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Author Topic: workplace discrimination?  (Read 8640 times)


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workplace discrimination?
« on: December 06, 2016, 09:57:39 AM »

Hi everyone  :D :D

Just a quick update and a gripe
Post hyst and BSO in June, after a difficult few years trying to manage heavy bleeding, hair loss, weight gain the lot!
I'm seeing Dr Panay's team - and am now on a 75mg Estrodot patch.. will be seen again in April and I guess T added then if E levels ok

I feel not great, massive anxiety depression which has eased a bit, then after putting on 75 patch (up from 50 evorel) I feel weepy, really down, black thoughts .. is this normal?

In other news my work have not been supportive - and even have told me that they 'allowed' me to go and have the operation at a really busy time - and that I should be grateful (in essence).. So far  no reasonable adjustments have been made and I've actually resigned feeling that there is a hostile environment

So my question is, how have other women been treated at work following a radical hysterectomy? I was off work for 2 weeks (at the end of term last year as I work in HE) and then over the summer I went into work for a few meetings, marked essays, did a load of admin work. I went on holiday for a week and then was back at work by 1st September

I have been struggling with trying to get my HRT stable since and had lots of hospital appointments (follow ups and then two with Chelsea and Wedstminster for HRT advice) I've been told that my reference will reflect this

do I need legal advice?



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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2016, 10:35:35 AM »

Hi Abby

Sorry things still aren't great
I'm not at my best on 75mcg either, I'm sure this dose contributes to my problems but like you I need good O levels for my testosterone gel
It seems pretty much the same for most ladies without ovaries, you'd think we'd tolerate high doses
I don't know what to suggest as I know you're really keen to try the T.  Has Tibolone been offered ? I have to say the only thing that put me off was the most common side effects are hair loss and weight gain.  As you know I've had hair thinning too but because we don't always know what's caused it we won't know if taking something new will help or worsen the condition.  There's every chance that low O and T have caused your hair loss so adding that back in could help or the T could make it worse. 

Sounds like your boss isn't being professional.  I worked for the NHS when I had mine and I told them I'd be back at week 7, they sent me to occ health who suggested a phased return (I was ok to go back to normal hours ) but my boss said go with occ health

Is it ACAS the help group for work related problems ? If not google who can help and give them a call telling them how your employer is dealing with you



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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2016, 10:53:23 AM »

Hi Abby,

Sorry, I don't have any experience of hysterectomy and returning to work,  but you might find some useful information in these new guidelines:

Personally, I think you have been badly treated and I wouldn't expect anyone to be able to do what you have managed so soon after a major operation.

Good luck and don't forget to let us know how you get on!



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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2016, 10:54:59 AM »

Thank you
Yes am thinking about contacting ACAS and also the HR department in the organisation where I work

thank you ladies!



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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2016, 12:58:10 PM »

The Company should find means to accommodate your health needs, to be told that you were 'allowed' time off, well I would want that in writing - what does it say in your Contract of Emplyment?  Get a Union involved?


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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2016, 01:36:02 PM »

Hi, Abby!

As Annie says, us ladies without ovaries often seem to struggle on higher doses of estrogen and this can clearly be seen if you head on over to Hystersisters and read the many posts there about this very thing! I have VERY strong feelings about us becoming estrogen dominant although many say this is not the cause of why we feel so bad (mainly in the UK where we don't have much of an idea about 'balance' when it comes to HRT after ovary removal). But it makes perfect sense - we have NO ovaries, thus are producing only a tiny smidge of progesterone and testosterone from our adrenals and stored fat etc. This can quickly get overridden by the higher doses of estrogen that get lobbed at us as professionals here ASSUME that we need more, when I fact it's BALANCE that we need. This particularly affects us mentally - and only us ladies with no ovaries know what this feels like!  :(

It is also very important (and I speak from much experience here - especially over the last couple of months or so) to be allowed to stabilise on one dose even if it is not meeting your needs quite for alleviating your symptoms for at least one month. I was 'rushed up' into increasing my gel dose as my levels were low and it was a disaster! Subsequently, my Consultant then cut my patch dose which I started after having to stop the gel to 25mcg which was nothing short of torture. I had to endure another hormone crash! There is only so many times we can endure this before we become seriously unglued, and I think Consultant's etc. need to realise this and proceed carefully. It puts a huge strain on our adrenals if they are constantly forced into action with all this tinkering about, and can cause horrible symptoms of increased anxiety as well as all the physical issues. Think about it - the adrenals release adrenaline and when over stressed, this is going to make you feel really jittery and anxious. Fluctuations up and down can make you feel like this too as the adrenals have no idea whether they're coming or going!

And then of course, we get passed to mental health as no one has any idea why were not responding 'well' to treatment! I've read back over many old posts here of ladies who have no ovaries, and apart from a very few they have all pretty much been in desperate straits and have been up and down like a fiddler's elbow on their dosages. And then they stop makes me so sad and angry!

