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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Getting testosterone levels checked and TRT after oopherectomy  (Read 2692 times)


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Getting testosterone levels checked and TRT after oopherectomy
« on: December 24, 2016, 09:57:23 AM »


I was just wondering how people go about getting their testosterone levels checked. My GP refused to do it as she said she wouldnt be able to do anything with the results. I had an ovary removed 4 years ago and I really feel this could be having an impact on my testosterone levels and subsequently my libido and energy levels.

In addition I am considering having a hysterectomy with removal of my other ovary in order prevent recurrence of a borderline ovarian tumour. I am now peri and struggling with the progesterone aspect of HRT (taking utro vaginally) so the hysterectomy would help with this also. However I am terrified that without any testosterone this will mean a total death to my sex drive. I already have reduced sex drive (since the left ovary removal)  whereas previously I've always had a very active sex life. Having drawn a blank with my GP with respect to a blood test I fear TRT will not be made available to me. I'm only 42 and the idea of never enjoying sex again is not something I want to contemplate. I am pretty sure that would mean the death of my relationship and never finding another relationship again.

Has anyone been in a similar situation having had their ovaries removed? Has it affected your sex drive? Also has anyone bought testosterone online? I feel like this might be my only option.

Hope someone can help.


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Re: Getting testosterone levels checked and TRT after oopherectomy
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2016, 10:26:30 AM »

Do a search on Blakeygray, she has a post on buying without a prescription

But here in U.K. a test is not necessary. It's not accurate and I'm sure levels are higher in the morning.  You would still produce some testosterone from one ovary and also I'm sure from your adrenal glands but if you have the symptoms of low T you deserve at least a trial of it

I was hitting a brick wall at our surgery.  A GP sent me for a scan as she was worried about ovarian cancer and the scan showed no ovaries, they think they had dissolved.  I used this info as ammo to my GP, many gps aren't educated about testosterone and as it's not licensed for women they get scared to prescribe.  Mine wrote to s gynae asking for advice and within a week replied saying she will authorise either Tibolone (look this up, this has good reviews from our members as well as on the net) or Testisterone gel.  I opted for the gel as I'm suffering from hair thinning

If you are successful please be aware this may not be the answer.  I thought it was the cure I was looking for but sadly not the case for me.  I'm a little better on it cognitively and having some sexual thoughts but nowhere near how I was pre meno.

Some ladies are doing really well on it.  You will never know if you're not given the chance.  I think all gps should read this forum and be educated by our experiences



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Re: Getting testosterone levels checked and TRT after oopherectomy
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2016, 10:50:06 AM »

Hi Annie,

Thanks for replying. I think I'm more concerned about what will happen if I go ahead with the hysterectomy and removal of my other ovary. What impact do you think having no ovaries has had on you? I'm scared that if I go ahead with the surgery I will just then get brushed under the carpet and left to deal with the after effects and certainly doubt I will be offered testosterone. Like you say even with the correct HRT there are no guarantees.

It seems like GPs, surgeons etc are only interested in absence of disease and not quality of life. I am feeling so fed up with it all. I have not felt good for a year now and it seems like this is my life now. I want to feel like me again.  :'( xx

Do a search on Blakeygray, she has a post on buying without a prescription

But here in U.K. a test is not necessary. It's not accurate and I'm sure levels are higher in the morning.  You would still produce some testosterone from one ovary and also I'm sure from your adrenal glands but if you have the symptoms of low T you deserve at least a trial of it

I was hitting a brick wall at our surgery.  A GP sent me for a scan as she was worried about ovarian cancer and the scan showed no ovaries, they think they had dissolved.  I used this info as ammo to my GP, many gps aren't educated about testosterone and as it's not licensed for women they get scared to prescribe.  Mine wrote to s gynae asking for advice and within a week replied saying she will authorise either Tibolone (look this up, this has good reviews from our members as well as on the net) or Testisterone gel.  I opted for the gel as I'm suffering from hair thinning

If you are successful please be aware this may not be the answer.  I thought it was the cure I was looking for but sadly not the case for me.  I'm a little better on it cognitively and having some sexual thoughts but nowhere near how I was pre meno.

