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Author Topic: Hiatus Hernia or something else?  (Read 18819 times)


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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2016, 03:43:46 PM »

Symptom checker time... (nothing new there!) I'm getting shivers and back ache after eating. Is this normal indigestion/acid reflux/hiatus hernia stuff or something else? Does anyone else get this?
Thanks in advance.
HH x :)


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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #16 on: December 29, 2016, 02:59:08 PM »

Hi Sparkle  :)
It's middle to lower back ache which comes and goes (which gave me the idea it might be when my body's digesting food) and I keep getting the chills and shivers, and again I was wondering if it was to do with digestion. I'm a hot flush sufferer generally but I've read about people getting cold chills instead of hot flushes so it could be that I suppose. My upper body pains are still there but less painful at the moment but my tummy goes from feeling icky and unsettled to pains and mild spasms or just nothing. (I do get moments of feeling ok and pain free -it's lovely! But doesn't last for long) Am Persevering with the Lansoprazole. Taking it first thing in the morning and then waiting before eating. Feeling bloated but know that's the Lansoprazole. Really not feeling great at all most of the time. I've got my follow up with the GP mid Jan and am going to make sure she doesn't rush me out. I've managed to eat a bit over Christmas but have avoided alcohol, stuffing, fruit, mince pies, sprouts, chocolate etc... It's been challenging! Oh and I've been trying herbal fennel and twining digest teas too.
How are you doing now? Have your pains eased? It does feel never ending doesn't it? And I long for the days when I could eat anything and not feel sick or uncomfortable. I've been second guessing all holidays and trying to work out what's wrong from bacteria, to an ulcer or just reflux or something worse. Trying to stay calm and not assume the worst but it's not easy when you have some pain or nausea every single day!
HH xx


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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #17 on: December 29, 2016, 03:22:39 PM »

Trouble is HH - if you add too many 'alternatives' to the mix you really won't know what is/not helping! 

I had the chills when I took Tamoxifen [a drug that almost killed me  :-\], it felt like 'flu within hours of swallowing the first tablet. 


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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #18 on: December 29, 2016, 03:34:34 PM »

It also surprises me how far round trapped wind can get  :o.  I suppose it has to 'go' somewhere B4 it moves down and out. We haven't been to a Panto for years++ - maybe another thread  ;)


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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2017, 09:09:31 AM »

Hello all
I'm really struggling with this acid reflux pain. I've had constant different wind and gas pain for weeks now before Christmas and now after a particularly bad few days I'm finding it painful to eat. The pain comes as I feel the food move down my oesophagus. (Even soft food) I'm on Lansoprazole and Gaviscon and have got a doctor appointment on Monday. I've read up about inflamed oesophagus stuff and am now worried all the acid reflux has damaged it. The rational side of me is telling myself it's temporary soreness which will ease and fade in time. The anxious side of me has already accepted I'm gonna need surgery to fix this! I will be telling my doc about this pain on Monday obviously but in the meantime has anyone experienced this sort of pain as the food goes down and can reassure me it could just be short lived and get better?
HH  :(


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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2017, 11:29:05 AM »

Guess who!!  That's what I had last year HH, it has got better, about the only thing that has!  I fully expected my endoscopy to show an inflamed oesophagus but it said it was ok, it was the stomach that was inflamed instead.  I'm seeing gp Monday too, the increase in meds has sort of helped the gastritis pain but I've got the worst taste at the back of my throat and nose, mucus is horrible so I'm wondering if it's bile in my case as I've read ppi's can make bile reflux worse!  Can't bloody win!!  Feel nauseous too so eating us tricky so weight is dropping off adding to the worry.  Feeling generally crap if I'm honest!

Sorry that's not much help but I do I know how you feel!!

S x
Really sorry that you are having a bad patch Sparkle.  :(  I had some irritation in my stomach this morning but it was probably to do with eating a full meal after having had no appetite for 2-3 days. In just that short period I lost 3-4 pounds in weight. Quite useful as i want to lose a little weight. one of my reasons against trying PPI's was to read that they can worsen reflux.


