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Author Topic: Post menopause  (Read 4660 times)


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Post menopause
« on: December 20, 2016, 06:39:59 PM »

Hi it's seven years since my last period I am now 57 and still suffering with hot flushes feeling unwell most of the time I am really feeling down at the moment I just want to feel normal I have made an appointment with my doctor but was just wondered if anyone else feels like this so long after their last period  love carol Ann xxx


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Re: Post menopause
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2016, 08:47:58 PM »

Hello carolann.

Yep, count me in unfortunately. I am 60  and my last period was in 2010. I battled on for three years before trying HRT. I've sampled many types and have for the past year been using Evorel Conti 50 mcg patches.

Although I've never had the dripping sweats other women have  I feel on edge and flushy every morning and sometimes this fades during the day and sometimes it persists all day.  I panic at the drop of a hat and my main worry is that I'll be like this for the rest of my life. Many ladies say that the flushes are kept at bay by HRT but for me the flushing feeling has never really gone. Like you I just want to feel consistently normal!

So sorry I don't have any answers for you but I am also seeing my GP in the new year to see if there is anything else I can try and I will of course update the forum.

I'm sure other ladies will be along soon with help and advice and at least we are not alone in our suffering!

Wishing you well and sending hugs, I certainly feel your pain.




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Re: Post menopause
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2016, 10:43:11 PM »

Hi carolann, I'm about 7 years post meno( I'm now 59) and never had a problem with Peri menopause but boy oh boy have I worked my way through so many symptoms since being post meno.
Urogenital atrophy, hot flushes, anxiety, aching joints, weight gain, digestive issues etc etc are just a few and I got to the point about two years ago where I said " enough is enough, I deserve some quality of life" so I made the decision to take hrt. It has made such a difference and although it isn't a cure all I would say it's probably worth your while at least trying it out. It can make the difference between just existing and actually living .


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Re: Post menopause
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2016, 11:48:29 PM »

I dont think you a ever post menopause.  Once periods finish you are in menopause for the rest of your life.  Some women, such as myself, seem to be hit worse than others.  I am still getting the hot flashes at 62 and they started at 50 in earnest.  The degree varies and hot weather is much worse.  Then in the Winter I think I often feel the cold more intensely.  Obviously the hypothalmus in my brain is affected by the change in hormones. Sorry to feel like the harbinger of doom but it is a matter of degree with different women.  Maybe some women are prepared to be on some form of HRT indefinitely if they can get it prescribed for the rest of their lives.  The debate about this seems to be ongoing. Much more work into menopause needs to be done but I am not convinced that it will be.  What the answers are I am not at all sure at present beyond knowing that emotional, mental and physical symptoms are very challenging to say the least.



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Re: Post menopause
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2016, 03:19:22 AM »

My last period was over 7 years ago now but only because I was peri-menopausal with terrible mood swings and ended up taking low dose contraceptive back to back so no periods.  Came off the pill at my GP's insistence about 4-5 months ago.  Was expecting trouble and absolutely nothing happened - no period, no symptoms.  Sadly that only lasted a couple of months when the symptoms returned, only much worse than before.  But officially been post menopause for 2 months after blood tests done.  I am 49.

I seem to be stuck in a permanent hot flush as it just goes all day long.  I feel exhausted and tired all the time but can't sleep.  Horrible night sweats.  The mood is the biggest problem though as I got very depressed verging on suicidal, and can't stop crying.  I also put on a stone in weight even though my diet hasn't changed - not stuffing myself with cake.  The weight is in places I never had fat before and seems impossible to lose.  Have also had issues with high blood pressure.

I started HRT 4 weeks ago out of sheer desperation but now it's 10 times worse.  I am currently an emotional wreck and feel like I've been locked in a sauna in my winter coat for the last month.  The thought of this for the next 10+ years is kind of scary.


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Re: Post menopause
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2016, 01:05:33 PM »


Post meno worse for me.58 in January and still feeling bloody awful. Sweats worse in the mornings along with dizziness and anxiety.

Have you tried Tibulone?? read so many positive reviews and although the current HRT (3pumps of oestrogel with sep northisterone 7 days per month ) is helping I feel I am excising not living. Therefore I am going to give Tibulone a try after Xmas.



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Re: Post menopause
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2016, 07:14:42 PM »

Yes, my symptoms didn't start until 3 years after my last period. A year on and a combo of HRT and SSRI's have made things more bearable.


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Re: Post menopause
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2016, 05:54:03 AM »

It's three years since my last period (I'm 55) and I still have symptoms too.  I've been on HRT since March and initially it helped a lot but it never managed to stop the night time hot flushes despite increasing estrogel from 1 pump to 2.  I still wake every two hours with a flush, cool off, turn over and go back to sleep, so it's bearable.  I had also been getting an adrenaline rush at about 5am every morning, but after reading on here that estrogen can cause that I cut my nighttime pump down from 1 to a half, and miraculously that seems to have stopped it, without any change to the flushes, which go on as before. 
It seems so strange that we get more symptoms post menopause...


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Re: Post menopause
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2016, 12:08:05 PM »

Carolann, see your GP about HRT asap as the risks of HRT are lower for women under 60, or who start HRT under 60.

I had full HRT prescribed at the age of 53 because I have osteoporosis and I also have Vagifem because of vaginal atrophy which was causing problems with bleeding.

Until I had post menopausal bleeding, my GP was not going to do anything for me. I was diagnosed with major osteopenia at 51 which had progressed to a diagnosis of osteoporosis at 53. Nobody mentioned HRT as a way to stop progression. I only saw the menopause specialist because the Dr  who I saw for the vaginal bleeding (who I saw under the 2 week wait urgent referral system) said it was menopause related and referred me on to the menopause clinic. I only expected one appointetment so I was determined to get everything out of that one session. When I eventually saw the menopause specialist, as soon as I mentioned I had osteopenia he looked it up on my hospital records and that was when he said I needed full HRT, not just local HRT for the vaginal dryness and bleeding.

None of this I would have associated with needing HRT. I thought it was just for hot flushes and mood swings. No! It's not!

So go to your GP with all guns blazing. That's what I recommend.  ;)
« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 12:10:55 PM by anais »


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Re: Post menopause
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2017, 08:52:05 PM »

Thank you for all your lovely messages we'll have been to the doctors today and have been given extradot 50 patches and progesterone 100mg tablets would love to get some feed back thanks again love Carolann xx


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Re: Post menopause
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2017, 12:44:40 AM »

Wishing you all the luck in the world with your HRT.  Just shows how GP's have changed in that you were prescribed the oestrogen plus progestin.  I honestly dont know if I trust them any more or think that they know what they are doing but I suppose they follow NICE guidelines and these have changed.  Well done for getting the HRT.  Hope that you feel better and keep us posted as to how it goes. Fingers crossed for you.
