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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Can not taking progesterone make you feel worse? I thought it was the opposite!  (Read 19389 times)


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Hello All and Happy new year.😁
Tempest well said!
I'm for some reason producing so much oestrogen and little or no progesterone and I can't shake off these awful symptoms.
I'm back to gynaecologist on 19th January for blood results and scan as she discovered I had a fibroid.
Menomale so good to see your name again😁😁😁😁hope you are well.
I hope the gynaecologist has some answers and solutions for me.


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Wow! I hope your gynaecologist can help you out, dear Autumn! Yep, to be so wretchedly rammed full of unbalanced estrogen is awful. I can honestly say that for those that have never experienced this phonemena, I just want to say - YOU WOULDN'T WISH THIS ON YOUR WORST ENEMY!!!!

Estrogen IS wonderful - rejuvenating, energising (to the point of mania, in my case ???), joint preserving etc. etc. but to be rammed to the gunwhales with it is beyond horrible! And yes, you're right - it can cause horrible mischief in the body too if it's out of control and unbalanced. I too had years and years of cysts and fibroids and in peri things went REALLY haywire and that's why I no longer have ovaries as the mega cyst appeared, and my gynaecologist just couldn't risk keeping them in any longer.

Sending you biggest hugs, Autumn - and yes - I'm super chuffed Menomale is back with us too! :)


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Very interesting thread ladies! I'm from the other camp where im severely intolerant to progesterone my own included which was giving me crippling pms now my own cycle has been suppressed by hrt but I still have the hell of progesterone I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy either! I see Studd and have now been referred for a hyster but personally I do really well on ostrogen and can't wait to be free of progesterone forever I simply can't continue as I am long term (I'm only 42 now). I guess we are all so different :) good luck to everyone xx


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Hello Autumn! I'm fine, thank you. I also have fribroids (appeared in peri) and my latest blood results show my hormones are still too low (apart from DHEA that is normal now). I'm on Estradot 25 for almost a month but no improvement so far, still having hot flushes day and night and morning anxiety. I will start Utrogestan at the end of the second month and maybe up the dose of oestrogen.
Thank you and Tempest for such kind words!



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Yes welcome back Menomale!

I think I covered the receptors explanation as clearly as I can but in answer about my progesterone needs my specialiat said that if my symptoms are all worse mid-cycle (day 10-21 on average) this is clearly a high oestrogen, low progesterone pattern. I also saw a GP doc in Oz as I had a wrist injury and she wanted to know all my history and when I told her I was peri but not FSH rise as yet she also said I should be on progesterone. Had a good month considering I'm right on top of ovulation right now and that's compared to last few years I'd say and that's taken 2 cycles of progesterone.

Anyway, for this thread as Tempest and Hurdity have pointed out, we are all different and we aren't a cross section of all women who possibly have more subtle imbalances that are easier to correct.

I think any strong imbalance at either end feels unbearable and as hormones are so complex it's often trial and error that gives us the true answers. Feeling worse before better is how most natural healing takes place which would be the case for those on soy or yam based hormones (Estradiol, Utrogestan or creams) - which are still incredibly potent!
« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 12:39:44 PM by dangermouse »


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Yay menomale - just realised you're back!! I really missed you. Did you manage to start your own meno site? Just for the record, I used to be dawncam but deleted my account and couldn't work out how to re-register in the same name - menobrain! It's so lovely to hear from you again and I never found anything you said offensive! Quite the opposite in fact. Hope you're well.

Apologies for jumping in on post and I could go on about prog......



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Apologies Rosie500 - just read entire post and can now give my tuppence worth. Although I'm quite badly prog intolerant, I do feel better with than without. It's the damn balance - it's like trying to catch mist! I currently have a Mirena - 7 weeks - and although I know it's early days, im already feeling too many side effects so am going back to Utrogestan which is a little more controllable. It'd be wonderful if those prog creams worked on uterus as apparently women feel great on them.

Good luck finding your balance.



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Hi murphydurf - I expect the reason women feel great on the prog creams is because the concentration is not very high - if sufficient was absorbed that was high enough to keep the uterus thin, I expect many would not feel so great! I mean the closest we have to the creams is vaginal progesterone - and in fact this should be superior because the concentration close the uterus is highest compared to serum levels, whereas with the creams you need to achieve a high serum level to be transported to the uterus - - so in my view it is never going to be better than vaginal prog - if you see what I mean. We just need more research on actual dosage and length etc using today's oestrogen preparations, as well as a lower dose prog capsules for lower dose oestrogens etc - some chance of that though....

Hurdity x


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Hello Dawncam/murphydurf

Good to know you're here!  :-* :-* :-*

I stopped my compounded mix (prog 50mg, estradiol 1mg, estriol 2.5mg) and now on Estradot 25 (will start again Utro in a month), but feeling quite awful. I am having a scan soon and probably a hysteroscopy (although some cardiac issues have to be sorted before) and a polyp biopsy. Right now I feel really bad! Next month will up the oestradiol dose to 50 µg. It may be a placebo effect but I was feeling better on the prog cream...


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Oh my goodness, dear Menomale! I'm so sorry to hear you're struggling so badly at the moment - and with added cardiac issues too! Sending a gentle hug your way.....xxxxx


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Thank you sweetie! I wish it was just the menopause troubles but family ones are even worse!  :'(


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Hi menomale - so sorry you're feeling so bad. I know we keep saying it but finding the balance really is a rollercoaster and certainly not helped with all the external stresses that come along in mid life.

Thinking of you.

Take things easy.



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Thank you dear, your posts do help!!

Back to the op question, I have mixed feelings now about starting Utrogestan again... :-\ if it makes me feel worse I'll jump from my 16th floor...  :o


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My word! Really interesting thread. I'm about 4 months into trialling hrt and reacted really badly to progesterone tablet form but same (norethisterone) in patch I feel actually really good after a few days on the prog/oestrogen but after finishing and back to oestrogen only around day 3-4 get really anxious and feel slightly mad! Then day 5 start feeling okay. Had terrible mood swings pre hrt but finally starting to feel much more balanced and happier on hrt. Not sure I've got it right yet as no joint pains on tablets but with patches has returned noticeably worse on prog phase. Also missed a couple of periods but had light bleeding from day 3/4 off prog and has carried on all through oestrogen which I'm changing back tomorrow to prog/oestro phase (on Everol sequi). Is it okay to have light bleed/brown discharge (sorry for details) this long? Have had to post as this appears to be the experts post ☺ x


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Hi Menomale, why did you switch from the compounded mix?

I find the lower doses so much more therapeutic but when you are menopausal and take the off the shelf high oestrogen, you also have to take the high progesterone (which many struggle with) where the compounds can be personalised to what you need.

It does cost more though although my pharmacy is mixing me a double dose (as it's going so well and I'm on minimal amount) and it's the same price for double the strength so less pumps, think it was £110 for 3 months supply but that's £8.50 a week and definitely worth that to feel so good!

Anyway just wondered because you had been on them and not many here in U.K. use them. Hope you are ok and remember good times are always ahead of the bad ones.

« Last Edit: January 20, 2017, 09:59:13 PM by dangermouse »
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