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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2017, 02:48:02 PM »

Thanks Katejo, I agree about PPI's but I'm between a rock and a hard place as my GP was insistent I had to get rid of the gastritis because of the implications of not.  I'm still waiting to hear the results of the h pylori biopsy, hopefully she might have an answer on Monday.

S x
Yes you mentioned the need for PPI's  before. I half expected the hospital or my GP to try and push them on me but they didn't. I didn't have any H pylori fortunately.


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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #22 on: January 11, 2017, 10:02:50 AM »

Sparkle, my sista from another mista  ;), I know exactly what you mean re the H pylori and I'm the same. You want them to find something wrong but easy to fix so that it finally gets sorted and goes away. I've checked everything I'm doing and eating to see if I'm making my symptoms worse and I'm not and it's so frustrating because there's nothing else I can do to get better. I don't smoke, drink alcohol, eat or drink any of the stuff I shouldn't, or when I shouldnt. I don't take many nsaids tabs, I walk lots and I'm not overweight (mildly chubby let's say  :)) and those are all the things that can aggravate what I'm going through. I'm reliant on the GPs sorting it out for me and it's time consuming and frustrating to say the least. However, I am going to stand firm on Monday at my appointment and push towards an endoscopy so we can actually find out what's wrong and hopefully treat it accordingly instead of wasting months just guessing. I'm suspecting some sort of bacteria or inflamed stomach or food pipe etc. Really just want my digestive system to calm down and stop causing me pain. That yucky lump thing in my throat is back again too along with the urge to throat clear 24/7.  >:(. An out of sorts digestive system can really make us feel quite ill and 'meh' can't it?!
I hope you get some answers and help on Monday too. It was reassuring for me hearing you've had the pain in your oesophagus as you eat too but I'm glad it's eased. It is worrying when it happens. Hard not to think the worst and actually very unpleasant.
HH x


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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #23 on: January 16, 2017, 08:53:40 PM »

How did you get on at the docs Sparkle?
I've been given a double dose of Lansoprazole now, a blood test request to check my blood count in case there's too much erosion in my oesophagus and some bleeding (I don't think there will be) and a referral for an endoscopy. So, I'm getting somewhere! Hopefully, the camera will show nothing bad or something treatable. GP thinks it may be my hernia has got bigger as she said this last month's worth of a Lansoprazole should have sorted it for me but I've explained my symptoms aren't easing and at times are really awful! She wasn't concerned about the throat clearing but just asked me to monitor it!?!? Not keen on double dose of Lansoprazole but she says just try for two weeks and see if it makes a difference. I remember you being in a similar position. Did you manage to up it to what your doc wanted? It makes me ever so bloated. I also can't seem to even take one sip of water without producing a ridiculous amount of burping. Not sure if that's my stomach acid and gas or the medication.
Interested in hearing your latest update.  :) :)
HH x



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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2017, 06:06:00 PM »

Hi, sorry for slow reply Sparkle. Been mad here!
My gp said to take Gaviscon as much as needed too. I pretty much live on it and I'm still not used to the taste of it...vile stuff!
I'm not getting on well with the double dose of Lansoprazole. Half the time, i forget to take it and it's difficult to plan it around food. The morning one is ok as i just take it the minute i wake up. And also, the extra wind and bloating is not pleasant. I'm already suffering from so much gas and burping i really dont want to make it worse.  :(
Spoke to the appointment line and have got at least a 6 week wait on the endoscopy. Couldn't even book in and was told to call back in 3 weeks! I've put it on the calendar so i dont forget! And laughingly so, i received a reminder letter the other day telling me i havent booked it yet and to call up haha! Stupid system!!!

Any news on your H Pylori?

