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Author Topic: Perimenopause and Anxiety and Depression  (Read 5132 times)


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Perimenopause and Anxiety and Depression
« on: November 27, 2016, 10:41:30 PM »


This is my first post here, and I sure could do with some advice...

I am 50 and I feel I am very definitely perimenopausal. In the past 6 months, my regular but very heavy, painful periods have become very irregular and range from a few days of bleeding to no more than a brief day or two of spotting.  I am not getting any symptoms of hot flushes and I am sleeping well - too well, as I am often asleep on the sofa by 10:00pm, and can't get up in the morning.

Since early in the summer I have been suffering with low mood and feeling really emotional and tearful. I feel like I worry about anything and everything, all the time. I am very sensitive and am over-analysing constantly - tears are never very far away. I am tired, yet anxious and 'wound up'. Things that I usually would enjoy - like cooking and shopping - feel like a chore, and don't seem to have enough concentration to read. I am also experiencing a tendency to overeat, which is unlike me, and now I'm gaining weight, which is not helping my state of mind at all.

I've also had a few episodes of palpitations and also what I have heard described as 'silent migraines'.  Needless to say, my libido is non-existent.

To give a little bit of context, at the start of the year I stopped taking anti-depressants that I was prescribed as I became ill due to a problem I had with being bullied at work. I was off sick for an extended period. However, I have been back at work for over a year now, and have no such issues currently. My work load is high, however, and there never seems to be enough hours in the day. I stopped taking the pills as I felt I no longer needed them, and I thought they were making me tired - now I'm not sure it was the meds!

I believe I have always been such a strong and capable person, but recently I feel neither.  I just feel overwhelmed by sadness. I am sad my kids are growing up, and this makes me feel emotional and nostalgic for the past too. I am very lucky that my parents, both in their 80s, are so far relatively hale and hearty, but I find myself thinking about what will happen when I no longer have them...

My husband is very understanding and supportive but thinks that I may need some help, and after almost 6 months, I think I agree :(. I am not sure whether I should be pursuing the HRT angle, or anti-depressants or both.

Part of me feels all this is so silly... I have so much to be thankful for - I should just buck up and get on with it. I have tried all the usual remedies for low mood; fresh air and exercise, eating well, etc.

Thanks for listening. Any insights would be very welcome...


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Re: Perimenopause and Anxiety and Depression
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2016, 10:50:18 PM »


 :foryou:  This time of Life is known as The Change and with good reason/s.  Browse round.  Make notes.

Some ladies find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary useful as when we feel well we forget what symptoms bother us the most.  You have had a lot of stressors in recent years.  Did the anti-depressant medication help?  "Things that I usually would enjoy - like cooking and shopping - feel like a chore, and don't seem to have enough concentration to read."  These are 2 of the symptoms that I suffered with when severely depressed in the 1990s so medication has allowed me to have a Life again.

Crashing fatigue is a common complaint as is the feeling of not being able no longer make decisions  ::).  Empty nest syndrome is also common and has been discussed here - in fact there probably ain't much that hasn't been chewed over, including menopause  ;)

Keep a diary of your bleeds.  Have a read here to see what HRT might suit you and have a chat with your Practice Nurse to see how your Surgery supports menopause.  Some GPs don't believe that women have reached menopause if they aren't having regular hot flushes  >:(  ::) - others think that women should wade through without treatment.

I'm sure that someone will be along with HRT suggestions.


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Re: Perimenopause and Anxiety and Depression
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2016, 07:34:33 AM »

Thank you both for your replies  :)

Yes, the medication did help. I started off reading through dome of the threads, but all the various issues and brand names was confusing me! Having thought a bit after posting last night, leads me realise that I am reluctant to start again as coming off them was not a picnic either.

Interesting that you say difficulty making decisions can be a symptom, as that is certainly the case here. My husband is getting used to my reply of Oooh I don't know or i'm not sure, in answer to a question.

I think it's time to be brave and make an appointment with my GP - who was wonderful when I first had problems a few years ago.

Thanks. I will also spend some time reading through the posts too. Cheers  :)


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Re: Perimenopause and Anxiety and Depression
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2016, 07:40:20 AM »

Hugs Historystudent, sounds like you can blame the hormones!

Menopause has hit me for a 6! I feel much better on HRT and will not be able to cope without it, but it feels as though I will never be my old self again...Good idea to see your good GP!

