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Author Topic: Confused  (Read 2289 times)


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« on: January 08, 2017, 11:31:32 AM »


I am 41 years old and been in peri for the last 2 years. I have trialled a couple of HRT options over the last year and laterally the meno consultant recommended that I go on Millenette combined pill to cancel out my cycle.  They also suggested back in October that I change my AD from  Venlafaxine to Sertraline (which I did), to cut a long story short, everything has declined since. Every week losing more and more of my identity and confidence.  I battled through Christmas with Sertraline and estrogel and then on the 1st of Jan I changed over to the combined pill, this is day 7 and I feel like a shell of myself. I am due back to work tomorrow and I'm terrified! I have weened off the Sertraline and started back on the Venlafaxine (I never felt on top of the world on it before but at least could function better than this).

I am a very sporty person and I try where possible to go out on my bike or swim, attend classes, but nothing seems to lift my mood. I am sick to the back teeth of feeling like this! I can't even get out of bed in the mornings now as I don't want to face another day feeling so detached and empty.

Why am I not producing serotonin through the exercise. I am so jealous of everyone buzzing around me at classes. I am riddled with anxiety and losing weight which I can't afford to do as I am naturally tiny as it is.

I'm terrified of another year of feeling like this! I have 2 kids, 11 and 8 and I feel like I haven't been a proper mum for over 2 years. I have no libido which has put huge pressure on my relationship of 18 years. All of this I have explained to GP and meno clinic but I just don't seem to be getting any further forward. I feel like I live in ground hog day!

I'm sick of people saying "you try so hard, you do everything you can to feel better and yet nothing works"

I am seriously considering paying to see Professor Studd, or if anyone know's of anyone in Scotland that could help me I would really appreciate any advice. I am desperate to get my life and happiness back.

Sorry for huge rant, but I am so.....angry at life and the unfairness of it...... :'(



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Re: Confused
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2017, 12:04:28 PM »

Dear wmlb, couldn't scroll past this. Sure others will be along who can give more useful advice but wanted to say I hear your frustration.   :sigh:.

Have you ever tried mindfulness? I find it helpful - sometimes -  ( as well as exercise , health eating etc) but I can relate to the feeling that I'm doing what is recommended, but sometimes it just doesn't seem to make a difference...

Thinking of you



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Re: Confused
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2017, 12:35:51 PM »

Things sound tough, I feel for you.
Have you looked at this section of the website?

I had a wee scroll through your posts and it did sound like you had a time when things were a bit better, is it worthwhile going back to the combination of pills you were on at that point do you think? I suppose you maybe have to wait for the changes you've made since 1 January to kick in too and it is so hard to judge where we are with hormones etc. Have you got another menopause clinic appointment lined up?

I do think mindfulness might be worth a go, I feel if I could learn to live in the moment it would help me a bit. I do tend to worry that I'm going to feel like this forever, and then when I feel ok I worry that it isn't going to last. Typically Scottish to be honest, if it is a nice day here you will often hear someone say 'aye, but we'll pay for it'.  :-\

Try not to worry about work tomorrow, everyone who is going back will be dreading it. I was back on Wednesday and I felt a psychological boost getting back into a routine.

I'm sure more people will post soon with more practical help.


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Re: Confused
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2017, 05:39:04 PM »


I'm so sorry to read this. I think the meno is a terrible journey and a horrible shock as well. And I so understand your anger.

I have just been through peri and now confirmed I'm post and the last few years have been really difficult. The only thing I can hold on to is that it is a journey...I have had every symptom going and every time I have a new 'thing' I think things won't change but then they suddenly do for no apparent reason.

The peri seems to bring new challenges but they are all phases. Not sure if this helps but I bet (and hope) that you will feel different (and better) soon. Hang in there. Eat well. If you need to, and can, sleep. Sleep as much as you can. Try every HRT thing going until you find one which helps. Don't give up - keep fighting through even if you want to give up. Keep coming back on here. It really helps. You WILL get your life back.



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Re: Confused
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2017, 07:11:29 PM »

Thank you for your kind words CBA, today has been awful, I have been so fowl to my other half and my kids.

What do I do? Do I keep going with the Millenette or do I stop? I know these things take a while to settle in, but I can't be around anyone, I either explode or cry 😭. I went out on my bike then for a swim and sauna earlier and after I just felt exhausted, achy and depleted of everything.



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Re: Confused
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2017, 10:11:15 PM »

It would be worth keeping going for a bit longer if you can bear to.

I'm on Ovranette and I used to take it 'normally' (pills for 21 days, break for 7 days) but my reactions coming off and back onto the pill were so bad that my GP has told me to use 3 packs back to back and then a 4 day break.  When I was taking the pill 'normally', I used to find it took 3-4 days of taking it after my break for things to settle down again, so presumably it will take even longer to adjust if you are a new user.  I'd give it at least another week.  If there is no improvement, see if you can swap to another type of pill.

Gladys Bananas

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Re: Confused
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2017, 07:15:13 PM »

I am new to the forum today, but I can relate so much to what you are saying. I'm currently on Citalopram, lorazepam and in the past week beta blockers but nothing works. I am taking the lorazepam just to wipe out the day.
My husband just doesn't know what to do or say, especially when I'm crying uncontrollably or sitting in a corner wishing I was dead. Every morning is a nightmare- I hate waking up knowing I have to get through another day.
So I sympathise with you, and I hope you feel better soon xx