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Author Topic: It's scary on HRT  (Read 9399 times)


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It's scary on HRT
« on: November 10, 2016, 07:42:13 AM »

 :'( I'm shaking so much I can hardly type,ive been on Femseven for 2 weeks due to feeling a bit depressed emotional etc,1st weeks side effects were not bad,felt sick headache aching body,2nd week things got much worse,by  Tuesday this week,I was shaking felt cold then flashes,the worse think was feeling that depressed,I couldn't function,my friend pick my kids up from school,all the bad thoughts I just couldn't shift,what if my hubby died,or lost his job again,what will happen to me when I'm old,even thinking about what if I ever become homeless... I totally broke down when my hubby got in from work,I have never felt so upset and alone in my life...
Does this sound right for the HRT patch,as I feel scared to continue,I once took citolapram for depression,but weanedon't myself off 18 months ago wondered if I should try it again xx


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Re: It's scary on HRT
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2016, 08:15:27 AM »

Hot foot it back to GP Ladyturbowrx. Sounds like the progesterone part of that HRT is not for you. Lots of ladies on here (myself included) are progesterone intolerant and find it difficult to deal with that part of hrt. I'd stop taking them now and get an appointment asap. Some other ladies will be along soon to explain in more detail what's on offer re. Hrt.

Good luck



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Re: It's scary on HRT
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2016, 09:28:14 AM »

Hello Ladyturbowrx.

Sorry you are feeling so awful. If it's any consolation many ladies will recognise those feelings, you are not alone.

As Dawncam says another visit to your GP may be in order and other ladies will be along soon.

Take care.



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Re: It's scary on HRT
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2016, 09:48:31 AM »

Thank you for your replies,I'm glad im not alone,in feel sick at the moment,incase im told ive not given it enough time,and to just carry on,but I have now removed the patch and have to go round the doctors for a slot appointment in the morning
So I'm hoping I feel better soon

Thanks xxxx


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Re: It's scary on HRT
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2016, 10:01:57 AM »

Hi and welcome to MM Ladyturbowrx
Firstly, how old are you? 
Were you still getting periods before you started the HRT or have you been diagnosed as post menopause?
What menopause symptoms are you trying to control?
Are you using Femseven sequential or continuous?

The HRT combined patches are medium dose so can be a big hit of hormones that can give more side effects initially than other more low dose HRTs.  It is always better to start low and let the body absorb and adjust gradually.

If you are still peri meno then your own hormones can be fluctuating and this will have an effect.
Sadly GPs are not usually qualified to give more specialist advice on treating menopausal symptoms - so I would ask to be referred to a gynae of menopausal clinic for further advice.
If you do want to try something different to help control flushes etc. then perhaps try Femoston 1/10 as the progesterone in this is kinder and often gives fewer side effects. 
Also, don't rule out that your symptoms may be a virus - recently I had a truly horrid headache that lasted several days and resulted in me nearly fainting at work and being violently sick - I was hot and cold etc and felt awful.
Anxiety in menopause is difficult to control and can take time and a range of strategies that sometimes need to include an SRRI or AD alongside HRT.
Keep us posted.  Dg x


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Re: It's scary on HRT
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2016, 12:43:33 PM »

Hi again Ladyturbowrx - you still haven't told us where you are in menopause - I asked you the same question on your introductory thread! This would help us advise you as to what the problem might be. (Dancinggirl - she is nearly 50 - from intro thread).

As Dancinggirl says it could be your own hormones coming into play or if you are on Femseven conti then it may be the progestogen disagreeing with you and I agree if you haven't had a period for a while then your body needs to adjust to the increased oestrogen dose.

Oestrogen itself is not associated with anxiety - it is the hormone which makes us female so we are well adjusted to it! However adding oestrogen exogenously (from outside the body) is not the same as making our own so sometimes it takes a while to acclimatise. Some women report feeling "jittery" on high doses of exogenous oestrogen - but our own oestrogen levels are very high at ovulation so it is not the high levels per se but possibly the way it is introduced into the body - after all the ovaries produce it more continuously but HRT is necessarily a crude method of replacement by comparison.

If your anxiety is hormonal and you did not experience it before peri-menopause then a hormonal solution is the best way to treat this, but the trick is to find the best method for you. Also there are other non chemical strategies you can try as well as HRT - have a look at the no more panic website.

