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Author Topic: Hysteroscopy with no anaesthetic... should I be scared!  (Read 4461 times)


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Hysteroscopy with no anaesthetic... should I be scared!
« on: December 14, 2016, 10:03:47 PM »

I have to have a hysteroscopy in order to remove a polyp and have a biopsy taken. The consultant wants to do it without even a local anaesthetic, just gas and air. I've read lots of horror stories about women being in excruciating pain and I'm feeling more than a little nervous as a result. As I'm having a treatment not just a quick investigation the procedure could take up to 30 minutes. Not sure I could handle 30 minutes of excruciating pain! Just wondered if anyone else had had this procedure without any pain relief and if so how did it go? Am I worrying over nothing or should I be insisting on having a local anaesthetic at least.


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Re: Hysteroscopy with no anaesthetic... should I be scared!
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2016, 10:14:02 PM »

Why are they saying you can't have the local? Seems unnecessary to put you through that...saying that the gas and air might be enough, I've never had it so don't really know...

I had a hysteroscopy recently and sorry to say I don't think the local anaesthetic did much as the whole thing hurt quite a bit. I had a biospy and a uterine polyp removed as well as a mirena inserted.

Hopefully you'll have sympathetic nursing staff with you, mine kept me talking about really silly stuff to distract me, seeing the screen and the inside of my uterus was fascinating too so that was also a distraction.

I did swear a bit but I guess they might be used to that kind of thing  :o

Maybe you can tell your gynae who you feel about it, they might change their mind about the local?

good luck xx


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Re: Hysteroscopy with no anaesthetic... should I be scared!
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2016, 06:26:23 AM »

Maybe ask if he'd be happy to have an umbrella opened up inside his **ck?? with no anaesthetic? :'(

They are perfectly able to numb your cervix beforehand (I've had that done and it was just about bearable)

without a local's horrible



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Re: Hysteroscopy with no anaesthetic... should I be scared!
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2016, 06:27:02 AM »

presuming it was a 'he' 8)

Abby x


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Re: Hysteroscopy with no anaesthetic... should I be scared!
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2016, 08:19:13 AM »

Maybe ask if he'd be happy to have an umbrella opened up inside his **ck?? with no anaesthetic? :'(



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Re: Hysteroscopy with no anaesthetic... should I be scared!
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2016, 08:25:52 AM »

Thanks for your replies.

Lol @ Abby.... yes of course it was a 'he'. He also wants me to have a hysterectomy and says it like its having a mole removed. Currently I have to have scans every 12 months following removal of a borderline ovarian tumour and an ovary 4 years ago. He wants to remove everything so he doesn't have to follow me up anymore. I couldn't give him an answer on the spot so just said can I think about it. Currently on HRT and struggling with the progesterone part so I am giving it consideration more for that reason than to eliminate cancer risk.

Kiltgirl he didn't say I couldn't have a local he just told me that it would just be gas and air. He didn't really give me chance to ask anymore about it and then I was out of the office with a load of leaflets in my hand. How long did your procedure take?


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Re: Hysteroscopy with no anaesthetic... should I be scared!
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2016, 08:47:23 AM »

Hi Waterdaggers,

I think mine was roughly 30 mins, the entire thing wasn't painful, just the pokey bits, if that makes sense. I don't know how much more painful it would have been if I hadn't had the local. They gave me the option of stopping and continuing another time but I didn't want to go through all the anticipation again.

Maybe he could give you gas and air AND a that would be helpful...I don't think a man will ever understand that kind of pain  :o   A mole removed!!?? Abby said, I wonder what pain control he would want if he were having a mole removed from his reproductives!

I was lucky in that there were really lovely nurses there who were distracting me and a seemingly empathetic female gynae.

The hysterectomy is a big decision isn't it...mine offered the same, I'm taking you I can't do progestins.

A nice bottle of wine waiting at home for afterwards helps...I hope it goes OK, but I would definitely push for proper pain relief! x
« Last Edit: December 15, 2016, 08:55:53 AM by kiltgirl »


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Re: Hysteroscopy with no anaesthetic... should I be scared!
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2016, 09:26:01 AM »

Hi Waterdaggers,

It would seem that every woman's experience of this procedure is different; some women feel no pain, some slight discomfort, some great discomfort and for some real pain and then it becomes impossible to do without a GA. Speaking with a medic friend about this, they said that it's impossible to identify how easy it will be to access the womb and how much pain the procedure will induce.

Every local NHS authority has a different policy on pain relief, some only do it under GA, some offer local, some gas and air, some nothing recommending you take some OTC pain meds before. My local authority has a policy of offering nothing.

I had this procedure carried out earlier this year with the aim of removing what they thought was a large polyp. After a number of very painful attempts they had to abort the procedure as they couldn't get through my cervix. It would have been impossible for them to proceed as I was literally squirming away from the instruments being used internally. Throughout they repeatedly instructed me to tell them if I wanted them to stop which they eventually had to. I was told that the cervix was heavily scarred as a result of a traumatic labour and therefore inflexible. I had the procedure later under GA when they were forced to dilate the cervix as they again couldn't get through it.

I've read comments from some women who can't understand what all the fuss is about, that it's just a little discomfort and over quickly. We are all different, with varied medical and birthing experiences. Please be reassured that you may be lucky and the procedure fast and pain free BUT accept it as your right to ask them to stop should you be unable to manage.

