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Author Topic: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil  (Read 135617 times)


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #690 on: April 09, 2017, 09:43:08 AM »

Hi ya

Really glad you are having such great results

I'm trying 1/2 tablet each night and that seems to be helping

I can cope with the stiff (bit painful) joints and ongoing foot cramps which last week went to left hand too, it was the sudden increase in palpitations which shook me, not sure if anxiety causing it or palps are giving off anxiety feelings but seems bit better halving dose

I keep swaying back to thinking there's something else going on though.  I think the double vision that started 2 years ago niggles me that this isn't all menopause that I'm suffering from as the shaking legs walking down stairs has increased again along with uncontrollable double vision, I can feel my eyes struggling to focus and keep straight, which is exhausting as well as embarrassing. 

But I'm loving this energy that developed last weekend, I've got so much done around the house x


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #691 on: April 09, 2017, 09:43:56 PM »

Hi ladies. A quick update from me.

I'm 5 months into taking Tibolone and up until a few weeks ago was feeling so much better but then mild anxiety started to creep back in. I was due to see my gynaecologist last week and mentioned this to him. When I saw him back in November he said that he could give me something else to improve my libido, which returned temporarily but seems to have disappeared again😰. So last week he put me on Vagifem (Estradiol) pessaries and said that this should also help with the anxiety which had reared it's head. I've been using it for 5 days and feel so much calmer, so it seems like I needed some additional estrogen.  I'm waiting to see if my libido returns but feel so much better in myself so am happy again. Has anyone else used Vagifem before and what results did you get?

Annie - I was interested in what you said about your eyesight. Since I have been taking Tibolone my eyesight seems to have got a lot worse and I am struggling to see the computer at work. The optician was concerned that it had got worse very quickly so has referred me to ophthalmology at the hospital on 24th April, so I'll keep you posted.

I'm glad to hear that some of you are starting to get good results from Tibolone. I will be sticking with it and will keep you posted.

Jules xx


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #692 on: April 11, 2017, 03:04:20 PM »

Hi Ladies,

Just a little update.

I felt good over the weekend Sunday evening used my Vagifem, last 2 weeks have been using 3 a week. Monday morning got out of bed and almost fainted, then started migraine type headache with dizziness and shaky feeling. This morning still dizzy and jelly legs. Thinking back the first 2 weeks when loading on Vagifem and starting Tibolone I was the same every day. Also noticed since increasing Vagifem have had a return in headaches and dizziness.

Was looking up side effects of Vagifem and guess what???? so many ladies complaining of horrid symptoms as above. Luckily I had apt with Doctor today and shared my thoughts. He said it is possible to have some effects esp in sensitive people :(

I am going to stop Vagifem and see if any improvement. If not I will be changing from Tibolone to
Angelique. He has also given me some Testogel to start when ready (not for a few weeks) it will be month 4 on Thursday and I'm getting fed up with feeling rubbish.

I will keep you posted Wxx


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #693 on: April 17, 2017, 06:23:42 PM »

Hi Warwick. Just wondering how you're doing and whether you have stopped Tibolone and/or Vagifem? I am on day 12 of the 2 week loading with Vagifem.  I was feeling quite calm for the first week but the anxiety has started to build up again and I have been feeling a tightness in my chest for the last few days.  Is it normal for symptoms to return whilst doing the 2 week loading? Any advice would be much appreciated.  I am still taking Tibolone and am 5 months in with it.

Hope you are ok Warwick.

Jules xx


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #694 on: April 18, 2017, 07:06:23 PM »

I went to the gp last week to get my blood test results, which were that everything is fine.
Cholesterol, blood pressure, weight, thyroid all were within range. To quote the doc, 'your levels are those of someone not going through the menopause, so the Tibolone is obviously working'.

So,  because I'm fit and healthy I've been given the green light to be on Tibolone for as long as I wish, which is good news.

Now, I was a bit apprehensive about my testosterone levels seeing as I've been using testosterone gel for three months but even that's in the acceptable range for women apparently.

