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Author Topic: Comlicated but advice really appreciated please  (Read 6498 times)


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Comlicated but advice really appreciated please
« on: January 09, 2017, 09:35:32 PM »

I went onto hrt in late 2013 starting with femoston, for a year, never worked.
Startetd on evorel patches, and 200mg utrogestan for 12 days a month in 2014.
Worked my way up the evorel doses, it took 100mcg to stop the awful flushes.

Anyway this summer I started getting abnormal bleeding.
I also started feeling as if my bladder was never empty, and am going for an ultrasound on the 27th of this month.

I also have a drug addiction problem, I am addicted to valium, I am doing well tapering though, have come down from 75mg a day to 57mg a day.

When I became addicted, I noticed that on the 16 days of my cycle, my mental health would really deteriorate, so, as I have been on hrt over three years, I decided to take 100mg utrogestan daily, this stabilised my mental health and enabled my valium taper to go a bit smoother.
This is because the metabolites of progesterone hit the same nerve receptors as valium.

I put myself on the conti regime in October, I got a really heavy period first cycle, then minor occasional spotting afterwards, but things dont feel normal down there.

Anyway, after much research on the internet and examining my symptoms, I think I might either have polyps or fibroids.

I don't want the doctors to mess about with my progesterone, I want to stay on the same hrt regime regardless of what treatment is required to remove whatever is making my bladder really full.

I am 50 and have never had children and I have heard that hysteroscopies (which is what I think I will need) are very painful, especially if you have never had kids.
I've read a few experiences on here, and theyre not too bad, but I feel that whatever is sat inside my womb is large.

If they mess around with my hrt, the flushes willl come back and I cannot bear them, plus the patches helped the anxiety as well as the utro.

I am worrying myself sick over this
1)Becausee of the pain associated with hysteroscopies, some women say they are agony.
2)Because i am worried they will either take away my evorel or change my progesterone to a synthetic.
3)They may give me a medication to reduce my womb lining, and I have looked at all the medications, and they, too, act on the same nerve receptors as valium, so, any changes in my current hrt regime will really negatively affect my mood, and I am already worried sick, not just because of the gynaecological aspect but I have other problems too.

Please can someone help. I dont want to go back on sequential, because, as progesterone acts on the same nerve receptors as valium, it would be like taking a bigger dose of valium 12 days a month, totally messing up my taper, which is the one thing that is going ok at the moment.

All help would be appreciated, thanks


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Re: Comlicated but advice really appreciated please
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2017, 10:31:08 PM »

Hi hope someone with more knowledge comes along soon. I ha no idea about the interaction between diazapam and progesterone. I take 8mg a day but have the marina coil. Would this interact as the progesterone is only kept to the uterus?


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Re: Comlicated but advice really appreciated please
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2017, 11:57:24 PM »

Hi dandelion, can't help you re your hrt regime but wanted to tell you that I had a hysteroscopy without sedation and I bearly felt a thing! hope this helps...hormones and menopause ain't easy...I wish you well.

Stooth x


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Re: Comlicated but advice really appreciated please
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2017, 12:00:39 AM »

I had a hysteroscopy without sedation and I bearly felt a thing!

Me too dandelion - & I have never had children or been pregnant. So that is one worry to cross off your list. RESULT  :banana:


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Re: Comlicated but advice really appreciated please
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2017, 06:29:56 PM »

I had a hysteroscopy without any anaesthetic, and he removed a small polyp from my cervix - didn't feel a thing!


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Re: Comlicated but advice really appreciated please
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2017, 06:37:59 PM »

It sounds like you're getting a wee bit ahead of yourself, why don't you wait for the results of the ultrasound and see what they say. I have fibroids but we're 'watchful waiting' as my GP thinks I'm not that far away from menopause and they will hopefully shrink. I really don't think it is a good idea to use Dr Google and then worry about possible outcomes (though I understand, I 'm the world's worst for it).


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Re: Comlicated but advice really appreciated please
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2017, 06:59:47 PM »

As nearly50 says, wait for the ultrasound before you start worrying about worst case scenarios, then once you have those results, you can look at possible options.  Don't be afraid to ask questions regarding any possible treatment the doctors suggest.  Remember, no question is too daft - they are used to having lots of anxious people worrying about various procedures, so any question you may ask is probably one they have heard lots of times before.

Also, if you need treatment that you are not able to cope with while conscious, you can insist on a GA, so don't worry about that either.

