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Author Topic: Body temperature and hot flushes  (Read 4586 times)


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Body temperature and hot flushes
« on: December 21, 2016, 02:40:44 AM »

Silly question perhaps, but when you're having a hot flush does your body temperature go up?

I tried it a few times and my temperature was normal - for me that's usually around 35.4 oC.  So even though I may feel like I'm melting I am actually quite cool.

Right now though I feel super, super hot and I took my temperature and it's 36.2 oC which isn't high I know, but it is raised for me.  So am now wondering if this isn't just mega hot flush/night sweat but maybe I have a bug going on too?

I was just curious is all.  My hot flushes have been under control with contraceptive for years when peri-menopausal.  Now post menopausal and been swapped over to HRT (Femoston-conti) and have been stuck in what feels like a permanent hot flush for the last 4 weeks.  It's been worse today, so maybe I have just got a cold coming or something. Or perhaps this is normal?  Not worried just wondered (it's 2 am and the heating went off hours ago so I should be feeling chilly by now - if only!!)


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Re: Body temperature and hot flushes
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2016, 09:02:21 AM »

Hi Me-too - sorry you are feeling a bit under the weather at the moment.

Core body temperature stays the same during a hot flush but body temperature can change throughout the day very small amounts. Four weeks is a long time for a bug to be loitering I would think. Have you noticed any other changes such as weight loss, faster heart rate etc which could be linked to thyroid function?

You might find this little study interesting on what happens to vaginal, rectal and skin temperatures during a hot flush

Taz x


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Re: Body temperature and hot flushes
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2016, 10:35:58 AM »


I have wondered the same thing many times and have even been so silly as to measure my pulse rate when having one as I can't believe how even heart rate doesn't change so being a terrible worrier measured it and it still was below 60.  I agree it's like an illness feeling like it.  I have the terrible ill feeling by ten thirty and on many occasions I've had to sit down when I'm out as I feel so hot and ill and shaky like I'll pass out if I don't plus my vision goes funny then I feel so cold for the rest of the day.  I daren't try HRT or anything like, I didn't even know about creams for downstairs.  I look back for the last ten years what I've had to endure and think if I'd had the correct help I'd feel better I just didn't know what help there was.   



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Re: Body temperature and hot flushes
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2016, 11:03:09 AM »

Hi Guinea girl - heart rate does change for lots of women. Mine used to rise from a normal resting pulse of 64 to 110 and higher just before the sweat hit. Such a horrible feeling. Not quite so bad once I realised that it would quickly go back to normal. Also the horrible sinking feeling of doom just before it hit too. It's not just about the heat is it? I don't think anyone who hasn't experienced them could ever imagine how unwell they  make you feel.

Taz x


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Re: Body temperature and hot flushes
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2016, 11:08:55 AM »

Yeah you're right Taz they make you feel very ill.  I didn't know heart rate did that maybe that's why we can feel ill.  You are right a bad one you can feel coming on its my vision with me and if I have a drink to hand I can stop it progressing if not it's too late.  We have them so much in the day post menopause  but I think because it's labelled as menopause it doesn't get the sympathy we deserve.  I get them all night long plus needing wees as well in the night I've just got so used to it now.  I'm waiting for menopause clinic appointment to come through from the GUM clinic I should of done this years ago :'(



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Re: Body temperature and hot flushes
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2016, 07:00:08 AM »

Hi Guinea girl - heart rate does change for lots of women. Mine used to rise from a normal resting pulse of 64 to 110 and higher just before the sweat hit. Such a horrible feeling. Not quite so bad once I realised that it would quickly go back to normal. Also the horrible sinking feeling of doom just before it hit too. It's not just about the heat is it? I don't think anyone who hasn't experienced them could ever imagine how unwell they  make you feel.

Taz x

I agree Taz, I find hot flushes the most uncomfortable symptom. I also live in a hot part of Australia and hot flushes and the summers here are HELL. That feeling of doom is horrible...I sometimes feel nauseous as well.

Me-too that sounds awfull. I wonder if a different HRT might sort your problem...


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Re: Body temperature and hot flushes
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2016, 08:36:58 AM »

Seems to have gone  :-\

Hurdity x