I really hope all will be well and that you'll be one of the lucky ones.  x 


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Re: Hysteroscopy with no anaesthetic... should I be scared!
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2016, 09:40:43 AM »

Hello Waterdaggers.

I had a hysteroscopy about 18 months ago and I did find it painful to be honest. I later learned that other women were advised to take pain relief before the procedure and I wish I had got that memo lol. Also the nurses told me that one lady had been  drinking rum and consequently didn't feel thing!  You may find that gas and air does a good job but perhaps take some painkillers just to be sure. Afterwards I did take some paracetamol and felt fine within half an hour. I agree with the other ladies, the nurses were excellent and the pictures on the screen were very interesting.

Wishing you well.



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Re: Hysteroscopy with no anaesthetic... should I be scared!
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2016, 02:42:30 PM »

The hysterectomy is a big decision isn't it...mine offered the same, I'm taking you I can't do progestins.

A nice bottle of wine waiting at home for afterwards helps...I hope it goes OK, but I would definitely push for proper pain relief! x

Oh when is your op!? Are you having it solely because of your progestin intolerance? Are you having your ovaries removed as well? I think I am more concerned about losing my last remaining ovary than my womb. I know I am already going through menopause but from what I've read ovaries still produce testosterone after menopause. I'm worried that without testosterone I'll lose all my energy and sex drive!

Anyway I hope all goes well with your op xx


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Re: Hysteroscopy with no anaesthetic... should I be scared!
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2016, 02:46:45 PM »

Hi Waterdaggers,

It would seem that every woman's experience of this procedure is different; some women feel no pain, some slight discomfort, some great discomfort and for some real pain and then it becomes impossible to do without a GA. Speaking with a medic friend about this, they said that it's impossible to identify how easy it will be to access the womb and how much pain the procedure will induce.

Every local NHS authority has a different policy on pain relief, some only do it under GA, some offer local, some gas and air, some nothing recommending you take some OTC pain meds before. My local authority has a policy of offering nothing.

I had this procedure carried out earlier this year with the aim of removing what they thought was a large polyp. After a number of very painful attempts they had to abort the procedure as they couldn't get through my cervix. It would have been impossible for them to proceed as I was literally squirming away from the instruments being used internally. Throughout they repeatedly instructed me to tell them if I wanted them to stop which they eventually had to. I was told that the cervix was heavily scarred as a result of a traumatic labour and therefore inflexible. I had the procedure later under GA when they were forced to dilate the cervix as they again couldn't get through it.

I've read comments from some women who can't understand what all the fuss is about, that it's just a little discomfort and over quickly. We are all different, with varied medical and birthing experiences. Please be reassured that you may be lucky and the procedure fast and pain free BUT accept it as your right to ask them to stop should you be unable to manage.

I really hope all will be well and that you'll be one of the lucky ones.  x

Hi Elizabeth,

I just have a feeling I will be one of the unlucky ones!! I guess I just have to keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best. Definitely will try and get a local at least but if its not their policy they perhaps will say no. Gas and air is useless in my opinion... just something to focus on.

Thanks for replying xx


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Re: Hysteroscopy with no anaesthetic... should I be scared!
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2016, 03:06:32 PM »

The hysterectomy is a big decision isn't it...mine offered the same, I'm taking you I can't do progestins.

A nice bottle of wine waiting at home for afterwards helps...I hope it goes OK, but I would definitely push for proper pain relief! x

Oh when is your op!? Are you having it solely because of your progestin intolerance? Are you having your ovaries removed as well? I think I am more concerned about losing my last remaining ovary than my womb. I know I am already going through menopause but from what I've read ovaries still produce testosterone after menopause. I'm worried that without testosterone I'll lose all my energy and sex drive!

Anyway I hope all goes well with your op xx

Hi, I assume it will be in the next couple of months, haven't been given a date yet...was told it was a 3 month wait...back in October...gulp!

I've been umming and ah-ing over whether to keep my ovaries...I've heard there is a risk of cancer if they stay...I don't know if they should just go and hope I can have some decent HRT, without the dreaded progestins. I've also heard the ovaries can go into shock after the op and close down for a while, or even break down eventually.

My own hormones have always caused problems, maybe if I just get rid and get some bio-identicals, estradiol and testosterone...
I had a GP test for that last year...maybe it's something you can discuss with your gynae, they should make sure you're fully informed before such a major op!? There are loads of threads on here just now from women who are using testosterone treatments.

The HysterSisters forums are good, U.S. based and the UK one, hysterectomy-association has a forum too, worth a read to hear from those who have gone through it.

It does feel like out of the frying pan and possibly into the fire doesn't it. I'm having mine because my periods are so unreliable now and so incredibly heavy and painful...I can't imagine putting up with it for any longer, couldn't even tolerate the Mirena so hyst. was the next step...I do worry about losing my mojo completely afterwards though..but i already feel like a ghost right now so can't imagine it getting much worse!

Good luck with your decision, it's not an easy one x


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Re: Hysteroscopy with no anaesthetic... should I be scared!
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2016, 03:09:20 PM »

You never know Waterdaggers, go in with an open mind and positive spirit!! I think those who have problems are in the minority. If it gets too tricky just holler, 'halt the proceedings' in no uncertain terms. if you know you can do that, you've nothing to worry about!

I wish you well x