for a couple weeks, then it all starts again....2/10 mg is too much for me, in the pill form anyway....
So, I thought I'd give the Utrogestan a trial.....
Also, my doctor said I might have trouble getting my prescription done if any of the other doctors pick it up, as there's 3 different hrts on Femoston 1/5mg,
                                                                    Femoston 0.5mg/2.5. & now the
                                                                     Sandrena gel, 1mg.
So I thought because in the future I might have a problem, I'd try and sort it out now, by starting the Utrogestan....god, I've made everything so confusing.......

Jd xx


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Re: Starting Utrogestan 100mg
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2018, 07:16:33 PM »

So are you just taking Sandrena and Utrogestan now? X


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Re: Starting Utrogestan 100mg
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2018, 07:35:23 PM »

Yes. Well I will be from tonight.
That's if it's ok to just switch, which I'm sure you can.....x


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Re: Starting Utrogestan 100mg
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2018, 07:52:34 PM »

I switched straight from pills to gel and Utrogestan x


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Re: Starting Utrogestan 100mg
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2018, 07:58:34 PM »

Ok, was it ok?
I must admit, I'm really nervous about taking it, it got really bad earlier,
but the stupid thing is, is that I didn't think like that when I switched from patches to pills,
I just done it....
I nearly had a wobble earlier, and thought no, stay on what you know, and it was getting all out of control in my brain, so took dog out for her walk, and now I'm fine again...
What am I like?
I'm sure it'll be ok......xx


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Re: Starting Utrogestan 100mg
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2018, 08:09:33 AM »

Are you now taking Utrogestan 100 mg daily orally +  Sandrena ( how many sachets?)?

Keep us updated as to how it goes!

Hurdity x