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Author Topic: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil  (Read 135639 times)


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #90 on: January 14, 2017, 04:51:53 PM »

Hi ladies

Just got out of bed. Really feel off today soooo disappointing after a good day yesterday. Can only put it down to the Prosecco or the fact t is early days.

I too was told it wasn't hormones but a state of anxiety and panic disorder. In my heart of heart I know it's hormonal. If I ever missed my HRT I would go into a real neurotic agitated state. Intrusive thoughts etc. Its been a bloody nightmare. It's very easy for women to be labelled mentally ill and neurotic >:(

Where is the help we really need ??



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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #91 on: January 14, 2017, 05:03:00 PM »

Tempest hi

Yeah feeling good much much better think embracing the new me is helping

And I'm realising that I can't change the world

I do lots and lots mindfulness it's an APP called " calm" lots different options it really helps me

Re the phenergan yeah I'm only taking it every other night reduced to 20 as don't want to get dependant .. re psychotic  that's why Gp probably put me on it couple weeks ago I was like


Warwick stay with it I was a loonball ! Up down and beat myself up about it but with support off here and continuing the tibilone feel I'm now coming out of the other side !!! 💗💗
« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 11:02:48 PM by Suzanne1967 »


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #92 on: January 14, 2017, 06:43:02 PM »

Suzanne - so pleased to hear you are feeling better.   :clapping: :ola: :hapij:  Dg x


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #93 on: January 14, 2017, 08:40:09 PM »

Aww, Warwick! Sending you hugs! Early days, yes - and we must remember not to over do it as soon as we see any improvement (says she, who always does exactly this)! ;)

Suzanne, it sounds like you've got it all covered! That's brilliant!! I use the Anxiety Guru podcasts - they are brilliant! I'm still waiting for therapy following my Complex PTSD diagnosis - it could take some time.........! Staying calm in the meantime and learning as much as I can about what 'triggers' me is a huge thing.  :)

Keep sharing your journey - it's helping us all! xxxx


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #94 on: January 14, 2017, 11:09:09 PM »

Hi ladies

So pleased to hear you are doing so well Suzanne🙌.

It's week 9 for me and I am definitely starting to feel like my old self. The one problem I'very been trying to improve is constant heartburn and indigestion in the last few weeks so when I went to the docs during the week she gave me Omeprazole. It worked for a couple of days and then I started getting bad anxiety, with tightness in the chest. It was awful!! When I started reading about Omeprazole a lot of people were saying that it made them anxious too. Then yesterday a period started! I haven't had one for over a year and then out of the blue it's arrived!! 😬

It does say that you may bleed when starting Tibolone. Has anyone else had this? Anyway, the good news is that I've felt really good today😆. So I don't know if it was the Omeprazole or the period that caused the anxiety.

I've had 2 glasses of Rose this evening so will wait and see how I feel tomorrow!  Warwick - I couldn't tolerate alcohol during the first 4 weeks of starting Tibolone but I do feel much better drinking it tonight, so I'll  keep you posted on how I feel tomorrow.

It's really helping to read all of your experiences so thank you😙xx



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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #95 on: January 15, 2017, 10:29:16 AM »

Hi looking for some reassurance Ladies

As you know I felt great on Friday.

Spent all day yesterday in bed with a migraine. Last night was up all night with adrenalin surges (so scary) today headache better, joint pain better but my whole body feels like jelly today had some palpitations. So fed up today :(

I finish my first month on Thursday, do I carry on??



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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #96 on: January 15, 2017, 10:52:56 AM »

Aw Warwick :-(

It may just be a temporary blip, we may not feel great every day .  If you can I'd try to carry on and see if it passes.  I'd say trying 3 months would be the same for Tibolone as other hrts

Hope you feel better x


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #97 on: January 15, 2017, 10:53:54 AM »

warick - I feel like that after a bad headache.  Try to rest, drink enough water and put your feet up.  Since coming off HRT my headaches have got much worse - headaches for 24-72 hours sometimes which leave me feeling shattered.  I'm nearly 61 now and actually relieved to be off HRT because I got such awful tummy cramps with HRT in recent years but I do feel my body is craving oestrogen.
My surges are bad at the moment - don't know why!!!  I have found my palpitations are much better since I've been using magnesium with the Vitamin D. Magnesium pills can sometimes irritate the digestive system so I use the spray.
When I tried Tibolone I felt really good - there is always a settling in time with any HRT and hopefully this will work well for you.  DG x


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #98 on: January 15, 2017, 11:31:55 AM »

Keep trucking along, Warwick! I think maybe too don't use alcohol for a good while.......It could well have thrown things off for you, you wee soul! You're also on Thyroxine too, right? There's a lot of balancing going on there at the moment, so you maybe need to give it extra time. I'm rooting for you!

