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Author Topic: Burning tummy  (Read 4995 times)


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Burning tummy
« on: December 06, 2016, 09:55:08 PM »

Calling fellow acid reflux sufferers!  Just wondering if any of you also have to deal with a burning feeling in your tummy in addition to other bouts of burning ( I feel it in my throat & chest sometimes too.)

I've been getting this on/off since the spring & I've been dealing w/ AR for a little over a year now.  It's a bit annoying, but the HA it's inducing is worse than the physical discomfort. 

I don't understand it...sometimes I feel just fine and no worries & then one morning I wake up with the burning/acid-y feeling in my insides.  Eating something always makes it feel better.

I guess I'm just wondering about others experiences and having a moan.  My husband, dear man, keeps reassuring me, pointing out all the additional aches & pains I tell him about ::), changes in my cycle (that I complain about) & why wouldn't my insides be affected, too? 


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Re: Burning tummy
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2016, 10:24:47 PM »

Sparkle hello!  Love your snowflake btw!  Always like hearing from you bc you've got a wealth of knowledge on this subject (Acid reflux & all of its friends!)

I'm not sure if I have a hernia or not.  I see my GP again after the new year.  I've been debating about pushing for an endoscopy to see what may be going on in there for sure but am terrified at the thought, actually.  She hasn't seemed too concerned, telling me to take ranitidine as needed.  I also sometimes take calcium carbonade btablets which tamper down the burning/acid.

Sometimes I'm fine with no burning/acid for days, weeks and then it returns.  Especially when I feel well I take nothing.  Maybe that's where I'm going wrong?  Is it weird that I always feel better after eating?

I did read about your latest dx of gastritis.  Does this mean you just have to get on with things and bc you have this along with the hiatus hernia it'll always be as it is for you?

As always, your wisdom is invaluable.  Many thanks!



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Re: Burning tummy
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2016, 12:18:56 AM »

Interesting, I appreciate you sharing your experiences..thank you.

I am in peri, since 2014.  Started w/ horrible anxiety, almost seemed to come out of nowhere, had to start paroxetine bc health anxiety was running my life.  Like trips to the emergency room, insisting I was dying of a fatal disease. 

That was followed by night sweats, reoccurrence of my IBS-d which had been dormant for many years.  Then my period stopped for 6 months.  Then it came back, along with horrible PMS symptoms that I've not had since my teen years.  My cycles have changed, lots of cramping and taking time to "get started" and the cycle time fluctuating close together and then far apart.  Lots of new found aches & pains. 

And then last Oct acid reflux launched itself.  I had no idea what it was, thought I was really dying. But saw my dr and acid reflux was the dx and here I still am!!

Sorry for droning on..I get a bit yappy at times.  ::)


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Re: Burning tummy
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2016, 09:38:36 AM »

Hi Melly.  Another fellow sufferer here!  Mine's playing up something awful at the moment.  I've taken PPIs for years and it's always kept it under control but now they aren't working the same.  I started with a sore throat down one side and sore neck back end of October and that's all settled down thankfully (thought it was throat cancer or head and neck cancer of course being an HA sufferer!) but Dr didn't seem concerned and just took throat swab which was negative.  Now I've got constant burning/scratchy feeling at base of throat, constant throat clearing from when I get up in the morning and a post nasal drip to add into the mix.  Generally feel rubbish!  Last night also got a pain down centre of my chest so thought 'heart attack' imminent!  It's there this morning a bit so I think it's 'spreading' down my oesophagus - my mind's in overdrive now!

I'm sure it's quite normal for us ladies of a certain age to suffer these digestive issues as there seems to be loads of us on here with the same problems.  I think as we age we have to watch our diet as our systems don't seem to tolerate the sort of food we throw at it i.e. pastry, tomato-based sauces, spicy foods etc.  so I think diet will play a big part in settling it down.

I agree with Sparkle, don't be scared of the endoscopy - they sound much worse than they actually are, honestly.  If you have the sedation, which again, isn't scary at all, you'll be fine.  I was absolutely petrified of just the thought of one but I'd have one tomorrow no problem.

I hope you feel reassured a bit that these things seem to be the norm at this time of life for a lot of us.  It doesn't stop us worrying or panicking though. 


ancient runner

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Re: Burning tummy
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2016, 11:21:46 AM »

I've got a dreadful gastritis flare up at the moment and feel awful. Have had a hiatus hernia for years but symptoms were sore ears and throat, not this. Been prescribed 40mg daily omeprazole rather than the 10mg I usually take. Want it to go away!

ancient runner

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Re: Burning tummy
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2016, 03:29:22 PM »

I've only had two doses of the 40mg (and have been prescribed a fortnight's worth of them). It's not agonisingly painful any more - I couldn't get into a comfortable position or sleep the night before last - but my upper stomach is tender to the touch and feels like there is a huge air bubble in it. Am burping a lot.
No idea what's set it off. I had a glass of wine on an empty stomach at a Christmas lunch on Friday? Been decorating and painting ceilings (that's a common link with the last time this happened). Might be stress I guess - but seems odd if so. With the cold I've got, feel utterly horrible.


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Re: Burning tummy
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2016, 05:38:04 PM »


Yes, yes it does comfort me knowing there are fellow sufferers of this situation out there.  Not that I wish this condition on anyone, mind.  But that's why I come to MM for reassurance & knowledge & confirming it's not just me. 

And of course many thanks to dear Sparkle! 

AR sorry to hear you are going thru a bad patch.  Fingers crossed the new med dose gives you relief.  Today I'm feeling well so I want to shout from the roof tops. I've started taking organic apple cider vinegar (with the mother) so maybe that's helping.

Thank you all for sharing your experiences.  The support really helps.  Maybe I'll be brave enough for an endo in 2017!  Stranger things have happened.....