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Author Topic: What to do next?  (Read 4190 times)


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What to do next?
« on: December 27, 2016, 10:48:45 AM »

Hi everyone,
I've checked in here a few times over the past year as I've tried to work out what was 'wrong with me' and get some help with peri-menopause. It really was so helpful to have all your stories and experiences to read and learn from. Thank you!  I had hoped/assumed my GP would be able to help, but alas no so finding this website and forum was amazing. I eventually saw Professor Studd last year and got prescribed his oestrogel/utrogestan/testosterone combo.  Feel so much better and almost like myself.  BUT.............something is not quite right.  I don't want to go back to Prof Studd for various reasons - but really need some help to get the balance of hormones right.  I was thinking of Marion Gluck but then saw on here that she is not regulated??  is that right.  I'm really sensitive to any drugs and hormones especially so need a doc who will listen, answer questions and treat me as an individual. I don't have any major issues with the HRT I'm on except that I don't get a bleed each month (even though I was still getting periods before HRT) and couldn't get a satisfactory answer from Studd's associate as to why that was. I guess the overall feeling I have is the balance of hormones needs tweaking as I still have some days when I'm very weapy but this seems to go away if I drop the oestro gel dose for a few days, but don't like to mess around with the dose too much because then the flushes comes back and my body has to readjust again which seems to take me around 6-8 weeks each time dose is changed.  Any advice on who to see greatly appreciated!!!



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Re: What to do next?
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2016, 11:56:16 AM »

Why not go back to Prof Studd, what's the problem  :-\  ???.  Or give the Secretary a ring and pose the questions that you have asked here, jot down answers.  Then you will know what the next step could be.

We can give advice but are not qualified to tell anyone exactly what may be required as we don't know full medical histories.

Some ladies find keeping a mood/food/diary useful in charting any variations.  I was ALWAYS weepy 12 hours B4 a bleed even if one wasn't due!


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Re: What to do next?
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2016, 12:23:09 PM »

thanks CLKD - good idea to keep a mood diary, might give that a go.  Re Prof Studd don't want to go back as basically I feel like you pay a lot of money to get pretty poor service and a lack of individual care. When initially on the drugs my hot flushes (which weren't really an issue before HRT) increased massively.  I phoned for advice, secretary said this was normal, but then when I went back six months later for a review and prescription renew the doctor I saw didn't seem to think what I had experienced was normal. So now I'm worried about that having got two different answers from the same clinic.
I know from reading through the forums that others have had a different experience but mine has been that the secretaries seem to have the attitude of 'why are you bothering us' - and I wonder if they are trained/qualified to answer medical questions?  Also, I don't want to take testosterone as my levels were normal pre HRT, post HRT my legs were turning into those of a hairy teenage boy and I didn't have any problems/bad symptoms when I stopped taking it.  Explained all this to doc but he prescribed it to me again. I don't feel like they listen to you. It's a bit of a 'one size fits all approach'.
So really just looking for advice on who else I could go and see and what other people's experiences have been  :)


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Re: What to do next?
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2016, 12:33:39 PM »

Hi Becca how about a telephone consult in the New Year with Dr Currie. Give her all the details. I have had 2 and received excellent advice.


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Re: What to do next?
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2016, 12:42:39 PM »


I think more ladies will reply eventually which will give you lots of options

I have no experience with menopause AND periods as I have no womb but if you're having a break each month from prog surely you should be having a bleed ? Maybe see your GP re a scan to check lining etc?

Like you say it may just need tweaking what you're already on

Good luck xx



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Re: What to do next?
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2016, 01:15:08 PM »

I think that other ladies here have found Prof Studd's advice really useful, am sure they will be along with their views once the 'festive' season is over.

Had you spoken to any other practitioners apart from your GP previously?

Generally Medical Secretaries are not qualified to give 'advice' about what is/not normal for you but can give a generalised answer in relation to the notes/letters that they type.  Having worked for years I got to know what was 'within normal limits'  ;)



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Re: What to do next?
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2016, 02:14:07 PM »

Becca not every woman on here does well on Prof Studds regime

It really boils down to the fact we are all different and some women need varying doses etc.  The problem then is finding someone who can help work out which type/what dose/how often

Have you split the oestrogel doses ? I.e. Morning and evening ? Just trying to throw some ideas at you until the more knowledgeable ladies come back on x


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Re: What to do next?
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2016, 02:31:52 PM »

Becca not every woman on here does well on Prof Studds regime

It really boils down to the fact we are all different and some women need varying doses etc.  The problem then is finding someone who can help work out which type/what dose/how often

Have you split the oestrogel doses ? I.e. Morning and evening ? Just trying to throw some ideas at you until the more knowledgeable ladies come back on x
  Thanks for the ideas Annie, appreciate it!  They did a scan of my womb lining at prof studds and it was fine, no thickening - the fact that I'm not getting a bleed was "interesting" according to them.  But goodness knows what that means. I usually take the oestrogel dose (3 pumps) in the morning after I've had a shower. 