My throat 'gunk' is there a lot and it's really annoying me.  >:(

Oh and Ive found the first difference between us Sparkle...our weight! I am a couple (or 3) stone heavier than 7 and a half hehe! I'm going to put it down to my height and assume you're much shorter than me.  ;) ;) But in fact I have lost a bit over the last few months with all this not being able to eat certain things and eating smaller meals.
Hope you're feeling better.
Oh and I too would have panicked with the whole aorta/nodule thing. Glad to hear that was explained straight away.  :)
HH xx



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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #25 on: January 30, 2017, 10:36:24 AM »

Bad news today...well in my opinion at least. Received a letter in the post for an outpatient consultation with a Gastro doc rather than going straight for an endoscopy appointment like I've been waiting for. The secretary says my referral was vetted and they want to do that first. Cost cutting /avoiding unnecessary spending I guess. But after talking to him (which is at the end of March I must add) I might not even get the camera appointment in the end if he says it isn't needed. I appreciate that he's the specialist but after my gp thought I should have one and after persevering with the Lansoprazole all this time and coping with daily pain and discomfort, I'm annoyed that I might not get it looked at properly.  >:( :( :'(

I'm on two lots of 30mg so I think I'd burst if I took both at the same time haha! I think I need to try and squeeze it in sometime in the pm before dinner.

Sparkle...5ft 4 is only 2 inches shorter than me. There goes my argument then!  ;D.



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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #26 on: February 06, 2017, 02:12:15 AM »

Hi Horses. Just wondering from your name if you have horses (?) and if you ride(?) and if you wear a sports bra when you do (?) I always used to wear one when I rode and it played havoc with my reflux/HH. It took me a while to realise what it was, and I'd had a couple of visits to GP thinking it was my heart ( long family history of cardiac problems). So, now on Lansoprazole and Gaviscon and mid way through elimination diet to try to find the triggers ( so far: white wine, coffee, bread, some cooking oil, garlic). Xx


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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #27 on: February 08, 2017, 08:19:33 PM »

Sparkle. I am trying to do it by myself. It is taking months, but I think I'm finally winning.
I am omitting dairy, coffee, white sugar and bread. I am managing on one Lanzoprazole every two days and my eczema is also much better. Hope this helps.x

Puffin Mama

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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #28 on: February 09, 2017, 02:56:19 PM »

Hi ladies, may I join you??  :)   Sparkle and I are old friends  ;D and I have been having very similar digestive problems for some months past now.  The worst thing at the moment is the yucky throat - feels constantly clogged up and I am woken at night feeling like I have swallowed a spider and am trying to cough it up!  :o
I suspect that a change of diet might help but can't work out what is setting it all off - I think wheat may be a culprit and possibly dairy in any quantities.  If I find out I can't drink wine I think I'll go into a decline though!
I'm very interested to know how your elimination diets go or what a dietician says, Sparkle - I could do with losing some weight so wouldn't mind having to cut (some) things out.
Puffin x


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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #29 on: February 09, 2017, 07:41:18 PM »

Hi ladies, may I also join you?  I have read your posts with great interest and empathy.  I have previously posted in a couple of other streams on this informative and helpful site.  My story in brief (fingers crossed) is I decided to try and reduce my hrt, for reasons I don't remember now, and weaned from elleste duet conti to kliovance. When I started on kliovance full time I began suffering with headaches, tinnitus, shooting pains,  nasal pain etc. and what I can only describe as a burning feeling around my left ear when I ate or drank hot stuff,  drank alcohol etc. GP gave me antibiotics.  This was after putting up with it for a couple of months.  After a few weeks,  went back thinking it may be a side effect of the hrt. Was given lonsoprasole to take 30mg in the morning for a week, then as and when.  Tried that,  tried to way! I have carried on. I said I wanted to stop HRT so went on alternate days to see if it was a side effect. Went back again 10 days ago.  Given Beconase nasal spray to try and shrink tubes, and referral to ENT. Slight improvement. Tried to stop lonsoprasole yesterday, as am suffering from trapped wind (not funny) and struggling with the loo, and as I'm currently waiting for a prolapse repair op date it's really not good. I experienced terrible griping pain in shoulder blade and under left ribs. I have a menopause clinic appointment on Monday,  and hoping against hope it may hold the answers. I stopped my HRT 3 weeks ago,  thinking I would start again from scratch on Monday.  During my search for answers,  I have read that a lack of oestrogen can cause a lot of these problems,  and as I had a LAVH and BSO just over a year ago and I presume no hormones, I am desperate for something to come out of a new HRT regime.  I have also read that the lack of oestrogen can affect your body's absorption of fluids? Do any of you ladies have any opinion or experience with any of this please?  Thanking you in advance, and here's hoping to one day get our lives back eh?  :) xx
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