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Author Topic: I feel like I'm going mad  (Read 5266 times)


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I feel like I'm going mad
« on: January 01, 2017, 06:28:36 PM »

I feel like I'm going mad but I don't know why. My GP says as I'm still having periods (of sorts) then I'm not perimenopausal. I can't think of any other reason why I'm like I am though.

I'm 43, periods have been erratic for about a year. More on than off but not normal. Usually brown stringy discharge that goes on for weeks with some red bleeding chucked inbetween. One GP tried me on Cerazette. First 4 weeks were great, then spent next 5 weeks bleeding (although light). When to see GP who said to persevere with it. Wasn't happy with that so went to see another who told me to come off it as it obviously wasn't working and advised me to try the coil (not sure about that). I've had a internal scan which, even though it was a 'difficult' scan as I'm overweight, it didn't show anything worrying. She is sending me to gynae at hospital for their opinion, appointment in February.  I stopped taking the cerazette on her advice this week and it has gone back to very light brown discharge. This in turn is making me worry that there something wrong.

Off the subject of periods, my mood is low. I'm suffering from horrendous anxiety. I've had CBT earlier this year but hasn't helped. I'm convinced I have something wrong with me. At the moment I'm suffering from very sore breasts (mainly right one) and a very sore shoulder blade. GP has checked both and said nothing wrong and shoulder is muscular.  I get bad headaches, and think I'm having a stroke. Every ache and pain I'm attributing to something major. GP says I'm depressed. She is sending me to a psychiatrist as I have a rare heart condition which means I can't take any of the more common anti depressants that GP would prescribe so will need a psychiatrist to see what I can take.

I feel like I'm going crazy. I've never been like this before. I'm so tearful, not sleeping, warm to touch all the time! Does any of this sound perimenopausal? I can't think of any other reason, other than actually being on deaths door. I just want to feel like normal. My poor husband is having to deal with so much shit off me at the moment. I don't know what else to do.....


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Re: I feel like I'm going mad
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2017, 06:34:44 PM »

Yep.  Yep.  Yep.  Maybe you could have continued with the original HRT as it can take 6-8 months for the person to feel benefit.

Have a browse round.  Make notes.

Hormonal triggered anxiety won't be helped by CBT!  As oestrogen levels drop, muscles can become lax = aches and pains  ::).  An over-the-counter pain relief should help.

Tea time - someone or me will be back!


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Re: I feel like I'm going mad
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2017, 06:39:58 PM »

Really crazy that your Gp thinks you can't be going through peri if you have periods. Hopefully having a good look round this forum should help putyour mind at rest, muscular pain and headaches very common, as is anxiety.

Healthy eating, and exercise might be beneficial, I feel good when I am walking so if you can find an activity you enjoy it might help a little.

Keep a mood and symptom diary, I use mine to remind mysrlf I didn't die last time I had a pounding headache, so unlikely to this time!


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Re: I feel like I'm going mad
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2017, 06:42:04 PM »

The CBT was a waste of 12 weeks. I tried to tell the woman doing the therapy that I was convinced it was hormonal and she said it probably was but by putting in place the coping strategies would help. I feel like I have no control, so how can I control them (if you see what I mean).

GP isn't convinced I'm perimenopausal and has refused me HRT other than the mini pill. Part of me thinks that I should have stuck it out, but I was sick of all the bleeding (but then again it's happening again now I'm off it) and GP said that the hospital will want to see me off of it to see how I am.


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Re: I feel like I'm going mad
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2017, 06:44:34 PM »

Hi Bcshaz
It sounds as though there are several things going on here:
It does sound as though you are getting peri meno symptoms, however, if you have weight problems then you could also be getting an imbalance of hormones - I believe an excess of weight can increase oestrogen in the body.
I assume you have had blood tests to look at thyroid function, FHS and oestrogen levels etc?
The Mirena coil might be a good option for you to help control the bleeding you are getting but it's good you are seeing a gynae as they will advice about this.
I suspect that trying to reduce your weight would be the positive and helpful thing you could do right now - this would help everything. Changing the diet and getting some good appropriate exercise (e.g. brisk walking) could improve the shoulder pain, rebalance your hormones and sugar levels and lift your mood. I know this is not easy and maybe you have tried dieting but joining a diet club is often the best way forward and at your age this is a golden time to really get things under control before it gets more difficult. 
Good luck  DG x


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Re: I feel like I'm going mad
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2017, 06:46:53 PM »

Why don't you change GP as your present one doesn't sound great. See if a sports massage helps shoulder or you could go to physio for exercises.


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Re: I feel like I'm going mad
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2017, 06:51:11 PM »

Hello Bcshaz.

So sorry you are suffering.

Your symptoms  sound hormonal to me so you have certainly come to the right place for support.

