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Author Topic: hello from a moany old ranter!  (Read 4960 times)


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hello from a moany old ranter!
« on: December 05, 2016, 09:24:37 PM »

Hi ladies,

I'm a 47 year old single mum, I work supporting adults with learning disabilities and mental health issues and more now personality disorders, us ladies need to be resilient eh?

I'm old-but-new, was on here some years ago for advice re hormone patches my GP prescribed me for my symptoms, before bloods were taken...anyway that little episode nearly sent me insane and after it was all out of my system I was just so thankful to feel the awful that I did before then that I've just been bumbling along.

Til the start of this year, I had 3 months with no AF, then 3 weeks of the worst bleeding I've ever had. I'm not a squeamish person but it was really gross and made me feel awful in nearly every aspect.

I go to the GP and am told my BP is high, bloods are taken am told my oestrogen is high (I'm thinking peri at this point) so I have them redone a week later and still high. Sent to endocrinologist...more bloods done, inc bone loss marker (I'm 1.5inches shorter than I used to be at this check) Don't have follow up for that appt until end of Jan '17. GP also referred me to a gynae as an NHS patient in the local private hospital (dead posh)
I meet a lovely gynae, Russian lady (I googled her, she does lots for endometriosis awareness and charities) who doesn't dismiss how I've been feeling...hysteroscopy done, I'm offered a Mirena, (would help with bleeding and pain!?) ablation (would help with bleeding but not pain) or failing those a hysterectomy!(would help with both!!! ;D)

Long history of unmanageable periods, mefenamic acid does nothing...I had a Mirena in my 20s to try to sort them out but I had an awful time with it and no-one would remove it for 8 months despite my begging!

So...I agree to try it again, thinking I might have changed etc etc. Bad decision, had it removed a couple of weeks ago after only 2 months. Very bad cystic acne, mood swings, bloating and weight gain and now the mother of all heavy with vice-like pain all the way down to my thighs.

I had today off work and I will tomorrow too as even mef. acid and paracodol together haven't touched the pain!

My hysteroscopy showed a large 'niche' from a c-section 9.5 years ago and a little polyp, was all very interesting to watch on the screen, all biopsies came back benign thankfully  :)

So...this lovely lady offered my a hysterectomy (subtotal, leaving ovaries I hope if they are OK and cervix),  and I'm blimmin well going to take it. I had a colleague a few years back who had one and I remember actually feeling a bit envious!

Before this period kicked in I had started talking myself out of the op, feeling like I was overreacting thinking of such a drastic thing, but now, sitting here feeling like this I would very much like to have it done here and now please.

I was told it would be a 3 month wait, feeling nervous about the op and more so about the recovery but excited about the prospect of no more crazy bleeding and pain.

Amazing how we forget pain or suffering, just as well too!

Anyway, there you are...hello! Sorry I just seemed to have spewed forth a bit but I have no-one to talk to about any of this, my boss is male too and laughs nervously if I begin to tell him any of it...

thanks for reading if you've got this far! :)


Ju Ju

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Re: hello from a moany old ranter!
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2016, 03:54:59 AM »

I see you have had no responses. So though I have no advice, I thought it would help to know I hear you! I had my hysterectomy a year ago, though for prolapse. I went in for a back wall repair and gave permission for a hysterectomy if the surgeon felt it appropriate. I had considerably thickened walls and am very sensitive to progesterone. I was going to have to stop hrt, but now am benefiting from oestrogen only hrt. I recovered well from my hysterectomy and repair, following all advice.

Pam Madra

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Re: hello from a moany old ranter!
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2016, 08:21:27 AM »

Sorry even I have not experience but mirena really was a bad choice for me when my dr inserted it about 2 years ago making me so panicky out of no where.
I hope you can wait and things work out for you


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Re: hello from a moany old ranter!
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2016, 08:48:44 AM »

I see you have had no responses. So though I have no advice, I thought it would help to know I hear you! I had my hysterectomy a year ago, though for prolapse. I went in for a back wall repair and gave permission for a hysterectomy if the surgeon felt it appropriate. I had considerably thickened walls and am very sensitive to progesterone. I was going to have to stop hrt, but now am benefiting from oestrogen only hrt. I recovered well from my hysterectomy and repair, following all advice.

