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Author Topic: Struggling on 2-5 tibilone think may need to reduce or increase any advice  (Read 2443 times)


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Hi ladies

Me yet again 😰

I am so struggling ........

I'm week 8 tibilone 2.5 and since escapades on Xmas day of having couple of glasses champagne and being accused off OH of drinking copious amounts but that aside ....

My hot flushes are horrendous at night

Sleep is non existent

Nightmares very vivid all sorts weird things 😏


Palpitations throughout day and I don't think related to anxiety and then like I'm habing extra heart beats

Aches and pains

Tearful ++++++

Could easily Lock myself in my bedroom not come out but of course I'm not doing this I'm like a robot

Feel so down 

I've been on AD for years dukoxetiene 60 mfs at night

Still not speaking to OH as I'm pretty angry now as to how he just doesn't get it !

Hand just booked to see Dr at 5pm so if Any of you gabd any advice would be greatful as I'm making a list to take with me.  X
« Last Edit: December 29, 2016, 11:47:51 AM by Suzanne1967 »


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Aw Suzanne it's rotten when you feel crap and can see how wonderful the same tablet is for others

I've no experience of Tibolone although I follow all your posts closely as it's the one I may try next

Have you tried splitting the dose ? I wouldn't advise doubling straight away, maybe 2.5 + 1.25 but space 2nd dose out to begin with ?

Do you feel worse on this regime than off it ?

Could your AD be affecting the Tibolone ?

I don't know what else to suggest but I just feel so sad for you.



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Thanks I'm just so down and so tearful can't stop crying

Maybe that's a plan to split it ?

I'm going to ask re the AD too maybe a change

I feel so alone it's horrible 😰


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Oh Suzanne I really feel for you.

Have you googled Tibolone and the way you're feeling ?

You're not alone honestly.  I added in testosterone to my oestrogen and it has done me good for well being but my god my hair is thinning ridiculously, I look so old now with scalp showing.  We have to do whatever makes us feel better.  Our mood and wellbeing is the most important and with that we can work on our physical appearance.



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Just rereading your post. Maybe the conversion to progesterone isn't suiting you ? I'm sure I've read prog can give vivid bad dreams

Are you post meno ? Do you have a womb ? X


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Hello Suzanne1967.

Sending hugs to you as I know exactly how you feel. My mood has taken a dip and I spent the morning sobbing. I also recognise all of your other symptoms, you are certainly not alone.

 Annie has given you some good advice  and I think taking a list to your GP is a good idea.

Sorry that I don't have any solutions for you but do let us know how your appointment goes.

Wishing you well and take care.



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Well ....

Been Gp 🤔

Explained made my list and his response was ....

Continue HRT completed another 3 month prescription

Something to help me sleep

Feels that "women put too much emphasise on menapause 😡" I was dumbfounded !

I'd wrote a comprehensive list and photo copied him a copy which he declined to look at .. and that was when the comment above came ...

Stayed it was stress and anxiety snd quite frankly nothing to do with menapase and re refered back to previous comment

Carry on AD

Added in propanalol 10 mgs three times a day

So there you go x


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Hello Suzanne1967.

Thank you for reporting back to the forum and how awful that you weren't listened to or your problems properly addressed!

  I'm sure some of the knowledgeable ladies will be along soon to advise you so take heart, all is not lost.

Take care.



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That bloke's a jerk
If you're not happy with today's visit can you rearrange to see one you know will listen

Sounds like he hasn't got a clue and more annoyingly he doesn't seem to care

Have you tried any other hrt ?

Pam Madra

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So sorry Suzanne feel your pain and hope you will find some answers as well. I am on tibolone as well but only 2 weeks yet so bit early to advice anything but I really hope you feel better and find some answers. Please post as we all are there to listen and maybe guide. I am not taking my AD with tibolone so check with dr.