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Author Topic: Help pls? Thickened endometrial lining bit worried  (Read 6278 times)


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Help pls? Thickened endometrial lining bit worried
« on: December 04, 2016, 12:39:17 PM »

Hi everyone

It's a lovely sunny winter cold day - my favourite! But I'm feeling SO apathetic it is driving me mad...maybe it's because I'm anxious about next Wednesday.

I have to see a specialist because my endometrium is too thick - about 12 (whatever that means). GP did a swift referral and it's all moved quickly. GP mentioned cancer risk  :'(

Although I'm worried about the C word (obviously) I'm also worried about:

A) the procedure for a biopsy. Really scared about having this done anaesthetic free.  :o

B) the treatment (if not cancer). Really worried I'm going to be given loads of progesterone. My current meno symptoms indicate that my progesterone levels are still high. I'm intolerant of the stuff. I bloat, feel so tired all the time, feel lethargic, get spots, cry a lot, put on weight, etc. This is how I have felt since my last dose of progesterone and it hasn't gone away and I haven't had a period - and I really feel like I NEED a period (not just because of the lining but I have that PMT feeling, you know?). I've been taken off HRT because of lining a few months back.

C) if it is cancer ... well my head won't go there yet hence the above worries...

i was just wondering if others had experienced this and what had happened? Also how do you know of you are progesterone or oestrogen dominant? My oestrogen levels are low I think - joints aching much more, dry bits, feeling low/anxious...

Bleh. Very upset with my body right now!!  :(


walking the dog

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Re: Help pls? Thickened endometrial lining bit worried
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2016, 01:27:02 PM »

Hi cba I have this mines 10 its been going on since 2012'i have had numerous scans biopsies and hysteroscopies , I have had progesterone by the bucket full and its made no difference. I'm now on the waiting list for a hysterectomy. I dont have cancer but have changes they often see before cancer develops.
Try not to worry, the biopsies are over really fast and aren't too bad. If the results come back positive you will probably be offered a hysterectomy.
Let us know how you get on


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Re: Help pls? Thickened endometrial lining bit worried
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2016, 01:32:59 PM »

I turned out to have womb cancer when they biopsied me for the ovarian cancer that I also have. It was very early stages and my consultant said that the hysterectomy I had already had was treatment enough. If the biopsies show anything they will offer a hysterectomy - try not to worry- easier said than done I know x


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Re: Help pls? Thickened endometrial lining bit worried
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2016, 02:26:58 PM »

Hi thank you wtd and Coldethyl for your replies...

So...progesterone and possibly hysterectomy  >:( how do you feel about having a hysterectomy wtd?

... Coldethyl I'm really sorry about your diagnosis and hoping that you are okay? Thank you for replying - feeling a bit humbled to be honest. Take care. X


walking the dog

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Re: Help pls? Thickened endometrial lining bit worried
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2016, 02:52:24 PM »

Cba I cant wait to have the hysterectomy as I'm fed up of the constant backwards forwards to hospital all this time, plus progesterone doesn't suit me so be glad when dont need it.
Fingers crossed for you xx


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Re: Help pls? Thickened endometrial lining bit worried
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2016, 03:35:50 PM »

Hi thank you wtd and Coldethyl for your replies...

So...progesterone and possibly hysterectomy  >:( how do you feel about having a hysterectomy wtd?

... Coldethyl I'm really sorry about your diagnosis and hoping that you are okay? Thank you for replying - feeling a bit humbled to be honest. Take care. X


Thank you. I am doing ok. We all face things that are difficult to cope with and this forum offers a lot of valuable support no matter what our problems are. I never thought I'd cope and some days I don't, but you do find strength and the known is often less daunting than the fear we put ourselves through with worrying xxx


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Re: Help pls? Thickened endometrial lining bit worried
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2016, 08:13:36 PM »


I'm not quite clear about the progesterone thing? Are you on HRT and have you been taking progesterone? Did you get a bleed after you last took progesterone? If you haven't had a bleed for some time and haven't taken progesterone and your lining has built up to 12 then this indicates that you haven't ovulated and it is normal - the womb lining goes through a cycle of growing and being shed during the menstrual cycle so is sometimes thick and sometimes thin ( just after the bleed). If you have been taking cyclical or continous combined HRT and have not had a bleed after the 4 week cycle is over, and your lining is thick it does mean that either the HRT is unbalanced ( and you need more prog) and/or you are still peri-menopausal and that your lining is building up in the abence of prog from ovulation...

Please don't be worried about the biopsy - is it being done by gynae at a hospital? I had hysteroscopy and biopsy done 3 years ago and it was fine. I chose that particular city hospital brecause  a local one would only do it with GA and no way would I have one of this for a very minor procedure even if it was a little painful - which it wasn't! I was told to take 2 ibuprofen and 2 paracetamol an hour before my appointment and that was all OK. It only took a few mins. I had a thickened lining ( not 12 though) and also irregularities which they wanted to check for cancer or pre-cancer really. It was all fine.