Hi JuJu, thank you for replying, that does help, am really anxious waiting for this op...and can't wait to be on the other side of it.
I'm the same as you I think, thickened walls and have yet to find a prescribed hormone that suits.

I'm really worried they will take my ovaries, and I hear sometimes they go into shock after the op and shut down for a while!?  :o

Is good to hear from someone who has been there, thank you  :)


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Re: hello from a moany old ranter!
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2016, 08:50:54 AM »

Sorry even I have not experience but mirena really was a bad choice for me when my dr inserted it about 2 years ago making me so panicky out of no where.
I hope you can wait and things work out for you

Thank you Pam, yet GPs will swear blind that the hormone in the evil device is localised...I guess it works for some women but for others it can be hell, especially if their doc refuses to take it away!


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Re: hello from a moany old ranter!
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2016, 09:02:48 AM »

I'm new yesterday so just wanted to say hello. I'm not going through the same as you exactly but can sympathise with pain, see my thread from yesterday so I don't have to type it all again 😆 I also had a mirena coil in for 3 years and the longer I had it the worse I felt. The GP tried to make me leave it in till I got a date for sterilisation but I refused to leave until she removed it there and then..think when I burst into tears that was her queue to take it out. I haven't been able to take any kind of pill, depo injection it all just makes me feel terrible.
Anyway, enough about that, glad all your biopsies were clear and hope the surgery all goes well for you. Keep us posted and keep your chin up 😊
L x


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Re: hello from a moany old ranter!
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2016, 09:28:07 AM »

I'm new yesterday so just wanted to say hello. I'm not going through the same as you exactly but can sympathise with pain, see my thread from yesterday so I don't have to type it all again 😆 I also had a mirena coil in for 3 years and the longer I had it the worse I felt. The GP tried to make me leave it in till I got a date for sterilisation but I refused to leave until she removed it there and then..think when I burst into tears that was her queue to take it out. I haven't been able to take any kind of pill, depo injection it all just makes me feel terrible.
Anyway, enough about that, glad all your biopsies were clear and hope the surgery all goes well for you. Keep us posted and keep your chin up 😊
L x

Hi Lynn, I've just been reading your thread...

good for you for standing up to your GP, I think it's easier as you get older, I work with a woman in her 20s who had the same thing happen that I did when I was her age, they refused to remove it, didn't believe her symptoms were because of the Mirena, it's truly shocking and makes me really angry. I could get quite ranty about it but will rein it in :D

I like that you do weight training, I know I've lost a lot of strength as I've aged...can't afford a gym I right in thinking that yoga is a form of this. using the body as the weight...I could do that, am not very motivated to do anything these days, the washing up is a major achievement!


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Re: hello from a moany old ranter!
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2016, 09:58:40 AM »

I've dabbled with yoga and pilates and yeah they're good too, I've always been a bit of a tomboy when it comes to exercise though and just get a buzz from the weights that I don't get from anything else.
My daughter has DS and we go swimming around 3 times per week too, we can be in for 3 hours at a time so do a lot of swimming too lol which I think really helps to relax and ease pain.
It's no wonder you don't feel motivated to exercise after reading your post..I have weeks where I can't motivate myself but ease myself back into it and usually have a good run at it. As long as you keep picking up where you left off.
L x


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Re: hello from a moany old ranter!
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2016, 10:14:12 AM »

Hello! yoga teacher here!
Yes yoga is good for weight bearing - through the arms particularly but adding some free weights cant' hurt if you can bear it...



