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Author Topic: Stopped Patches  (Read 2453 times)


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Stopped Patches
« on: November 19, 2016, 03:29:27 PM »

I've had a rollercoaster of a time over the last 3 weeks since the doctor wanted me to give HRT a go.
I'm 45 my periods were extremely heavy and would loose large clots.I had a ablation,hystoscopy and DNC to help this in June.
Since then My periods stopped, anxiety went from social occasions to every minute of the day. I also suffer with frequent UTI and dryness.
I suffer with colitis to so decided on the patches. I've not felt well since starting but thought my body needed time to adjust. I had to move onto the Conti one on Tuesday I've been up since 4am every morning, headaches then this morning I started with hot flushes again constant from 4.45, my head feels muggy and I feel like someone has hit my legs with a bat. Went to emergency doctors to see if it was ok to remove patch. I've also lost almost 2 stone in weight since July.


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Re: Stopped Patches
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2016, 03:55:44 PM »

Burchers - I think I suggested before that the patches may not be right for you as they are medium dose and possibly too high a dose  - you are peri meno and need to start on a low dose.  The conti patches would also have been completely wrong for you as you are peri meno - what on earth is your GP doing???!!!!

Give yourself a week or so to recover and get an appointment with the GP - Ask for separate oestrogen (as patch or Oestrogel) and then progesterone as Utrogestan or Provera (which you take for 10-12 days each month). If he/she won't prescribe this then ask for a referral to a gynae or meno specialist. 
You need to start by using a low dose of oestrogen (maybe a 25mg patch or one pump of Oestrogel per day) and use just oestrogen for the first 2-3 weeks to allow your body to adjust and welcome this - then you can start the progesterone alongside for the 10-12 days ( these will be pills I'm afraid) and after you finish these pills you will get a withdrawal bleed once you are just using the oestrogen again.  You may need to use Provera as Utrogestan is difficult to absorb and if you have digestive problems this could be an issue. This is the sequential regime that a women should use in peri meno.

If you are very thin and have lost that much weight then you may need some supplements as well - you could be lacking in vital nutrients e.g  Iron, Vitamin D, Magnesium etc. so a blood test would be a good idea - also get your thyroid function checked. Colitis can result in poor food absorption so supplementation is often a good idea.

You have just been given the wrong HRT - so don't panic, there will be something out there for you.  DG x


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Re: Stopped Patches
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2016, 04:03:08 PM »

Thankyou so much. The emergency doctor suggested I get my thyroid checked today.
Not been able to eat today. I feel so exhausted


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Re: Stopped Patches
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2016, 04:59:55 PM »

You need to make yourself eat or you won't have any energy.  Eat toast, cereal or anything light you can fancy and drink plenty of fluids or you'll get dehydrated.  I think most of your symptoms are because you haven't eaten. DG x


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Re: Stopped Patches
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2016, 11:06:43 PM »

Conti patches are not a good idea until you know that you definitely get on okay with the progestin component. At the moment you have no idea if it's the estrogen dose, the progestin or something else entirely.

It could also be that the type of progestin in the patch (norethisterone) doesn't agree with you, which is very common. Utogestan and Provera (medroxyprogesterone) tend to be tolerated much better by most women.

I agree with what DG has recommended.


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Re: Stopped Patches
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2016, 09:18:38 AM »

Still feeling very anxious hope it wears off soon. I feel dreadful


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Re: Stopped Patches
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2016, 11:20:30 AM »

Burchers - do you do any relaxation exercises? Try going on Youtube and finding some Mindful Meditation clips.  Watch a funny film, eat any comfort food you fancy. Take your mind off who you are feeling - distraction can often be the best treatment of anxiety. I'd suggest a good brisk walk but the weather is awful today - I'm off to take the dog for a walk anyway, despite the weather, and I know this will lift my mood. DG x


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Re: Stopped Patches
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2016, 06:58:41 PM »

I cracked on with jobs then took my son shopping.


