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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Struggling mentally  (Read 8499 times)


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Re: Struggling mentally
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2016, 08:12:22 PM »

Yes it's hard having to hold it together in the workplace. I've had an awful week having to work very long hours and present at meetings (which had never done before) and this morning a huge technical problem nearly brought me to my knees.

I'm in my dreaded ovulation state where my heart pounds for the whole day and as much as we know it's hormones causing it, the physical lack of breathing space makes everything seem so much more intense and overwhelming!

Yes, I would share with your colleagues and students if the appropriate time arises as it does no one any good keeping quiet about it. I'm sure if most of us here had known how intense the meno symptoms could be, we wouldn't have wasted years investigating other causes.


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Re: Struggling mentally
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2016, 07:20:55 AM »

Sympathy from me too.  I also teach and recognise those blank moments.  I now keep a closer eye on my lesson plans than ever before.

Driving home this week I listened to a woman's hour podcast from a week or so ago in which Jane Garvey tried to work out someone's birthdate and failed and then said later something like, you just witnessed a menopausal woman trying to do maths and failing!  I laughed outloud and felt like cheering!  Felt acknowledged and included!


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Re: Struggling mentally
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2016, 12:52:21 PM »

Thanks for the big hug CBA,
When I had the "melt down" it was after a really stressful 3 years at work, not given promised pay rise and overlooked for promotion, which they gave to a 24 year old. She walked in straight on same money as me and I've been there 5 years! so peeed off. These youngsters eh!! lol. Cant blame her, that's life. Dr signed me off for 2 weeks and hubby took me away for 4 days in Dublin. Dr put me back on Ad's and said we need to get your self confidence back. Bless her.  I think Ill give this job until next May and see what is about then (debts cleared then).
I might even learn something new Lol.
My mum always says "count your blessings"


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Re: Struggling mentally
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2016, 11:49:01 AM »

Hi all

Much as I'd like to tell my students they are a mixed group and I think they would be uncomfortable and I also don't want my teaching to be about 'me'. Yes, lesson plans are much more vital now - and learning to structure things so that they have more group work opportunities- that gives me space to catch up in my head the next points needing to go over.

I read up on the exercise thread and then googled benefits of aerobic exercise. I used to do 'step' frequently but gave it up a while back due to aces and pains, tiredness and general can't be arsed feelings. I really did think it would make the muscle and joint pains worse.

But - the benefis of aerobics include improved cognitive functioning; memory and concentration as well as wellbeing and mood. And in the long run it should help with the pain as the muscles and ligaments get stronger.

So I went for it and did my step. I swore like a trooper through the beginning of it and then as soon as I properly warmed up all the pain went. It was lovely. Then I found a 15 minute beginners yoga thing on YouTube (with nice looking guy doing the session, not some tiny teenage bendy girl, which was an added bonus).

Next day - aches and pains still there but no worse than before and mood definitely better. Something about meeting this thing head on I guess. I will keep going with this (I will TRY and keep going!!) and report back if I feel less cognitively challenged!!

Good luck to all of us working women - and Jangadang I'm sorry about the promotion thing. A similar thing happened to me a few years back. I was devastated but hung on in there and got the position I wanted in the end.

Are the ADs helping? Can I ask what you've been prescribed? Have they helped with confidence? My GP suggested them but I was too cross when she took me off HRT to accept anything else...!



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Re: Struggling mentally
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2016, 04:53:27 PM »

Hello ladies, many of you are new and I haven't met you yet as I was off the forum for a while.  :welcomemm:

Yes it does end, it does, but when I just can't say.  I have bemoaned all the things that you have all written about here.  I have slept 14 hours at night and woken worn out, I have had nights where I woke 4 or 5 times and only got about 3 hours sleep for weeks on end.  I have stripped all my outer clothes off in a shop whilst waiting to be served and sat watching TV with my husband in my bra and PJ trousers with a can of Magicool on the table beside me  :angryfire:.  And in 2006 I had to let my job go because I had become a liability. I have used treatment for vaginal atrophy for 6 years now.

Nearly 2 years ago I had a panic attack when caught in a huge traffic jam and that was the catalyst to ask for help.  I have never used systemic HRT, I just didn't want to and things were never so bad I couldn't function, but I did need some support and now take a low dose antidepressant that also addresses anxiety.  I have also had psychotherapy this last year because my anxiety disorder has been with me all my life but the hormonal turmoil of meno caused it to erupt  :hotflash: .

I am feeling better, not totally out of the woods but hot flushes have dwindled and become much milder.  I still get a foggy head some days but I can think and function some of the time.  I am also starting to feel emotions again, I had become so flat and unresponsive.  I am approaching my 60s and I do believe that they will be better than my 50s, my 50s were horrible  :bang: .

Yes it ends and there is help available to help you cope until it does.  If you are not getting satisfactory help from your doctor then please, change your doctor as there are good ones out there who will help and be supportive.  I have got one, in fact I have 2 at the same practice - a male and a female. 


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Re: Struggling mentally
« Reply #20 on: November 20, 2016, 05:22:50 PM »

Yes the AD's have helped. I am on Citalopram 20mg a day, so quite low really. The HRT I have tried early this year left me bleeding every 2 weeks, so after persevering as the Dr requested for 9 months I knocked that on the head. Back on Citalopram 20mg a day. I think some of it is "self talk" you know, lay in bed and mind thinking of negative thoughts, so if I snap myself out of that and actually get up and achieve some things then I keep going. I don't know if they've helped with my confidence, but have helped with my tolerance.