Pam Madra

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Re: Perimenopause and Anxiety and Depression
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2016, 10:03:11 AM »

Hi I am new to the forum. I believe I am perimenopause though my doctor does not agree to it at age of 45. I cannot compare to my mum as she passed away when I was lot younger. Now my biggest problem is anxiety which just comes and makes me feel so dreadful. I cannot eat anything or think of any thing. It is just terrible. Also I have problem with gut then. My doctor has prescribed pristiq as antidepressant. It does not seem to helping much at all. What are my alternatives. I have been having regular period usually very light. I am really scared of this and do not want to struggle with it any more. thanks for all your advice in advance.


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Re: Perimenopause and Anxiety and Depression
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2016, 11:26:39 AM »

welcome to you both. I can't understand why so many doctors are reluctant to recommend hrt, some are even dead set against it. It's your body and your a grown up so demand at least blood tests to see what your hormones are doing, if anything ;D. I'm lucky my doc (female I might add) had no problem with hrt, in fact she suggested it. I also suffer with anxiety and all the glorious symptoms that go with it but I am determined to get my life back. at the moment hrt is hit and miss but I know I will get the dose that suits me(eventually) and hopefully my life back. Good luck and don't forget doc is there for your well being not theirs


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Re: Perimenopause and Anxiety and Depression
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2016, 12:02:02 PM »

Hi Historystudent everything you've said us classic perimeno.  If you look back there are lots of stories on here just like yours.  New NICE guidelines recommend doctors try HRT first before offering anti-depressants and I would definitely consider this as it protects your heart and bones.  Low oestrogen is also linked to low mood so HRT also helps with this.  Of course some ladies do end up having to have both.  This wasn't an option for me though as I took anti-depressants briefly in my 30's (my parents died young) and they left me a non-sexually functioning zombie which wasn't acceptable to me.  I chose the bio-identical HRT route and on the whole it's working well.  Hope this helps x


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Re: Perimenopause and Anxiety and Depression
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2016, 06:32:49 PM »

Thank you for the welcome and advice - it is good to know that I am not just being pathetic!  :-\ 

Sorry to hear you are experiencing similar anxiety problems, Pam Madra. Hope you get some resolution soon.

A little update after seeing my GP. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see my usual female doctor - she seems to have moved semi-permanently to another site (our Surgery has two practices in the area) and I can't choose to go to the other site across town. I have to stick to the practice I'm registered with... Not very happy, but there you go.

So, I went to see another female GP in the practice today. She agreed that I was clearly peri but was not really interested in discussing HRT - said I would not benefit from it with my symptoms. HRT was only helpful if I was experiencing hot flushes... So I came away with a prescription for 10mg Citalopram and a leaflet promoting a Stress Avoidance and Live Well programme available locally (free) - starting in May.

Feel disgruntled and palmed off. 

However, wondering whether I should just start with the citalopram again anyway - I requested a lower dose than I have had in the past to start with anyway.  Then go back if I am still having problems in little while.

Not very happy  >:(

Pam Madra

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Re: Perimenopause and Anxiety and Depression
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2016, 07:14:06 PM »

Hi Thanks to everyone for their responses. I had terrible evening and night time with both anxiety and nausea as added bonus. I will be heading back to my doctor today and asking for some further answers and asking to see a specialist as well. thanks once again to know that I am not alone in this. Hope everyone feels a little better


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Re: Perimenopause and Anxiety and Depression
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2016, 07:33:29 PM »

History Student - you are right to feel palmed off.  Your GP should have discussed HRT as a first line of action, some believe that unless a woman is having hot flushes then she can't be menopausal  >:(. However, that is very wrong. 

Go back and tell your GP or perhaps see your Practice Nurse? and explain that having given it consideration that you know your symptoms are due to lack of oestrogen and that you require HRT.  I am sure that someone will be along to let you know what to ask for.

ADs can ease depression and help with anxiety.  As can HRT. Also, the latter can protect bones and heart so they should be considered by a GP when a patient presents with intermittent or lack of periods. 

As oestrogen levels drop off the body dries: inside and out, i.e. nostrils, skin, vagina - the latter can cause problems as the skin thins causing urine infection-type symptoms which can be sorted with either Vagifem or Ovestin1m used internally.  If caught early enough this can be eased but the treatment is required for years!

PamMadra - your GP is incorrect.  Ladies can begin menopause at a very early age, see "Daisy" website ….. again HRT would help ……. browse round, make notes!