My advice to you would be to NOT be rushed. Go back down to the 50mcg patch and hold there for at least a month. And then titrate up by using a half of a 25mcg patch. Yes, we are THAT sensitive and if this is what it takes then your specialist will have to accommodate this in order to get you where you need to be if you want to try the Testosterone. I'll be sticking to my guns on this myself in the future, I can tell you! >:(

As Annie says, I am also sorely tempted by the Tibolone as this provides a replicated balance of all 3 hormones, and this may be just what we need. I have done a lot of research into feedback from TAH/BSO and BSO ladies of using this, and for those that tolerate it it seems to be far superior as far as mood/libido/wellbeing than seperate estradiol and testosterone (and of course they won't give TAH ladies progesterone as 'we don't need it' even though it helps to balance the energising effect of estrogen which often pushes us into anxiety and jitteriness).

On the work front, this is just disgusting! I think you have a fairly clear cut case for constructive dismissal there, and I would research this as effectively you were forced to quit. Speaking to ACAS about this would be a very good bet.

As always, sending you biggest hugs! :hug: xxxxxx
« Last Edit: December 06, 2016, 01:41:34 PM by Tempest »


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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2016, 01:40:38 PM »

You explain things so much better than me Tempest !

I can be your forum warm up til you make an appearance each day !! X


I forgot to mention that Jan to June this year I introduced 2 new additions to my 75mcg estradot

I added b12 and utrogestan 100mg daily and I felt better ! Not brilliant, but definitely better, well woman nurse told me I must stop progesterone immediately as I have no uterus.  So, I asked why I wasn't having the progesterone drained from me by Drs since my hysterectomy, she couldn't answer but she said she reckons the prog opposed the 75mcg oestrogen and reduced its effect which made me feel better (that supports our theory)

A month later she calls me in to say I'm a good candidate for testosterone or Tibolone but our surgery won't entertain the idea.  I said "hold on, Tibolone will convert some to progesterone and you said I can't have it?"  She apologised and said she's investigated it and it won't harm us plus it's prompted her to go to a meno conference in November where she will learn more about this particular subject.  I haven't seen her since so I don't know what she learned

« Last Edit: December 06, 2016, 01:48:15 PM by Annie0710 »


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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2016, 01:45:42 PM »

Annie, is that the same thing as a 'fluffer?!? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2016, 01:49:54 PM »

Omg  :veil: :rofl:

I can be whatever you want me to be Tempest ! X


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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2016, 01:51:58 PM »

Ahem.....!!! :o :rofl: :rofl:


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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2016, 02:33:53 PM »

thanks for all this.. for me now its anxiety/deep depressive mood/suicidal thoughts.. massive hair loss (80%) and insomnia!!!
and now I'm thinking prior to the op I actually felt better!

Tempest, I will go back down to the 50 I think.. I felt ok on that.. But without a guide (next appointment in April) very difficult to feel im doing the right thing

I too have some Uterogestan from before, and maybe will start adding that to see if things improve?
my B12 levels are ok but it cant hurt to take, also D

As for work and how they've responded, yes I think some action needed..
Abby x



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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2016, 02:50:26 PM »

Abby be careful adding prog to 50oestrogen as it will lower the oestrogen even more

Try snipping your patch gradually maybe without the prog OR keep the dose patch you're on plus the prog

Where is your hair loss ? All over OR top of scalp ? Mines both so could be a mix of female patter HL and low T

Ps you can't overdose on b12 as you'll pee out excess so don't be afraid to give yourself a boost



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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2016, 02:56:23 PM »

Abby, it's very important to only do one thing at a time (go and take a look at the advice on this over at Hystersisters). I would still try to stabilise on the 50mcg for a month and then reassess.

The Tibolone works in an entirely different way - it is in fact a form of steroid, not strictly hormones. It has a unique action via the pituitary and therefore 'balances' itself via this mode of action. Remember - balance is important!

The motto over at Hystersisters is start low and go slow, only adding one thing at a time and allowing time for each change to settle. I know only too well how it feels to feel absolutely desperate - I have so many days like this myself but our bodies are a very sophisticated piece of kit so require very gentle handling.

Incidentally, did you mention your thyroid antibodies at your appointment? I think extra input there would be invaluable too.

And try not to take on too much stress if you can - this is notorious for knocking out hormone balance, especially in us oopherectomised ladies. I posted about this recently. I know I had a hellish few days just last week when I had extra stress with family issues. Please try to be gentle with yourself! :hug:


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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2016, 03:26:41 PM »

Hi Ladies
I hear you then on the start low go slow mantra.. So going back to 50 for a few months..

Hair loss/deterioration. All over but especially the front/sides and underneatth. What I'm left with is dry, flyaway very very fine strands.. And I used to have long glossy thick thick hair (even a year ago it was substantially better than now)

it seems to have got worse since the op in June and no better since taking E...

My antibodies are low right now and have decreased since taking Dessicated thryoid which I will continue to do

Its all so confusing!

I just want to feel better, and not want to kill myself and have my hair back



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Re: workplace discrimination?
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2016, 03:49:04 PM »

You need anti-depressant treatment - do have a chat with your GP.  Although your symptoms may well be hormonally led if you are suicidal then seek treatment for that as a separate issue.  Otherwise you will have difficulties seeing the wood for the trees!   :bighug:
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