This forum has really helped and I have told lots of friends about it.
CKLD has suggested that possibly the AD's may not work the second time round, I feel she may be right, but I'm going to give it a big longer and see how I go.

Take Care.
Jan x



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Re: Struggling mentally
« Reply #21 on: November 20, 2016, 05:25:46 PM »

Hi CBA - I agree with your gut feeling. I would not want to mention it at all to students. I also have to lead (adult) groups and would not dream of mentioning anything about menopause. I don't even say if I am feeling under the weather. The only time I said something was when I had spent the weekend in bed with flu so wasn't really recovered and had to sit down a few times during the morning. I only work (very) part-time though as most of the work preparation etc is done at home.

Great that you are doing all that exercise. I am a great believer in exercise walking and fresh air to help with mood. Teaching does become harder as the brain gets foggier though, and any form of thinking work! Good luck to all of you working through the menopause and beyond as I was/am. Keep it up - but if it doesn't work out then definitely time for a rethink - so always have some ideas in your head about what you could do especially re self-employment. HRT has enabled me to function normally (well sort of :) ) so do consider this if you haven't already, bedfore thinkoing abiut ADs and if you haven't suffered anxiety/depression at other stages of your life.

Hurdity x

Trudy J

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Re: Struggling mentally
« Reply #22 on: December 10, 2016, 09:16:39 PM »

Hi, this is my first time on any site opening up to complete strangers!! So desperate am I to find women who will understand how I am feeling...even if I don't!!
There were some tough times personally, then the menopause hit. Initially I thought "hey, this isn't too bad", little did I know how the menopause would seemingly take over my life.
The posts I have read in this section echo everything I have been feeling. On the edge of tears, anxious, depressed, loss of confidence etc etc etc.
Knowing I am not alone is a comfort, but on a daily basis, having to deal with no longer feeling like the person I was, makes me want to crawl into bed and wake up when its all over.
I have learnt how to lean on my husband and allow myself to admit to feeling vulnerable and scared. I was a coper, manager and a "get up and get on with it" kinda girl. I now find getting out of bed a major challenge. He has been and continues to be fantastic in helping me to deal with stuff that I can't even put into words.
I struggle to be around my lovely Mum and kids. Work fills me with dread and is draining the life blood from me. I can hardly be bothered to go out anymore yet my friends don't give up on me...bless 'em for that. Lastly, I feel like a big old bloated has been.

Apart from the above, life's great and I'm having a

Anyway, that's another day done in menopause hell!!   
Thanks for the support. x


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Re: Struggling mentally
« Reply #23 on: December 10, 2016, 09:21:06 PM »

Hi Trudy J and welcome to the forum.  It's good to have you here  :)   :welcomemm:

Would you like to make a post in the New Members section and tell us a bit about yourself then more ladies will see your post and welcome you. 

Pam Madra

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Re: Struggling mentally
« Reply #24 on: December 11, 2016, 12:06:56 AM »

Hi Hurdity
 yes teaching along with menopuase brain is hard with all that fogginess.  i have been taking AD but of no good at all. I want to try hrt. Any suggestions about it ?  i am 45 and have regular periods at the moment.


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Re: Struggling mentally
« Reply #25 on: December 11, 2016, 01:56:35 PM »

Trudy J - how are you periods?

Anti-depressant medication may well help along with an anti-anxity tablet.  Keeping a mood/food/symptom diary can be useful.  Gives an idea as to how we feel on an hourly basis as well as reassuring us that we do get through each day.

Maybe start your own thread so that you don't get 'lost'?


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Re: Struggling mentally
« Reply #26 on: January 10, 2017, 11:07:34 AM »

Also, we are the largest ever population of working women at this age - its never happened before so no wonder there are no support groups or anything involving HR.  (I say this but I saw a programme about how a police force in the midlands have now created one).  It will happen in the future I hope.

I tend to fluctuate - my hrt is constant but when I have felt pretty much ok for a while I try and reduce the AD's - and thats when it tends to collapse. So I go back on them and it takes months to get back up to "normal" again - i guess the moral is that I don't decrease them for the foreseeable future. 



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Re: Struggling mentally
« Reply #27 on: January 12, 2017, 10:21:51 AM »

Hi, this is my first time on any site opening up to complete strangers!! So desperate am I to find women who will understand how I am feeling...even if I don't!!
There were some tough times personally, then the menopause hit. Initially I thought "hey, this isn't too bad", little did I know how the menopause would seemingly take over my life.
The posts I have read in this section echo everything I have been feeling. On the edge of tears, anxious, depressed, loss of confidence etc etc etc.
Knowing I am not alone is a comfort, but on a daily basis, having to deal with no longer feeling like the person I was, makes me want to crawl into bed and wake up when its all over.
I have learnt how to lean on my husband and allow myself to admit to feeling vulnerable and scared. I was a coper, manager and a "get up and get on with it" kinda girl. I now find getting out of bed a major challenge. He has been and continues to be fantastic in helping me to deal with stuff that I can't even put into words.
I struggle to be around my lovely Mum and kids. Work fills me with dread and is draining the life blood from me. I can hardly be bothered to go out anymore yet my friends don't give up on me...bless 'em for that. Lastly, I feel like a big old bloated has been.

Apart from the above, life's great and I'm having a

Anyway, that's another day done in menopause hell!!   
Thanks for the support. x

Hi Trudy
I was reading through posts on this forum and when I read yours, it sounded as though I had written it; every little bit. I just wondered how you are coping and if you have found any answers.

I hope you don't mind me asking but I am so tired and need some hope.
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