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Re: hello from a moany old ranter!
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2016, 10:27:06 AM »

Hi Abby,

Yeah that's the only thing about free weights...especially when you first start you are very sore for a few days after. It does get easier from a pain point of view though 😆 x

Ju Ju

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Re: hello from a moany old ranter!
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2016, 10:41:27 AM »

I see you have had no responses. So though I have no advice, I thought it would help to know I hear you! I had my hysterectomy a year ago, though for prolapse. I went in for a back wall repair and gave permission for a hysterectomy if the surgeon felt it appropriate. I had considerably thickened walls and am very sensitive to progesterone. I was going to have to stop hrt, but now am benefiting from oestrogen only hrt. I recovered well from my hysterectomy and repair, following all advice.

Hi JuJu, thank you for replying, that does help, am really anxious waiting for this op...and can't wait to be on the other side of it.
I'm the same as you I think, thickened walls and have yet to find a prescribed hormone that suits.

I'm really worried they will take my ovaries, and I hear sometimes they go into shock after the op and shut down for a while!?  :o

Is good to hear from someone who has been there, thank you  :)

My ovaries were not removed, though as I am post menopausal, this would not have been an issue and both my gynaecologist and GP wondered why not. This is something you can discuss with your surgeon pre op. Do speak up about your concerns. You will have to look after yourself post op. Rest, rest and rest, gradually increasing exercise and listening to your body.


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Re: hello from a moany old ranter!
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2016, 08:44:39 PM »

Fitness Pilates is good too - really strengthens muscles :)

I'm sorry to hear about your problems kiltgirl - re your ovaries. They cannot take them out without your consent surely - so If you want them left in - this would be for the best unless you have problems with them too. At least they will continue to produce some hormones and you will still ovulate until they pack up.

Sorry I don't understand the initials - AF? To me this stands for atrial fibrillation! Also Lynn71 - not sure what your daughter's condition is - have not come across DS  ??? . I presume something for which a long time swimming helps?

I do hope your operation goes well and sorts things out for least it will stop the bleeding and you will be able to take HRT when menopausal symptoms kick in, without the dreaded progesterone!

Hurdity x


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Re: hello from a moany old ranter!
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2016, 09:31:54 PM »

Thanks for replies ladies,

I am planning to keep my ovaries, having a subtotal hysterectomy, leaving those and my gynae explained that sometimes there can be damage to the blood supply going to them during the op though. Am just freaking out a bit about it, even though I've said I want to keep them they might find something wrong, have had a few ovarian cysts, one got to 6cm...

Wouldn't it be lovely to be able to switch the worry part of the brain off during these times!

Hurdity, by AF I meant 'Aunt Flo'...periods, I think DS is Downs Syndrome, although I might be wrong.

I certainly can't wait for the bleeding to stop, so tired, slept nearly all day today as off work and just about to go back to bed...


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Re: hello from a moany old ranter!
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2016, 09:39:59 PM »

At the risk of sounding like a stuck record, I'd be inclined to have your ovaries out if you are already undergoing a hysterectomy. I have recently been diagnosed with ovarian cancer which was symptomless and everyone I've spoken to said that sadly that is often the case so to me not running that risk is a no brainer, especially as you've already had a history of cysts and your consultant has explained that they may well be damaged by the operation as it is. You can always add back in oestrogen via HRT and without a womb won't need the troublesome progesterone element.


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Re: hello from a moany old ranter!
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2016, 09:57:09 PM »

At the risk of sounding like a stuck record, I'd be inclined to have your ovaries out if you are already undergoing a hysterectomy. I have recently been diagnosed with ovarian cancer which was symptomless and everyone I've spoken to said that sadly that is often the case so to me not running that risk is a no brainer, especially as you've already had a history of cysts and your consultant has explained that they may well be damaged by the operation as it is. You can always add back in oestrogen via HRT and without a womb won't need the troublesome progesterone element.

Oh no I'm so sorry, I hope they have caught it early, how scary for you :(

I didn't know this as a risk...there's a lot to think about...just scared of having to rely on HRT if I can't find one to suit...

Have you started treatment for yours yet, I hope you have some good support round you  :hug:
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