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Re: What to do next?
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2016, 02:34:18 PM »

Hi Becca how about a telephone consult in the New Year with Dr Currie. Give her all the details. I have had 2 and received excellent advice.
Thanks, didn't realise that was an option - good to have some new ideas to get started withx


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Re: What to do next?
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2016, 04:44:20 PM »

Probably good idea to make a list of your main symptoms, those that you require easing first?  So that if you e-mail or have a phone discussion with Dr Currie, it's as clear as mud  ;)


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Re: What to do next?
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2016, 07:05:25 PM »

Hi becca
I saw Prof Studd a couple of years ago and I couldn't get on with the HRT (gel/utrogestan/Testim) regime he prescribed.   I saw him twice and yes it is very expensive.   He recommended I have a hysterectomy as he said there isn't an alternative?!!  Anyway I'm using a different HRT now and I'm fine.
Hope you get things sorted.


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Re: What to do next?
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2016, 11:36:20 AM »

Hi becca
I saw Prof Studd a couple of years ago and I couldn't get on with the HRT (gel/utrogestan/Testim) regime he prescribed.   I saw him twice and yes it is very expensive.   He recommended I have a hysterectomy as he said there isn't an alternative?!!  Anyway I'm using a different HRT now and I'm fine.
Hope you get things sorted.
good to know there are alternatives! do you mind sharing (here or private message) who you saw for the different prescrip and what has ended up working for you?


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Re: What to do next?
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2016, 04:58:41 PM »

Hi becca

Sorry to hear you HRT regime is not working for you - yes I have heard that Prof Studd's regime is pretty much one-size fits all with very little variation and when it doesn't work women sometimes have not been given satisfactory alternatives. others (for whom the regime works) worship the ground he treads  ;D (to be fair his research was pioneering at the time!).

Were you not peri-menopausal when you started on the HRT? I agree if you were having regular periods and for them to stop after this treatment is bizarre! How much utrogestan are you taking? Lack of bleeding is usually due to the progesterone doing its job and the womb lining not building up sufficiently on the cyclical regime. If you are still ovulating and also taking progesterone in addition you would expect a bleed. However if you've been scanned and the lining is fine then the prog must be doing its job and maybe the amount of oestrogen you are taking is suppressing ovulation - however that usually only happens at high levels!!! If the experts can't explain it then we are surely at a loss?!

How old are you? I have only ever used Estradot patches and utrogestan - now on a 6-8 week cycle because I am old and well post-meno, and also a little blob of T - but then I need it at my age/stage!

It's a pity Annie Evans has retired.....there is Nick Panay in London and various top gynaes in Scotland + others seen by various members on here. You can do a search if you go to very top (blue font - specialists) and private and NHS clinics are mentioned. Not sure if there is a site for rating gynaes - but there should be! I definitely would not go to Marion Gluck!! As far as I know she's not even a medical doctor I don't think and is a bit off beat I think, and charges a ridiculous amount of money.

Hurdity x



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Re: What to do next?
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2016, 10:49:09 PM »

Were you not peri-menopausal when you started on the HRT? I agree if you were having regular periods and for them to stop after this treatment is bizarre! How much utrogestan are you taking? Lack of bleeding is usually due to the progesterone doing its job and the womb lining not building up sufficiently on the cyclical regime. If you are still ovulating and also taking progesterone in addition you would expect a bleed. However if you've been scanned and the lining is fine then the prog must be doing its job and maybe the amount of oestrogen you are taking is suppressing ovulation - however that usually only happens at high levels!!! If the experts can't explain it then we are surely at a loss?!
Hi Hurdity, I'm 45 and was officially designated peri-menopausal about two years ago. But my issues started about seven years ago after two failed cycles of IVF - I feel like my body/hormones just never recovered from that but on the other hand I had low ovarian reserve so an earlier menopause would already have been on the cards I guess. My periods were erratic prior to HRT (cycles of between 20 and 100 days) so maybe that along with your explanation of how the progest. works is why I've not had a bleed. I felt amazing when I started on prof studd's regieme - probably because I had almost no oestrogen.  Maybe it's a matter of balance. I've found a GP at the local practice who seems vaguely open and helpful and I'm seeing her later this week so might get her to write to Studd and put some of these questions to him - a doctor might have more luck than me.  Thanks for the advice and tips really appreciate it, it can feel so lonely especially as none of my friends as going through this yet. xx