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Author Topic: 54 and not sure if HRT is needed  (Read 2923 times)


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54 and not sure if HRT is needed
« on: December 10, 2016, 04:06:08 PM »

Hi, I have been following this site for s while and read lots of really interesting data. I am 54 nearly 55 and not had a period for 19 months. I had the weirdest of experiences end of August,. It was like a meltdown. Had been feeling of, sort of not myself though for a few months before and have been having night sweats for about 5 years. Went to the doctor and they wanted me to go on AD's I did for a month but didn't like them. Also done 6 weeks of CBT, sort of helping. Think I have a touch of health anxiety. Since then things just keep changing. I have;
Fizzing in the ears
Not very myself - hard to explain
Night sweats
Crying at anything, even adverts
Find more pains and then seem to exaggerate them.
Been thinking about HRT but only patches as they seem the safest of all options.
Had blood test and she to the demand of the female doctor I am seeing I won't know how they are till after Christmas. But she has told me she has gone on HRT and fees so much better.
So I suppose what I am trying to find  out is has anyone had similar problems as me and how did they cope? Did they go down the HRT route? Are patches better?
I am just so confused.
Any ideas/advice would be lovely.


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Re: 54 and not sure if HRT is needed
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2016, 06:21:38 PM »

Hello Clare11.

I agree with Stellajane, all your symptoms sound like the menopause.

My periods finished when I was 54 and I looked and felt terrible. One day I happened to bump into a GP friend and when I explained my situation she nodded and said " well, that is about the age ".

I think HRT is worth a try and I wish you luck with whatever you decide to do.

Take care.




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Re: 54 and not sure if HRT is needed
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2016, 07:26:41 PM »

Hi Clare11


What was your doctor thinking of? Antidepressants indeed!!!! Glad they were not for you -because the current guidelines say they should not be prescribed as the first line of treatment for hormonal issues!!! HRT is the thing - I agree with the others. One of the reasons you might have experienced the meltdown is because your oestrogen levels continue to fall quite dramatically for the two years approx, following the last period - so your symptoms may well worsen from when you were peri-menopausal.

I was your age (well a year younger maybe) when I started HRT. Now in my 60's and never looked back. It's quality of life - no need to suffer - especially at your young age while you can still be really active!

One thing I would say any HRT - is that once you are post-menopausal it is usual to prescribe a continuous combined hRT - that is, a preparation that gives you oestrogen and progestogen every day - whether by patch or tablet. It is usually the progestogen part which women find problematic - because except when pregnant - we are not programmed to have this in large quantities every day! Therefore - if you could bear to have a bleed again I would strongly recommend ( and so would many women on here) starting with a cyclical HRT - which gives a withdrawal bleed every month. Once you have found a type that suits you, you could either try a longer cycle or try continuous combined and see how you get on.

There are two combi patches as you will see from here: (scroll down for patches).

The progestogen in Femseven is better tolerated but some women have problems getting it to stay stuck for the whole week  (the other ones are changed twice a week).

Alternatively right from the start you could try a separate patch with progestogen. Estradot  are the best patches as they are so small and come in a range of doses, and there are two progestogens as you will see from here:

Have a read up on it all and ask any more questions you like before going back to the doc.

Go for it girl - what have you got to lose?! :)

Hurdity x


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Re: 54 and not sure if HRT is needed
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2016, 05:18:10 PM »

Hi, just have to ask but do your moods go up and down so much with the menopause?
Mine seem fine for a few days and then boom, big drop.
Have done a CBT course which seems to have helped but not actually got rid off these feelings, especially the peaks and troughs. It's very hard to explain but it is getting me down.
How do others cope with this????


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Re: 54 and not sure if HRT is needed
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2016, 07:38:24 PM »

Hello  Clare11.

Ah, the emotional rollercoaster that is the menopause, I know it well! When my mood is good it's like coming up for air and when it plummets  I just want to crawl under a rock. Twice recently I thought I was going to burst into tears whilst out shopping and this time yesterday I was happily chatting to visitors but now I'm laying on the sofa and full of jitters.
I wish I could help you but although I detected a  pattern about the time when  my periods stopped, i.e feeling okay for two weeks then terrible for two weeks, now I'm six years post meno my moods seem totally unpredictable.  I understand what you mean about it getting you down and how no one understands. I have some events coming up over Christmas and New Year and I don't know how I'll explain myself if my mood turns sour.
I seem to remember  that some women resort to carrying a bag of aids around with them, things like beta blockers, Rescue Remedy, Gin lol. Also I recently spoke to someone who would have a glass of red wine in the  middle of the night if necessary!

Hopefully some of the expert ladies will be along soon to advise you but in the meantime know that you are night alone with all this and many of us do understand.

Take care.



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Re: 54 and not sure if HRT is needed
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2016, 07:51:35 PM »

Hi K, even reading your reply makes me cry and I am trying to bake a cake for the hubby birthday and that's not doing the trick. Maybe a G&T will help lol. Just a shame I have gone off alcohol a bit. :(
But your words do help, least I am not alone. I also am not sure how Christmas will go as this is all new to me, last year fine but at least I know we are all here for each other.
Take care too.


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Re: 54 and not sure if HRT is needed
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2016, 08:01:30 PM »

You dont need anti depressants, you need HRT!  Perhaps try the gel or patches, as transdermally is definitely a more "user friendly" option, am sure, that you will soon feel like a new person.... :)