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Author Topic: Hiatus Hernia or something else?  (Read 18816 times)

Puffin Mama

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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #30 on: February 10, 2017, 11:30:21 AM »

Hi Sparkle! *waves*
I can't take any of the 'prazole' family as they make me feel really weird and spaced out! Not sure my GP believed me when I reported the side effects but they were definitely there and most unpleasant  >:(   The only things that sometimes help are Gaviscon tablets - although I loathe the taste of them - and I have also discovered a herbal remedy called Digestisan (it's one of the Vogel herbal products), that does seem to help with the general feelings of 'windygestion'  ;D.  You do need to take it at least twice a day for it to be effective over time though and I often forget, only to get to work and wonder why I feel so uncomfortable!
I do need to streamline my diet,  I think, but this is a very stressful period at work so this morning so far,  I have consumed a muffin with Marmite and a Crème Egg ???
Doolou, I'm not sure about absorption of fluids but I do feel quite dried out sometimes and I get a lot of joint aches, so maybe those are a symptom?
Puffin x


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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #31 on: February 10, 2017, 08:11:19 PM »

Hi Sparkle and Puffin Mama, and thank you for your comments.  Although it's sad, it's good to converse with you both having similar experiences and know you understand,  sadly unlike a lot of our GP's.  I am really putting all my faith in the menopause clinic.  Do they give miracles on prescription?   :D  The annoying thing is I was given Lansaprosole for what my GP thinks is silent reflux?  For the burning head? Is there any way to stop taking it without the awful griping pains? Looks like I'll be back to see her too next week,  subject to my miracle cure on Monday.  Thank you again,  and wish you both a fabulous weekend x


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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #32 on: February 10, 2017, 09:10:22 PM »

Thank you Sparkle. I may try to reduce to one a day in the morning to start with.  Your response is much appreciated.  X


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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #33 on: February 11, 2017, 03:41:14 PM »

Hello and welcome everyone. The more the merrier!  :)
 I too feel a bit stuck at times with the Lansoprazole giving me similar pains and symptoms to what im trying to get rid of and why I went on them in the first place!

Just like Sparkle, my hormones and stress/anxiety levels really do mess with my digestion and Puffin Mama I too feel a bit 'weird' and spaced out when im on the double dose of Lansoprazole.

KazziCas, yes I do ride, and that is the reason for my name.  :) Really interesting point and I do wear a sports type bra when I ride but actually every other time as well as I had to give up on normal bras a few years back when all this meno business began as I couldn't stand the discomfort around the strap bit and I find these much more comfortable, if a little ugly! I found it was the standard type underwired bras that weren't helping my pain and discomfort but maybe it's just any bra full stop. Im not a big booby type of girl but I dont think I could go totally bra free unfortunately haha.

Did you get your H Pylori result yet Sparkle?

My gp called me to see how im doing (no change at mo for me. Good days, bad days) and she insisted I stay on double 30 mg Lansoprazole and regular

 ::) :)


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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #34 on: February 28, 2017, 10:58:39 AM »

Hi all
Ive had my appointment with the gastro specialist now. (Was meant to be end March but got a cancellation). He wants to do an ultrasound to check my gallbladder. Got that next week, on my birthday!!! :( and it's a fasting one too so can't eat before  :'( ha! Never mind.
He thinks what I had was oesophagal spasms like you Sparkle and said it's so painful (yep) and does feel like a heart attack (yep yep) but is probably being managed now by the lansoprazole. He says I probs wont have an endoscopy as that's, in his opinion, more a tool to look for cancers and lumps etc. He wasn't really bothered about my hiatus hernia. I won't know more till Ive seen him for a follow up afterwards.
Any news from you?
HH xx


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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #35 on: March 01, 2017, 08:55:57 PM »

Ooh good intel on the g/b wall Sparkle. Thanks for that, will do.  :)
Cant believe how long your h pylori result is taking!! My throat clearing is just like yours. Such a pain. Hubby lost his voice the other day after a week long exhibition with work and as it's coming back he's having to clear and cough and he actually uttered the sentence ... "You know that annoying thing when you just can't clear the stuff out of your throat?" I just looked at him and he immediately realised what he'd said hahaha. Dufus!
I'm trying to be positive too. Easier said than done. ::) Get knocked down all the time with those pesky little waves of anxiety but working on it. I am...promise!!!  ;) :D Good days, bad days!
HH xx


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Re: Hiatus Hernia or something else?
« Reply #36 on: May 23, 2017, 09:20:51 AM »

Hi all
Just a little update...
Have seen doc now and he did a scan on g/b, stomach, etc and didn't find anything worrying so that's good. Have been told that all the acid reflux and gerd is defo down to the relaxing of muscles and sphincter caused by hormones playing up in meno. He didnt want to do an endoscopy as he said that was more for looking for cancer and he didn't think it would be that. Advice was to stay on Lansoprazole once a day indefinitely as very safe and could help stave off the episodic attacks of heartburn and oesophageal spasms etc.
No other news really. Am still the same. Have good days, bad days and never really sure whether I've caused it with food or drink or whether it's out of my control and happening regardless thanks to hormones buggering about.
So that's it really.
How's everyone else doing with their acid reflux?
Sparkle, have you got your H Pylori result yet?
Not been on here for a while so sorry if a bit behind the news.
HH x
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