Well, this is day 2. Very early days indeed, I know! Last night I slept MUCH better than I have in a good while - curiously, no night sweats! I had dreadful ones on 2 pumps of estrogel. Still very apprehensive about a 'hormone crash' as I had an awful one when I changed to a 25mcg Estradot patch from 3 pumps of gel (disaster - too low, too quickly. This was on Consultant's instructions)! :o

Tummy is rather gurgley, not as 'spaced' as when I took tablet yesterday which is a shame really as I liked this feeling after being wired to the moon for months! Resting loads to support adrenals in case of sudden drop in hormone levels as they then go crazy trying to make up the shortfall! Definitely NO stimulants of any kind (never do caffeinated drinks anyway).  Not feeling anywhere near as bloated as last few weeks on the gel already - I puffed up like a bullfrog on that stuff, despite being told I wasn't absorbing it well! Avoiding all stress (where possible) and keeping warm (it's freezing here in Scotland) and taking plenty of fluids.

How many months have you been off HRT now, Dancinggirl? I ask because as you know, I didn't use HRT for over a year post oopherectomy and I can tell you that it takes some time for the estrogen receptors to down regulate (my Consultant told me this). It wasn't good in my case as mine had started the process and of course, I've had problems now starting HRT! I was given a rough ball park figure of this down regulation to be complete in approximately 2 years. This timeline only applies to ladies who are well post menopausal and stop HRT or have an oopherectomy and don't use HRT. Until this process is complete, you will indeed have adrenal surges and feelings as if your body is 'craving' estrogen.

It's very similar to the experience with anything that the body has to withdraw from - and we have many receptor sites for estrogen in our bodies (over 300, so I'm told)! Other examples are nicotine or opiate withdrawal. The receptors for these have to go through a period of down regulation too, which means that there can be very strong physical and psychological cravings and effects on the body that last a good deal of time - and which users find distressing so they often relapse.

I think this is also why a good number of women find it difficult or in some cases impossible to go off HRT.  They are in effect in 'withdrawal' and at the first sign of distress return to their therapy. This is why tapering is very good, as well as supporting your general health to ensure the least discomfort and success.

I know you probably already know all this, Dancinggirl but I'm sharing for those ladies who might not know and may be interested as I received this information from my Consultant and I like to share if it is in any way helpful.

Can I just say that you're managing remarkably well, and I hope very much that you will move into a more comfortable phase soon. xxxx


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #99 on: January 15, 2017, 01:19:00 PM »

Hi Tempest

So glad your feeling ok. Hope it continues :)

Like you said, I think with me coming off 3 pumps of gel has give me some sort of crash(makes sense)

I am on Thyroxine so all need to gel together. I start my second month on Thursday so will try moving to early evening, see if that helps.

Will update tomorrow WXX


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #100 on: January 15, 2017, 01:25:27 PM »

It may be well worth a try moving your Tibolone, Warwick - did you say you take your Thyroxine at 7 am? Not sure if so how this would impact with the Tibolone but it may be worth a try allowing more time between them at least! xxxxx


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #101 on: January 15, 2017, 01:43:37 PM »

Hi Tempest - many thanks for support and info - I find your posts really well informed and most interesting.  I find I am learning all the time and this site has opened my eyes to so many things which is really great.
I am going to do a private message to you so I can fill you in on my meno journey without highjacking this thread.
DG x


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #102 on: January 15, 2017, 08:40:47 PM »

Thank you so very much, Dancinggirl! Your very kind words are much appreciated. :thankyou:


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #103 on: January 15, 2017, 08:50:37 PM »

Hi Tempest - really interesting post earlier. A couple of things; you said you blew up on gel despite not absorbing it properly - that's exactly the same as me! Do you know why this happens? It also happened with patches for me but not tablets. Odd. Second point is the withdrawal from E effects; is this the same for everyone ie. it takes approx 2 years to get the need for a 'fix' from your system and does it apply when your taking E regularly ie. do we continually need to increase? I'm a worried dodgy absorber and have increasing anxiety that even in
with relatively high levels of E I'm still having occasional night/day sweats, insomnia, low mood and terrible joint pain. I really don't want to increase any more.



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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #104 on: January 15, 2017, 09:43:35 PM »

I'm thinking - from what my Consultant said - that I was 'holding' transdermals in my tissues but it wasn't circulating properly! I think we very much have the same issues Murph, by the sound of things! I've come across this over at Hystersisters too - a few women have also found that they swell up on bio-identicals but not on synthetics, interestingly. It's all so variable, isn't it? Whew! As if it wasn't hard enough...... ::)

The 2 year approximation applies when a woman post oopherectomy doesn't use HRT or a woman who is long post menopausal ceases using it. It is thought that this is how long it takes the estrogen receptors (again, approximately - individuals will vary) to down-regulate.  In answer to do you need to keep up dosing - I would say very probably not, unless your stress levels increase significantly or you increase exercise (sometimes, considerable weight loss can increase the need for an updose too as less 'fluffy' ladies generally need more HRT). It is much more likely that your need for HRT will diminish with time in line with the ageing process (so we're told by the 'experts') ;)

I'm thinking you haven't yet found a fully effective delivery method for you, Murph. It is all so very variable - I know for instance that Dancinggirl managed to achieve an Estradiol level of 600 on 2 pumps of Estrogel, which is excellent!
I'm not sure where you're located, but you may be fortunate in that implants may be available but this sadly is something of a post code lottery! I'd need to check your thread to refresh my memory, but are you under a Consultant at the moment, or are there any plans to refer you?
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