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Author Topic: workplace discrimination?  (Read 8639 times)


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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #30 on: December 06, 2016, 10:13:40 PM »

So, am I right in thinking.. (you ladies rock by the way, such good responses and answers and advice, I thank each and every one of you)

that I should be able to get testosterone now (nearly 6 months after surgery) not in a further 6 months when my E levels are 'up'?

I was basically hurled out of the operating room and back to my life with no counselling, guidance or help with my new surgical menopausal state. My consultant even told me that because I was 'so close' to menopause naturally, I wouldn't need HRT!

Hair loss is a big thing.. and mine has nearly disappeared. I am horrified and it's really afffected my self esteem and sense of femininity. I'm going to get a wig until it grows back.. but until my hormones are balanced and stable, I doubt it will

hugs to all... let's support one another as Tempest says..

Abby xx


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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #31 on: December 06, 2016, 10:31:23 PM »

Abby I stumbled across what seems like a miracle today of a bespoke human hair enhancer maker with incredibly affordable prices.  I'll send you the link in pm

Please be careful of introducing testosterone if you have low levels of oestrogen, the T will be dominant and could make matters worse for you, I've increased my blob as a tube was lasting ages and already I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do (a blogger said pea size makes the tube last ages and to get it to last 10 days try the size of a 20p on finger)

On this new dose acrylic nails are coming off (I guess oily skin) , my hair is greasy day after washing and I've got spots !

Why is nothing so damn straightforward in any of this ?!

Tempest I will investigate to see if there is a difference



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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #32 on: December 07, 2016, 07:34:13 AM »

84pmol ... is that low?
1.9 T.... (I'll have to get the reference ranges I don't have them right now)


I will check out the hair lady for sure!


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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #33 on: December 07, 2016, 07:44:25 AM »

Is that your oestrogen Abby ? I can't remember when my last E was taken but it was 774 pmol (72-529)

My T was 0.9 nmol (0.00-1.9)



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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #34 on: December 07, 2016, 12:57:57 PM »

Yes that's my E - as of a few weeks ago (before the patch started on 18th Nov)

my hair has got steadily worse.. it just must be an imbalance between hormones but how to regulate it? at this rate i will have no hair soon :(


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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #35 on: December 07, 2016, 01:12:24 PM »

You have to get E levels up Abby

Please don't introduce T until you do


walking the dog

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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #36 on: December 07, 2016, 03:01:20 PM »

So good to read on here about others experience of hormones affecting their mental health. I'm convinced my mental health issues are linked to the peri menopause but the cmh nurse I see now due in my eyes to the menopause, doesn't agree ! They say its anxiety,well yes it is but how did I manage before peri started and cant now !? They cant answer me . Plus it goes off the scale when my periods due even on hrt  !
I know it sounds awful saying its good to read others are also suffering, but I mean it in that its good to know I'm not alone and I'm not in denial or imagining itxx


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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #37 on: December 07, 2016, 08:30:54 PM »

abbyH - I agree with Annie0710 - that is very low oestrogen and you must increase before starting T!! Are you post-meno?

Hurdity x


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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #38 on: December 07, 2016, 08:45:14 PM »

Yes. I'm in Surgical.. Had BSo and TAH in June

I'm on a 75mg patch (Estrodot) and am coping ok... a few up and down moments on it

taking 3000 mg Primrose to help hair
but still noticing dramatic thinning/loss in last 6 months

So in 6 months on a patch my levels will be ok to add T?
Wish I'd started the patch when I left hospital!   but wasn't advised anything



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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #39 on: December 07, 2016, 09:02:32 PM »

I'm awful for remembering to take vitamins etc but I read that omega (sure omega 6 but hard to find so bought omega 3-6-9) is said to reduce the DHT conversion from testosterone.  I think it's reported to give it 6 months to see improvements (if any)



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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #40 on: December 07, 2016, 10:03:48 PM »

Oh dear me, Abby! You MUST increase the estrogen before adding any T! So you're sticking with the 75mcg? How are you finding it - do you feel better than the 50's? I find on day one of patch change of the 50's I feel super, and by mid day 2 my mood is in the dirt again. Hence why I was a happy camper yesterday! The ups and downs on the patches are a killer for me at the moment, to be honest it's really starting to worry me! :'(

I'll be speaking to my Psychiatrist about this tomorrow (he's pretty clued up and understanding about hormonal issues), as it's making me a bit of a basket case. My GP refuses to entertain any changes until I've seen my specialist in January. If this rollercoaster continues, I may have to go back to the gel as I felt my levels were better and more stable on that and I'll have to try to work round the rash issue by trying it on my arms to see if I tolerate it better there. No way can I stand another 6 weeks of this if it doesn't settle - my Hubby doesn't know what version of me he's getting from day to day! Also, I've hardly slept at all since I've been on the patches, and I slept fine on the gel.  :(


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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #41 on: December 07, 2016, 10:23:31 PM »

Aw Tempest !

