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Author Topic: Estrogel/Patch Equivalent?  (Read 13196 times)


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Re: Estrogel/Patch Equivalent?
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2016, 11:14:48 AM »

Hi Tempest - good to hear from you :). Glad things are looking up - even if just a little. Bit by bit things will improve. I hope you begin to feel even better once you are on 50mcg. I don't think you do have a cycle as such any more though do you as your ovaries have been removed, and therefore the main feedback loop is no longer there ie "the ovarian hypothalamic pituitary axis" - which leads to ovulation and menstruation?
Yes great idea to keep on doing positive things to make you feel good - and if you can get out in the fresh air and countryside (despite the cold) that will help enormously too. Do keep in touch when you can :)

Hurdity x



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Re: Estrogel/Patch Equivalent?
« Reply #16 on: November 15, 2016, 10:39:44 AM »

Thank you so much, Hurdity!

I saw my GP yesterday who has now changed my Estradot to 50 - at the end of day 2 of the 37.5 I was getting a huge dip so we hope this will help.

Also, I'm seeing my psychiatrist tomorrow and my GP recommended that if he does suggest an AD that I ask for Venlafaxine.

Curiously, my GP also mentioned that Professor Lumsden has asked for permission to view my psychiatry notes and did I mind if she had access to these? I agreed but I'm a bit uneasy about this as not sure where this is going....... :-\  I'm trying to think positively that maybe it's to see if there is a pattern to my mental symptoms since my oopherectomy.


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Re: Estrogel/Patch Equivalent?
« Reply #17 on: November 15, 2016, 11:54:48 AM »

I haven't been on for a while so only just saw this and just wanted to add my voice to those saying how strong you are and that you are doing amazingly.. I haven't got any helpful advice as am floundering in similar hormonal *****.... wondering if I will ever be normal again!

Take care xxx


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Re: Estrogel/Patch Equivalent?
« Reply #18 on: November 15, 2016, 12:36:19 PM »

Hi Tempest

I'm like you, I overthink everything and the outcome is never good.  Try and keep positive as you've done brilliantly so far.

By the way, if you need any advice on the venlafaxine let me know, i've taken it before and it was a damn sight better than the one I'm on now!

Good luck.


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Re: Estrogel/Patch Equivalent?
« Reply #19 on: November 15, 2016, 01:38:47 PM »

Thank you so much, Abby! Your appointment with Dr. P is soon isn't it? I hope he has some answers for you and can work with you to help you feel much better. Hugs!!!! :)

Hi, Mis71Mum! Thank you so much for your kind words. :) Yes, any input on actual experiences of taking AD's would be greatly appreciated please in case it's needed! Did you have any particular problems getting off Venlafaxine? I know it's an SNRI, and we know from past experience that I absolutely cannot do SSRI's as my anxiety goes through the roof on them. It wasn't always thus, as I had Fluoxetine after I had my son for a while (there is definitely a pattern of us PND ladies getting worse mood problems in menopause, I feel)! Honestly, who would be female?!? :o


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Re: Estrogel/Patch Equivalent?
« Reply #20 on: November 15, 2016, 04:53:00 PM »

Hi Tempest
I was on 37.5 mg twice a day of venlafaxine but then moved to the 75 mg extended release if I remember correctly.  When I was ready to come off the medication, I moved back to the 37.5 mg twice a day and started to chip of bits of the tablet.  I know for a fact that there's a well researched reduction plan on line too.  I'm sure when I came to the last stages, I took fluoxetine for 5 days as a bridge and then I was off no problem.  More importantly, I had no withdrawal effects after either.  You do have to be careful of venlafaxine because of its short half life.

Just out of interest, did fluxoetine work for you? If so, would you not be as well to start on something that you have tried before?  I'm annoyed that when visiting my GP, they have prescribed me Sertraline, Citalopram, Mirtazipine and Duloxetine....but never the one I had excellent results with years ago.

Good luck.


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Re: Estrogel/Patch Equivalent?
« Reply #21 on: November 15, 2016, 07:14:53 PM »

You tapered sensibly, Mis71Mum! :)

I've read that fluoxetine is often used as a bridge for this drug, and I've also read a lot about what happens if you take a dose late or miss a dose too! It may be worth considering though in my case - I'm thinking the depression I have now is an extra 'add on' as well as hormonal now.  :-\

I did try Fluoxetine again during the time when my GP was trying to fob me off with AD's instead of HRT after my surgery. That time around, it was a nightmare! Huge anxiety!! My psychiatrist says it's not unusual to not be able to tolerate SSRI's during or after menopause - he's seen it before in quite a few ladies. This is when he usually then goes for SNRI's or the older Tricyclics. I'll chat to him more about this tomorrow.

What have you found the best so far for you, Mis71Mum? I can't believe the rotters won't let you revisit a drug you know you do well on. If you don't mind my asking, what are you trying at the moment? As if the hormone juggling wasn't enough in itself, eh? Sheesh!!! :-\


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Re: Estrogel/Patch Equivalent?
« Reply #22 on: November 16, 2016, 01:23:34 PM »

Hi Tempest
I take duloxetine at 40mg, its a SNRI. To be honest, I don't think it is a common one. 

I couldn't take Sertraline as it made my BP go to 166/126! I'd go back to Venlafaxine if I was given the chance.

I'm not really sure how much of a difference it's made when I'm positive it all has a hormonal cause in the first place.

But I have slept a lot better since being on an AD.

Hope today goes well for you.
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