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Author Topic: Am I still suffering menopause  (Read 1980 times)


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Am I still suffering menopause
« on: January 02, 2017, 09:03:38 AM »

Hi I am new member I have replied on one post but think I got it wrong as was looking for this site well here goes sorry if you have already read it .I am 59 when I had my son 35 years ago I went to the doctors saying I just keep crying and felt poor excuse for mum he said now my dear you either sink or swim on that note I took overdose I could not swim.i then went in our mental hospital for three weeks being put on Ativan and antidepressant.Feelings of anxiety depression and morbid thoughts of my husband dying and I could not cope.not surprising really when you see it written down.I continued on the medication for 8 years until I found article are your hormones messing up your life the story was about me.I went to doc with article only to be told yes we know but you just have to fight it so I changed doctor who gave me a letter to go and see Dr daltons understudy in Croydon.i was straight away put on cyclogest and gestone inj I tried implants but they kept falling out my body needed so much I managed my symptoms by increasing when the symptoms got bad.then my doctor left new doctor said they don,t treat with them anymore that Prozac was the new treatment I did question taking my husband with me .we agreed to slowly reduce and swap over .which I did and it suited but not totally but ok.i then went to food intolerance lady which she diagnosed thyroid problem when tested by doc came back normal in this country however in another it would be treated.also hormones up shoot I have been using progesterone cream from wellsprings with some relief but even that is not working at moment in total panic anxiety depression at moment keep crying went to see doctor Friday said he would refer me to councilling before treating but am desperate feeling very low sometimes I cannot just accept its hormones then I do so up and down I have to go back to work tomorrow don,t know what to do any help would be grateful xxx


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Re: Am I still suffering menopause
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2017, 09:49:22 AM »

Dear Dawnsmith  :welcomemm: I am so sorry you've had and are still having a bad time. There are some very well informed ladies on here with lots of experience who I am sure will be able to help.
Take care Flutterbyx


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Re: Am I still suffering menopause
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2017, 10:11:48 AM »

Dear Dawnsmith  :welcomemm: I am so sorry you've had and are still having a bad time. There are some very well informed ladies on here with lots of experience who I am sure will be able to help.
Take care Flutterbyx
Thankyou flutterby look forward to hearing from them xxx


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Re: Am I still suffering menopause
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2017, 10:27:23 AM »

Dawnsmith - welcome to MM
Your story is awful - you have had such erratic treatment and that first doctor was completely negligent. You clearly suffered with Post Natal Depression which is hormone related and even back then this was well researched and very treatable so it's terrible you were not given appropriate treatment.
Some of your symptoms could be hormone related but I expect by now you are very post menopause - when was your last period?
I wouldn't use the progesterone cream - progesterone can actually bring low mood and anxiety, so not the best idea to use this. I am sceptical about food intolerences - this is a modern fad and unless you have proper allergy testing through a medical specialist (not an alternative therapist) you really shouldn't cut anything out of your diet. 
Do see a proper nutritionist who will advice about a healthy, well balanced, diet instead. Testing for vitamin D deficiency is a good idea, as low mood etc. are symptoms of a lack of Vitamin D.  We should all take Vit D in winter due to the lack of sunshine.
I think you need to go back to your GP with all your symptoms and questions written down.  Take your husband with you for back up and ask for a complete review of your treatment options. Unfortunately hormones can only do so much - HRT could be a option for you but they may be reluctant to try this if you are many years past your last period.  HRT can also bring side effects that may not help at this stage. An SRRI could be worth trying and learning some CBT or Mindful Meditation can be very helpful - so the counselling is a good idea.
I would ask for a another full thyroid function test and also to look at Vitamin D and B12 deficiency. It's often simple lifestyle strategies that can be the best help.
I hope this is helpful -  Dg x


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Re: Am I still suffering menopause
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2017, 11:35:26 AM »

Thankyou dancing girl I am at the moment taking vitD and B vits interesting about the progesterone though will def check it out .I am going to book appt for me and my husband to go to doctors tomorrow as surgery shut today I did ring 111 as felt desperate but they just said to contact doc in next three days will let you know but Thankyou so much for replying and I do feel very sad how I have been treated trouble is you are not very strong when it descends Thankyou xx