Is suggesting pill form of hrt a bad idea ?

I was as happy as a pig in poop on elleste solo(started on 1mg then within weeks went to max 2mg) soon after my hysterectomy in 1999 until 2012 when everything went wrong

I've read pill form isn't ideal 5yrs + but maybe that would give you relief and consistency ?

My E levels haven't been tested since I've used patches but have always been excellent on elleste solo 2mg



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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #42 on: December 07, 2016, 10:29:40 PM »

Thank you, Annie! I'm thinking it may be a possibility. I get the feeling that my Consultant tries to avoid pills like the plague but if it's needed, it's needed.

How long did it take you to settle on the patches, and did you get ups and downs initially and if so, did they settle? I'm very careful to make sure my patch is applied smoothly with no wrinkles too. Not sure if this is just an 'early days' issue or something else going on. Transdermals in general have been a nightmare for me!


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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #43 on: December 07, 2016, 10:51:44 PM »

I had a nightmare when I changed from pill to patch

Having been on elleste solo pill it seemed logical to try their patch.  Within a couple of hours massive migraine.  Rang GP next day and they said remove and not take any hrt til they say.  On 4th day violently sick and headache vanished (2x trips to A&E too)

Then I tried evorel I think, didn't stick well so tried estradot

A lot of 2012-2016 is a bit of a blur to be honest Tempest meno wise.  I've had highs and lows during this time with no reflection of the hrt I was on . I can't say I felt any different on estradot , the only reason I've stayed on them is because they stick well and no professional so far has known what to do with me

Apart from the social anxiety I am in a place I'm ok with and could settle for  but I remember around Nov 2014 I felt like I'd turned a really good corner (still on elleste solo 2mg)
I felt like my old self I think but was short lived

I live in hope a magic formula is created though



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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #44 on: December 07, 2016, 11:43:32 PM »

Oh my goodness, Annie! That sounded like a nightmare with the sickness and headaches. Wee soul!

I wish they could come up with a magic formula - none of us would be here then! I like to think at some time in the future, people will look back on how we treat menopause and think how crude our efforts at hormone replacement were because things have by then moved on. Maybe then someone will have discovered a way to bypass the menopause completely! Or else in the very distant future as a species we will evolve so that it's not part of our biological ageing.

To be honest, I wish personally I hadn't even started HRT. Maybe my Consultant Gynaecologist was right when he said I could manage without it. I went over a year without, and only really went on it because depression was starting to cripple me and none of the AD's my GP had tried had worked. And because I panicked because there was a lot coming out in the media at that time ahead of the new guidelines being released about how HRT is needed to maintain good health. Mainly in the Daily Mail, I think. I don't read it now (a move in the right direction, I think)! I had joint pain for a few months during this time, but this had started to ease quite a bit. I was sleeping through the night, no hot flushes. My hair was good, skin only a little dry as to be expected with ageing. I also felt more like 'myself'. On HRT I always feel weirdly unlike myself and a bit strangely 'possessed, if that makes any sense.(Crikey, that makes me sound like a weirdo)! :o

Since all this HRT experimentation, I have felt much worse in so many ways. The best I have felt really during this time was when I was on a nominal dose of 0.3mg Premarin and when I evened out again on nothing at all following my hormone crash when I had to come off the Estrogel the first time after the chest pains developed. During both these times I had no mood swings, and although I had developed hot flushes for the first time I felt they were 'rebound' after stopping the Estrogel abruptly and they started to lessen. But then I went back on HRT again.  :(

I couldn't go through another hormone crash again right now as I feel too fragile mentally, but if my Psychiatrist is able to help me with an AD that suits (he's thinking Venlafaxine) then I may very well try to come off HRT again completely in the future (with the exception of vaginal estrogen as needed - but so far I haven't needed this. Touch wood)!. I know it safeguards bones etc. etc. but seriously - this whole battle has taken me to such dark places this last year and I still feel totally pants. I don't think I can get my estrogen levels high enough that I can tolerate to get the Testosterone, and for me delivery methods that fluctuate madly are a killer. I'd need an IV of estrogen strapped to my arm drip feeding the stuff for me to ever feel stable, I think!  :o
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