You are going through a huge amount dealing with meno symptoms AND the valium taper, so be gentle with yourself.  Take things one step at a time and try not to worry 'in advance' (easier said than done, I know - I'm a terrible 'what if' person!)


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Re: Comlicated but advice really appreciated please
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2017, 08:11:56 PM »

Hi Ladies

Thank you all for your replies.
I did not know you could insist on a general anaesthetic, if the ultra sound shows I have to have a hysteroscopy, then I will insist on a general anaesthetic, as I heard that too much pain can affect the spinal cord nerves and cause hyper sensitisation to pain, ie, feeling in pain all the time when there is no obvious cause. Living up four flights of stairs, hyper sensitisation is the last thing that I want.
I would also like to know if they will let me stay on my same regime of hrt, even though oestrogen causes fibroids and polyps, which, in my opinion, is what I have got. I stupidly went without my 12 days of utrogestan for a few months and I did this a few times, and I think that is why the lump grew.
Now I never miss my utrogestan.
I worked my way up the oestrogen dose patches to 100mcg as my flushes were so bad, I dont think I could bare life without them.


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Re: Comlicated but advice really appreciated please
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2017, 08:19:37 PM »

No one can say what advice you will get, you will really have to wait for the results. The person doing the ultrasound isn't likely to tell you anything, I got a Gp appointment a couple of weeks after the ultrasound to discuss. When it comes to it, you may have to weigh up options as I don't think there are always perfect solutions.


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Re: Comlicated but advice really appreciated please
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2017, 08:32:41 PM »

No one can say what advice you will get, you will really have to wait for the results. The person doing the ultrasound isn't likely to tell you anything, I got a Gp appointment a couple of weeks after the ultrasound to discuss. When it comes to it, you may have to weigh up options as I don't think there are always perfect solutions.
Hi nearly50

That doesn't sound too good.
I had a breast ultrasound and I got the results straight away.
My mental state is so fragile, (not just with this problem) that I don't think I could take any more delays, it's already agony waiting until the 27th.
I already spoke to my GP who could not tell me anything.
Why wont the person doing the ultrasound be likely to tell me anything?
I feel like just ignoring the lump, cos its not unbearable, im more scared of the treatment than the lump.


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Re: Comlicated but advice really appreciated please
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2017, 08:47:55 PM »

Sorry Dandelion, I didn't mean to stress you out more. My ultrasound was carried out by a sonographer who typed up the report for my doctor - I was told that they wouldn't tell me anything at the time. Just looked through my notes and I got a letter two weeks later telling me to make a telephone consultation with my doctor.

Found this one online
PLEASE NOTE: please do not ask the sonographer or doctor who
performed the examination for the results. They may wish to review the
pictures or discuss any findings with a colleague before they issue a report.

I must've missed something - why are you saying you've got a lump? It might just be fibroids, it might be nothing. Hormonal imbalance may be causing your symptoms.

Please try not to panic, you may very well not need any treatment at all.



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Re: Comlicated but advice really appreciated please
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2017, 09:08:50 PM »

I just wanted to say that a hysteroscopy would be carried out by a gyny whereas a scan would be carried out by a sonographer.

Recently I have had both procedures and was given the results unofficially straight away.

Please don't worry yourself unnecessarily.

I also had a general anaesthetic for my hysteroscopy or maybe you could ask for gas and air.


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Re: Comlicated but advice really appreciated please
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2017, 09:21:41 PM »

Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will be along shortly but are you still peri?
Is it okay to take a continuous regime?
Was just wondering if that might be reasons you are having problems.


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Re: Comlicated but advice really appreciated please
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2017, 09:37:37 PM »

Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will be along shortly but are you still peri?
Is it okay to take a continuous regime?
Was just wondering if that might be reasons you are having problems.
I dunno if still peri.
I'm addicted to valium and prog and valium are cross tolerant, so on the non prog days i was going loopy, so i decided to take half dose prog daily and i have stabilised, the problem with the lump in or on my womb arose a couple of months before I decided to stabilise my prog.
ITs the waiting that is stressing me out.
I spoke to a lovely lady at nhs 111 and she said i could air my concerns to the consultant.
I wonder why i got my breast ultrasound results straightaway, but will have to wait for my womb one.


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Re: Comlicated but advice really appreciated please
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2017, 12:42:18 PM »

What lump? Can you see or feel a lump or is it something you just perceive to be there Dandelion?
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