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Author Topic: Weight gain  (Read 19988 times)


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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #15 on: November 26, 2016, 05:11:54 PM »

Thanks Dawn, all your info is really helpful and now you've pointed me in the right direction of where to look also is great.  My poor GP will not know what's hit her, she had to get her book out last time, but they can't know everything and I'd rather she did that than take a guess!

Btw I weigh myself everyday to take a weekly average as I know how much I can vary on a daily basis,  if I were to get on the scales weekly and discover I'd put on despite having a good eating week it can have a catastrophic effect on what I do next!


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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2016, 05:30:34 PM »

Georgeaj I'm positive hrt increases weight gain (I've on evorel 50 patches + utrogestan).  I put about 9lb on overnight when I went on this regime.  There's been lots of advice on this topic in the past advising your metabolism changes once you become menopausal and to some extent this is certainly true, you do have to watch what you eat and work at it more.  However, I feel I would drop some of the weight gained (as I'm so strict anyway) if I came off hrt but I wouldn't be functioning properly so it's the downside to feeling normal for me. 

Dawncam Interesting what you say about gel being better than patches re water retention, I'm sure that's my problem as my tummy below my navel is swollen and my bust has increased (still have a small waist though).  Might try switching to gel.  Other than that the only solution I can think of is employing a personal trainer x


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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2016, 05:43:03 PM »

Hi peri - I've tried several times with patches at varying strengths and even the low strengths cause W/R. When I switch to gel I can't stop peeing. I've also found that conti progestin works as diuretic for me i.e. On E only I'm more Water retentive. Just me, may be different for others - try and discover your best route.

Georgeaj2000 - I've never suffered from ED but have plenty friends/old clients who did/do. A word of caution; you're now in a different phase of your life (it's taken me a long time to accept it), hrt is NOT the same as our internally produced hormones and you will have to adapt and change to its effects. You may find that your 'control' is no longer working or healthy and will have to adopt new patterns. You also, may not!

Good luck.



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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #18 on: November 26, 2016, 05:49:43 PM »

Thanks for that Dawncam will give it a try :)


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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2016, 05:54:14 PM »

Good luck Peri, hope it's better for you. It seems to be all about finding the right dose/delivery system and not just E in some cases!

They're not wrong when they call it 'the change'!.



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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2016, 06:05:51 PM »

I'm probably about to embark on HRT, so I can't comment on whether this will add to weight BUT I can say this: over the past 10 months (not had a period), my oestrogen has really fallen, and my body shape has really changed. For me, noticeably heavier about the ass, legs and tummy, despite doing bootcamps/lots of HITT, and completely changing how I eat (and I was super healthy before) to meet the challenge of cortisol/insulin issues that face peri/menopausal women.

Interestingly, I weigh less on the scales.. It's a head fuck. Absolutely not what we want on top of every other issue that meno brings.

I'm seeing a consultant on Tuesday, with a HRT specialism, and weight gain will be on top of the list. I shall report back!


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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #21 on: November 26, 2016, 06:10:24 PM »

Haha - noheroicsplease - that's the best description I've heard of it yet! Been thinking that for a while! Good luck with specialist- does his name rhyme with mud?



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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #22 on: November 27, 2016, 06:01:40 PM »

I'm sensing that there are sooooo many HRT variables that I just need to keep plugging away until I find what works for me.  I'm so glad I posted though because at least I have lots of other things to think about and questions to ask.  Thanks everyone  :)


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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #23 on: November 27, 2016, 06:46:27 PM »

That seems to be the way of it Georgeaj2000 - keep plugging away. Lots of people find their sweet spot but keep asking and posting until you do.



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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #24 on: November 28, 2016, 07:45:50 AM »

Be mindful there is something like overtraining with too little calories which might give your body the message that it is under stress where it will hold onto any weight and increase the stress hormone cortisol which is fat storing. I always thought it is a myth until I was forced to dcease doing pilates and walking due to an injury and then suddenly dropped weight :o


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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2016, 04:03:28 PM »

Yes, I agree with Maltidamouse - I eat more now than I used to and I've dropped weight. To be honest, I think someone talked about fasting or the 5:2 up the thread somewhere, and actually, this is the worst thing for your body during perimenopause years - it will just freak your body out and you'l gain weight.

I am VERY weight conscious, boot camp train, and eat really healthily (neurotically) so I can evidence what I'm saying


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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #26 on: November 29, 2016, 07:53:23 PM »

Yeah it was me (guilty!) I'm post meno so oops sorry.. I find it does work for me.. but your mileage may differ of course



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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #27 on: December 11, 2016, 09:04:21 AM »

Dear All, I thought I would give an update following my visit to my GP on 2 Dec.  What an understanding Dr, I went with all my concerns and armed with research!  In short she said that we could try whatever I wanted until we found something that I was happy with, I nearly burst into tears when she said this!  We have switched my oral HRT to a FemSevern patch to see how I get on with this.  I also have done a lot of research on why we gain weight and it seems to be linked to the lowering of estrogen and how your body deals with insulin which deals with how your body uses sugar and makes it easier to convert sugars into carbs and ultimately fat.   Fat also holds water at the ratio of one gram of fat, four grams of water hence I've been feeling like a sponge! I've also read up on the types of exercise that is more appropriate during these menopause years.  So, here's what I have done since 2 Dec. Patch worn, sometimes it has come off so I've purchased Tegaderm transparent plasters which keep it on. I've switched to a low carb diet (not no carb) and switched to High Intensity Interval Training HIIT 3-4 times a week and since doing all of this I have lost 10lbs and don't feel like a sponge anymore.  I won't lie, it's hard work but for me the benefit of getting back to my pre meno weight is so so worth it. Hope some of the above is useful to some, I appreciate and understand that everyone is different but there is hope 😄


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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #28 on: December 11, 2016, 11:02:44 AM »

Good on you Georgea, glad you've found a regime that works.  I start mine in the New Year, I'm going to cut back on the treats and build in some exercise  ;)


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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #29 on: December 11, 2016, 07:40:26 PM »

Great stuff Georgeaj2000 - glad you've lost the weight - such a good thing at this point in our lives :)

Re the low carb diet - yes I do this too - it works a treat to keep my weight off. Now and again I have porridge or muesli for breakfast, but usually fruit and yogurt, and eggs ( or bacon toms and mushrooms!), or sometimes bread for lunch if out and have it with soup! I agree it's hard work - and especially the exercise - I haven't done what you do but do Pilates, Zumba and Legs Bums and Tums - all pretty intense and full on hour long sessions - as well as busy with work ( where I am on my feet being active for 4 hours per week) and housework, gardening etc. It is worth it though to feel and look so much better/more healthy! I've read about the high intensity interval training - but don't think anyone does it in my area ( rural small towns!)

re the Tegaderm - the danger with this is that you might think the patch is stuck down but it could come away underneath ( not that I've ever seen or used it!) - so I guess the thing is to ensure you keep pressing hard over the patch area when you go to the loo for example to make sure the patch has contact with your skin all the time?

Hurdity x
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