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Re: Stopped Patches
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2016, 06:04:23 PM »

Hi Dancing girl I do mindfulness daily and into week 5 of CBT therapy.
Is there anything natural I could use to help rather than more medication. I was given Esctrisol cream and Replens to use.I m wondering if I try these on their own first.
I used all Replens doctor gave me and did the other daily for 2 weeks then it says twice a week


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Re: Stopped Patches
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2016, 06:29:23 PM »

Burchers - If you are suffering with urogential atrophy - so dryness, itching, burning and possibly needing to pee more often, then local oestrogen is the best thing with vaginal moisturisers alongside.  You could try using this without full systemic HRT for a few weeks and see how things go.
Replens can be good but I personally find Sylk better for moisturising the vaginal area- many love the YES vaginal moisturiser products - both these products are very natural and alongside proper use of local oestrogen can make a big difference to the ‘lady bits'. Your GP gave you Esctrisol cream which I haven't heard of - I assume this must be a local oestrogen treatment and if this is working OK for you that's great and you should continue to use this at least 2 times a week - I'm not sure but Vagifem might be better???!! You could buy Sylk online to try or get your GP to prescribe more Replens.
As and when you feel ready to attempt HRT again I really feel you need to start on a lower dose - in theory the patches were a good idea because you suffer with colitis but going for separate oestrogen maybe as Oestrogel and then progesterone pills for a few days each month would have given you a better start. Give yourself 3-4 weeks without the patches and go back to ask for a blood test to look at FSH and oestrogen levels - you are probably peri meno so the right dosage is needed at this stage.  Good luck  DG x


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Re: Stopped Patches
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2016, 07:52:55 AM »

Thankyou so much. The sleep has improved and headaches gone and foggy head.
Just wish I could get a grip on this anxiety if I could sort this I could cope with everything else.
The vaginal issues improving with the oestrogen cream.
I'm doing everything they tell me but it's not going.
I live in fear of the weekends as this is when It floors me. I want my life back.My husband and children have been amazing


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Re: Stopped Patches
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2016, 10:43:18 AM »

Burchers - one can feel so isolated with anxiety.  Make sure you eat small amounts often to keep blood sugar levels up. Set yourself tasks or small goals to achieve over the weekends. Watch funny things on TV or the internet - anything that takes your mind off the anxious feelings.

It is a shame you reacted so badly to the patches but I am not surprised. Set yourself at least 2 weeks to allow your body to recover from the negative reactions - concentrate on eating well. 
Book an appointment with the doctor and write down all your symptoms, concerns and questions.  Print off info from this site to show the doctor if need be - I always find I get a better outcome from a doctors appointment if I have prepared.  We often have to have a clear idea of what we need, as doctors have such a short amount of time to truly asses things and prescribe accordingly.
You may be someone that could benefit from an SRRI for a while alongside HRT - although I know ADs/SRRIs can upset the gut which may not be good for you as you have colitis.  I know a little about colitis as I have one sister who had ulcerative colitis(she has had an ileostomy since her late teens having had her large intestine removed) and my other sister has Crohns!!!  Anxiety and stress of course make these conditions much worse.
Controlling our mind and the way we think is possibly the hardest thing - HRT and possibly ADs/SRRIs can help but I do know it's about retraining the brain as well - so, so difficult.
We on MM have given you options for the types of HRT you should perhaps try - do not use a sequential HRt with progesterone every day until you find a progesterone that suits you - so in other words NO CONTI HRTs yet.

I had Oestrogel (low dose of one pump per day) with separate progesterone for 10 days each month from the age of 40 and this worked great for several years.  I would suggest you use the progesterone ‘Provera', as this would control any bleeding better than Utrogastan, and is still a kinder progesterone so tolerated well.  You will get a monthly bleed but this would mirror more what you should be experiencing naturally so could help your mood.
Keep us posted.  DG x


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Re: Stopped Patches
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2016, 06:21:34 PM »

Thankyou. I have decided to take your advice and give myself a couple of weeks to give my body a break.
CBT and ADs time to work.
Will go back doctors in a couple of weeks