Sadly in coldethyl's case it wasn't but good to get it all checked early though - usually it is bleeding with a thickened lining that is more of a cause for concern....and which would trigger investigation. Glad you are doing OK coldethyl...

Hope it all goes well and try not to worry although I know that is easier said...

Take care :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Help pls? Thickened endometrial lining bit worried
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2016, 09:16:10 PM »

Hi everyone

Wtd - yes I can see the appeal of no more progesterone! The only good thing about not being allowed HRT is the no progesterone  :)

Coldethyl- I am glad you're doing okay and I hope you have more better days and lots of support and care.  :bighug:

Thank you for your reply Hurdity. I'm glad all was okay for you! I haven't had any bleeding which is a good sign. I was on oestrogen gel and noristherone for a few years but couldn't stand the progesterone phase. Then I was put on something which had both oestrogen and progesterone in each tablet. Also very bad - much worse! Then I was put on Tridestra so had 3 months of oestrogen only - took the progesterone and then I didn't bleed except for some spotting during the taking of it. No bleed after though. Phoned GP who said just keep taking the oestrogen a bleed will happen.

After about 6 weeks of more oestrogen phoned GP and said still no bleed so was sent for a scan. Thickened lining found so I was told to stop HRT immediately. Another couple of months later no bleed still...and beginning to get very sore and dry so went back for vagifem (which I was told would be okay as only topical) and also sent for a second scan which was done a couple of weeks ago. That came back with even thicker lining so now off to the specialist.

I don't understand why the progesterone didn't work. It was a different kind to noristherone and at first it felt more gentle but then it seemed to fill up my body and not go away - I don't know if that makes sense? I sort of feel it in me...

I've heard women get given loads of progesterone for ages to induce a period with this problem. I know it's a silly thing to worry about in the big scheme of things but I just wondered if that's the likely outcome. I guess if it is then I'll just have to be a big girl and deal with it.

Thank you for reassuring me about the procedure! Feel a lot less worried about that now.



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Re: Help pls? Thickened endometrial lining bit worried
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2016, 11:28:11 PM »


I'm no expert but had biopsies last Thursday waiting for results 🙄😉

Honestly just deep breath you'll be fine honest it was uncomfortable but was over in seconds ! Just breath I'm nit making light of it but I was petrified ! But felt  a bit daft ( to myself  after ) 🤔 Was like Suzanne 🙄...

Hysterectomy if that's the case .. is honestly a surgical procedure that you could do without .. but be positive ! No ironing hoovering for 6 weeks 😉...

I had 2 c sections so kind of  know what  it's like and being  s nurse  I just helped my friend after her hysterectomy x

Be strong be positive xxxx💗💗💗💗


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Re: Help pls? Thickened endometrial lining bit worried
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2016, 03:18:48 AM »

Hi Suzanne

Oh, you as well! 😳

Well, thank you for taking the time to reassure...I will do the deep breathing thing then and think of England and all that 😊

Yes - hysterectomy wouldn't be so bad I guess. Time off work would be a relief tbh! And no progesterone. And then maybe they will give me oestrogen again... phew!

Will stay positive - thank you! Fingers crossed your way as well Suzanne!

Take care




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Re: Help pls? Thickened endometrial lining bit worried
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2016, 05:48:12 PM »

Hi CBA - yes that is puzzling as to why you did not get a bleed after taking the progestogen from the Tridestra, as after 3 months on oestrogen only - as you later found - of course your lining will have grown! Maybe as you were taking it orally you did not absorb it well enough - do you have digestive problems at all? Still odd though as even two weeks of not quite enough progestogen should still act on part of the lining and cause some bleeding even if not all the lining came away.   ???

That is very strange though that the doc said to keep on taking the oestrogen and a bleed would happen! I mean surely that would only happen if you are barely peri-menopausal and still having more or less regular periods, and if the lining hadn't come away it could still grow (if say you were mid peri)! No wonder it was thickened. If you had received no treatment to thin it at all since that first lot of progestogen in Tridestra, then unless you were post-menopausal some follicular activity (in the absence of ovulation) would produce oestrogen and cause it to grow!

You should have been given a course of progestogen surely - once the thickened lining had been found and no bleed happened and then you would not have needed to stop HRT provided that nothing untoward was found - although as you say this has yet to be done.

Once this has all been investigated and hopefully you have been given the all clear and perhaps you are treated with a progestogen to thin the lining/bleed - would you consider having a Mirena coil - as this does release progestogen directly to the womb lining with minimal systemic absorption. Many women swear by them - although as always some get side effects too...

Do you think you are nearing menopause now?

Anyway do hope all goes well tomorrow (?) :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Help pls? Thickened endometrial lining bit worried
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2017, 09:35:21 PM »

Hi Hurdity

Thank you for your reply and I'm sorry for a late response!

Apparently the scans were incorrect. The procedure with a camera showed a retroverted uterus (hence incorrect scan results) and an atrophic endometrium.

So. Definitely post now. Nothing there to bleed anymore.

Am now on Tibolone for just over a week as GP said it's worth a try given prog intolerance so hoping to feel better soon. Mood is a bit better already I think but time will tell.

Thank you hope you're okay
