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Author Topic: No bleed this month......  (Read 1259 times)


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No bleed this month......
« on: November 25, 2016, 10:36:16 AM »

Wonder if anyone can advise?  Been on the Oestrogel/Utro regime for a good couple of years now and always had a withdrawal bleed after the Utro ..... sometimes twice in a month.  This month I've had nothing....... I changed my dose from 1.5 pumps to 2 pumps a few weeks ago as I was waking in the night but have kept the Utro to 200mg x 12 days.

I'm almost 49, peri (as far as I know).  Is this a sign that things could be changing with my own cycle?  Thanks for reading.


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Re: No bleed this month......
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2016, 01:19:07 PM »

Lack of bleed is never a worry if you are taking sufficient progesterone which you are - (can't remember if oral or vaginal?). A small proportion of women do not bleed on cyclical HRT. This happened with me as I got further towards menopause. I started HRT in late peri at just under 54 and was given cyclical oestrogen and progestogen. After a few years when I was 58 I was not getting a bleed any more -  this was with a 50 mcg patch - so doc changed me to continuous combined. However I didn't like the continuous progestogen so changed back to having a cycle. At that point it was agreed I could go onto a longer cycle as I was not getting a bleed on the conventional 4 week cycle - and later scans showed this was OK - my womb lining was not thickening.

If this continues you might want to discuss a longer cycle with your doc to minimise the amount of time on progesterone? Does it suit you otherwise?

Hurdity x


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Re: No bleed this month......
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2016, 04:58:15 PM »

Thanks Hurdity - really appreciate your thoughts.  Yes, the gel seems to suit me (the Utro is tolerable at the moment and does seem to help me sleep).  Like you, I'm just wondering if my own cycle is diminishing now.  I will see what happens ...... perhaps I'll get a bleed soon.  I had some feelings like PMT last week so thought I was going to get one, but not yet......

Perhaps this may mean I'm heading further towards meno?  I can't really tell as I've not really had a break to see what my own cycle is doing.  I did try to have a break a while back, but after a month I went back on the gel due to night waking etc.


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Re: No bleed this month......
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2016, 12:52:07 PM »

Grr...... well, yesterday the bleed came, which is fine, but what's concerning me more is the night waking..... around 3/4am and can't get back to sleep.  Have recently increased my gel from 1.5 pumps to 2 pumps and the night waking seems worse since I did that.  Thinking I should drop it back down again - perhaps the new level is too high for me?  I was hoping it would help with the sweats but the night waking is really getting me down....... :(