So I'm glad I went maverick and sorted the gel  myself.  Otherwise I would still be heaving my weary limbs around all day,  fighting depression and pining for my libido.

I just hope it lasts. Lord knows I deserve some good news.



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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #695 on: April 18, 2017, 10:37:52 PM »

Great news Blakeygrey! Long may it continue!

I'm also feeling much better! a month on patch and just recently the T gel (tostran)

I feel great, so much better. energy has returned and my get up and go.. The only downer is my hair has got thinner (after my guess what the hair is much better update!)

I'm guessing the balance of E to T is off somehow.. or that maybe after a month or so it will settle?

All the symptoms I had of sore swollen boobs etc have gone and I feel absolutely fine. I'm sleeping better, although not entirely through the night and my mood is much much better..

Great you are feeling great!

Abby xx


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #696 on: April 19, 2017, 06:20:24 PM »

I'm happy for you too AbbyH. 

 I don't know if it's the T gel or Tibolone but my hair's doing the opposite and  growing thicker and faster.


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #697 on: April 19, 2017, 07:24:14 PM »

I'm doing better on 1/2 Tib tablet a day.  Hair still seems ok too x


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #698 on: April 19, 2017, 07:30:50 PM »

Good  :)


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #699 on: April 20, 2017, 10:05:41 AM »


Just got back from holiday and it wasn't good :(

The week before I went on holiday the dizziness and daily migraines became unbearable. I couldn't leave the house in the mornings as I felt so dizzy and faint. So decided from last Wednesday I would half the Tibolone and stop Vagifem. I noticed some improvement but the sore burning feeling stopped us having sex on holiday, couldn't drink wine :-\ my hubby had to hold my hand walking due to dizziness, so have decided after 4 months I've had enough >:(

The only improvments for me with Tibolone were with mood/anxiety, flushes and sleep. I think it's really good if you don't suffer the side effects.

Any suggestions ladies?? AbbyH which patch are you using?? As Tibolone is weak on estragon I may only require a low dose ??




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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #700 on: April 20, 2017, 11:41:38 AM »

Aw WArwick bless you

Estradot are good patches for sticking AND size, and come in increments of 25mcg.  I'd start low on whatever you try as like you I think I'm actually now better on lower dosages.  X


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #701 on: April 20, 2017, 01:23:31 PM »

Thanks Annie ;)

So glad your doing well on half tibolone.

It's back to square one for me, like you say start low will be the best option as obviously Tibolone with weak oestrogen did the trick with flushes etc.



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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #702 on: April 20, 2017, 01:39:27 PM »

Warwick I like you had terrible dizzy spells with tibelone it made me feel so wretched but it did help with my anxiety so I was so fed up about that as in that way it was the best I had felt for some time.I am back on a patch now 75mcg any less and I have terrible flushes at night my gp said its fine Im 57 so wanted a lower option but I dont mind Im not feeling to bad at the moment touch wood x


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #703 on: April 20, 2017, 02:50:19 PM »

Just popping by! Oh, Warwick! You wee soul! You really have been a soldier. Sending many hugs to you!

Dear Annie! I'm so glad you're feeling good on just half a tablet! Who knew? Biggest hugs to you!

Well, I'm 56 days with no HRT and guess what? No problems! Flushes gone, night sweats gone. No anxiety! No joint pain! Had DEXA, no osteopenia or osteoporosis ! Saw cardiologist, he's not worried - latest from BHF states that the latest research indicates that HRT isn't cadioprotective after all (I'll post the link he directed me to on their website).

My diet is now exemplary - added zinc, b6, vitamin c, d and e rich foods. Absolutely no refined sugar and few refined carbs - plenty of protein. I'm enjoying all this, by the way!

And dizziness? None!!! I'll never forget my time on Tibolone, and not in a good way! Glad for the ladies it's suiting though (wonder how Suzanne is doing now btw)?

Much love to you all! xxxxxx


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #704 on: April 20, 2017, 02:52:34 PM »

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