Some ladies are doing really well on it.  You will never know if you're not given the chance.  I think all gps should read this forum and be educated by our experiences



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Re: Getting testosterone levels checked and TRT after oopherectomy
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2016, 12:04:46 PM »

I know how you feel.  My ovaries weren't working properly ever since my hysterectomy when I was 32.  I was put on 2mg oestrogen only pill and I can honestly say I never gave hormones a second thought after that.  Those pills cured every meno symptom I had.  13 years later I suddenly crashed. Tests showed peri which shocked me as I thought I'd gone through it! Apparently not quite the same and they call this a 2nd meno. This 2nd one at times has completely floored me, emotionally and physically.  No hrt regime as yet has got me back to where I was but since being post meno I guess I'm better than I was.  I think for me peri was when the dregs of the ovaries were disappearing ready for the final vanishing act.  Having no ovaries and inadequate replacement HAS to fatigue the adrenals, which then gives you even more things to worry about

I can't advise what you should do. Given my history I should be really educated on this but until I found this forum I realise I know hardly anything.  But I can help by giving my story along with others that can help.  Some women sail through having no ovaries and hrt but what I have learned from here I wouldnt agree to that surgery without having it in writing that they WILL prescribe everything so you have it in your hands ready for if you should need it

I really advise you to use our search button.  There's been quite a few testosterone/no ovaries chats recently and you'll get a good idea how no one will know any outcome until you're in that situation.

keep openminded but educate yourself before you do anything.  You deserve a quality of life. I don't think I even knew hrt came in a gel til I joined here!




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Re: Getting testosterone levels checked and TRT after oopherectomy
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2016, 04:44:56 PM »

Hi Waterdaggers, I had mine removed earlier this year and wasn't given HRT until 2 weeks later- after I had crashed! Once the oestrogen had built up my energy levels and libido did return to normal, so Im finding that I do not need T, adrenals must be producing it.
Hope this helps a little.


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Re: Getting testosterone levels checked and TRT after oopherectomy
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2016, 09:21:59 PM »

Hi, Waterdaggers!

I had my hysterectomy at 36, and bilateral salpingo oopherectomy 20 months ago aged 46. I was given NO HRT by my surgeon for over a year, despite expecting to receive it (he said I would 'be fine' without it despite me asking and saying I wasn't coping at my 3 and 6 month post op. appointments).

Please, whatever you do - INSIST on an assurance that your HRT will be provided straight after surgery. Don't be fobbed off! I'm having a very hard time now getting my body to accept hormones. I'm still trying to build up my estrogen levels so that I can receive testosterone replacement (I definitely think I need it - I think my poor adrenals have been flogged to death so are not able to cope with testosterone production).

We lose 50  - 70% of our capacity to produce testosterone following removal of our ovaries, and despite the guidelines stating that it 'may be indicated for loss of libido if estrogen replacement is insufficient', frankly this is only a fraction of the story! Testosterone is very important for energy, retaining muscle mass, sleep, bone health, mood stabilisation, the list goes on........

There are a few of us ladies here who have had oophorectomies, so you're in good company - we're more than happy to offer you help if we can. Please be aware that you will need to stabilise your estrogen replacement first before you can commence testosterone replacement to avoid any unwanted androgenic side effects (you're probably aware of this)!


Tempest xxxx



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Re: Getting testosterone levels checked and TRT after oopherectomy
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2016, 04:19:03 PM »

Waterdaggers - what oestrogen are using - and in what form? As Tempest says - you need to have a decent level of this in order to consider T replacement. Also I agree with the others that testing for T before giving it is not necessary - not least because tests at the lower end of the scale are inaccurate. If you are taking other medication then some can also affect libido so may not necessarily be due to low T - it also depends on the levels of SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) which mops up a lot of the bio-active free T. If you are peri-menopausal, and have reduced libido, strength, energy levels etc, and are already taking oestrogen then your doc should be able to consult a gynae to prescribe it or at least refer you to someone who is willing to at least consider your case for it.

Hurdity x