Take care and keep posting.



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Re: I feel like I'm going mad
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2017, 07:03:02 PM »

Thank you for your advice. It all sounds so much better when put like that. I lost 5 1/2 stone a few years ago, but then my dad died and things went downhill from there and I've put most of that (not all of it) back on. I can't afford WW at the moment but was on it long enough to know what to do, it just takes a bit of willpower and incentive to do it. But I'm trying again as of tomorrow so hopefully that with my various appointments will help.

Thank you everyone



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Re: I feel like I'm going mad
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2017, 07:10:19 PM »

Thank you for your advice. It all sounds so much better when put like that. I lost 5 1/2 stone a few years ago, but then my dad died and things went downhill from there and I've put most of that (not all of it) back on. I can't afford WW at the moment but was on it long enough to know what to do, it just takes a bit of willpower and incentive to do it. But I'm trying again as of tomorrow so hopefully that with my various appointments will help.

Thank you everyone

Hard to have willpower when you're feeling everything's out of control but hopefully reading posts on here, and realising what symptoms other women are having will help. Well done on losing so much weight before, maybe if you start a weightloss thread on here, others would join in and give moral support.


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Re: I feel like I'm going mad
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2017, 07:16:10 PM »

As oestrogen levels drop, the body may become dry: skin, nostrils, vagina, deep in the ears.  One of my symptoms early on was itchiness in the insteps, OK all day until I took off socks and stepped into the bath  ::) and I would wake with one heel rubbing the instep of the opp. foot!

Some ladies find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary useful.  A GP who dismisses a ladies concern re menopause should not be telling any of us that we are 'too young', 'too old', etc..  Girls can have 1 period and no more because they go into very early menopause  :-\.  Other ladies can be in their 50s+ B4 periods begin to peter out.

You have lost your weight and can do so again.  My M in L weighed her allotted amount each evening, it went onto saucers in the fridge for the next day and once used up, that was it.  She lost: as well as managed to keep off: excess weight ;-).

Don't deny yourself.  If you work out your downfalls, then chart what you enjoy eating, those downfalls can be 'treats'.  If necessary buy ready-chopped finger vegs., i.e. carrots, celery, to munch when hungry.  Or choose a fruit that you enjoy, either fresh or tinned.  I buy small tins so that I don't over-eat what I like  ::)

Do you have a menopause clinic in your area or a GP who is interested in womens' problems?
« Last Edit: January 01, 2017, 10:42:07 PM by CLKD »


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Re: I feel like I'm going mad
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2017, 10:03:17 PM »

No, no menopause clinics that I know of. Hopefully the hospital will be more knowledgable!

Thank you for all your help advice. Just one more silly question. I'm having this discharge all the time. It's very light, only when I wipe most of the time (tmi) and currently browny stringy stuff. Does this sound normal or is something else for me to worry about?


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Re: I feel like I'm going mad
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2017, 10:17:30 PM »

Bcshaz - the brown discharge could be just a bit of break through bleeding but this type of discharge is common in peri meno.  It could possibly be a bit of bacterial vaginitis.  Most women get bacterial vaginitis now and again - if the flora balance isn't right in the vaginal area, then bacteria can take hold and this can bring some discharge. You can buy a gel called Multi Gyn Actigel (easiest to get it online as not many chemists sell it) that can treat this.  Multi Gyn Actigel used internally and around the outside of your 'lady bits' for a few days helps to keep the flora balance right and fight off bacteria.  Keeping the ‘lady bits' cool ( don't wear tight trousers) and making sure you clean well after opening the bowels will help to stop infection as well. I doubt it is anything to worry about but if it becomes really itchy or sore then I'd check with the GP.
DG x


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Re: I feel like I'm going mad
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2017, 10:43:31 PM »

I don't think it's any infection. It's just browny when I wipe. But it's all the time. I stopped cerazette about 5 days ago but I was like this on it and was also like this before I went on the cerazette. Whilst it's not much, as it's been weeks it's getting me down and the longer it goes on the more I'm worrying. I really can't cope with this....


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Re: I feel like I'm going mad
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2017, 10:48:33 PM »

If it hasn't got any worse; if there isn't any itchy or odour; I took any discharge as I entered menopause as 'normal for me'.  As hormone levels alter oddities occur  ::).  Bugga ………….  ;)

I would get that slight brown discharge at the end of a period: heavy bleed with intense pain and clots for 2 days, a lighter bright red discharge for 3 days which required regular changes of pads, a couple of days without anything then a couple of brown discharge when wiping.  Every month.


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Re: I feel like I'm going mad
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2017, 05:34:02 PM »

I used to get that but this is now all the time, every day. I have been bleeding or had a brown discharge for over 6 weeks. This can't be normal.....
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