Hope this helps

Hurdity x


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Re: It's scary on HRT
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2016, 05:56:50 AM »

I'm 49 and peri and periods atm have been every couple of months,longest was 3 months,doctor prescribed  Femseven sequential,had been feeling quite emotional before the HRT and back in July 2015 had weaned myself off citolapram for depression,and felt fine,periods at this point were regular,feelings of depression hit me again April 16 due to hubby losing his job,periods then started being 2-3 months apart..
When I went to the doctor symptoms I had were flashes causing sleepless nights,and very low moods, waking scared worried about every little thing,which is normally just not me,only it was as if the HRT had made things so much worse,as I wanted to just curl up and sleep,as I feel so tired & worn down xx


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Re: It's scary on HRT
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2016, 10:26:13 AM »

Thank you for giving us your story Ladyturbowrx - things seem a lot more clear now.
HRT is probably the right thing for you but as you are peri meno the patches were probably too high a dose - I had this problem when I tried the combined patches in my peri stage - I felt really awful.
The roller coaster of the peri meno stage can play havoc with our mood, sleep etc. - do be aware that many women suffer in this way so it is quite normal and you will get your life back - you just need the right treatment to get you through.

It also sounds to me as though you are suffering some depression, possibly meno related but also to do with what's going on in your life right now as well.
Getting the flushes and poor sleep under control is very important and only HRT will truly sort this.
Can I suggest you ask for Oestrogel with a separate progesterone (either Provera or Utrogestan) as this will give you the chance to start on a low dose and only increase as you get deeper into menopause.

The Oestrogel is applied each day either morning or evening and I would suggest you stick with one pump per day as this is a low dose and will very gradually build your oestrogen and make you feel better. Here is the info about the Oestrogel which you should print off to show you GP:  - it's at the bottom of this page.
Just to say the standard dose is 2 pumps per day but I think you should start on a lower dose of one pump per day as I did in peri meno.

The progesterone has to be taken for 10-12 days each month and will result in a withdrawal bleed a day or two after you finish the progesterone tablets. Here is the info you can print off to show your GP: - both Provera and Utrogestan are well tolerated generally although Utrogestan can make one feel very sedated so I would possibly try Provera first.

I also think you may need to go back on Citolapram again for a few months to get back on track emotionally as the HRT could take some time to deal with this.

Don't give up on HRT - it is trial and error.  You may also like to ask for some CBT to help you for the longer term when dealing with the depression - it can really help.
Keep us posted  DG x


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Re: It's scary on HRT
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2016, 11:11:18 AM »

Well I'm back from the doctors,and it appears the patch was upsetting my balance (as he put it) so has taken me,for the time being off of them,but re-prescribed citalopram 10mg for 2 weeks then 20mg there after,I have to keep a feelings chart,marking symptoms and feelings 3 times a day.. So now I'm expecting chronic tiredness,sicky feelings and aching,but hopefully it settles within a few weeks,like last time when I tooknow it xxx


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Re: It's scary on HRT
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2016, 11:24:07 AM »

Hi again Ladyturbowrx

If you have been skipping periods and you are suffering from menopausal symptoms then HRT and not ADs are the first thing you should be given. However if you have suffered from depression in the past that is not due to hormones or your cycle and were taking ADs, then they are probably appropriate in addition to HRT as Dancinggirl has suggested. You should not really take the ADs in preference to HRT and as Dancinggirl has already said there are other HRT types which might suit you much better.

As well as considering the gel you could also persevere with patches and separate progesterone. Estradot comes in low starting dose of 25 mcg which it might be worth acclimatising to before the 50 mcg - which sounds like it might be too much for you at the moment. The other thing you could do is cut the patch in half for the first few weeks.

The NICE Guidelines on menopause do recommend HRT as the first line of treatment for peri-menopause and from what you say about your cycle and symptoms - that's where you are.

Have you had blood tests to rule out any other causes of your symptoms eg thyroid etc?

I hope you manage to sort out the right way through this so that you feel better soon.

Hurdity x


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Re: It's scary on HRT
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2016, 03:34:27 PM »

Hi there just wanted to say I've been on and off escitalopran for the last 7 years and I'll be staying on it now it dies help me from hitting rock bottom without the drugged feeling but just to say it took about 6 weeks for the full effect so don't give up and I did feel sick and dizzy and generally ill for the first week but that goes after that it's worked for me after a serious mental breakdown


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Re: It's scary on HRT
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2016, 04:03:22 PM »

It really doesn't matter what is causing the depression, it needs to be addressed!!!!  In a patient with previous history than ADs are the first line of treatment in order to enable her to see the wood for the trees.

How are you today Lady……… ?


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Re: It's scary on HRT
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2016, 10:02:35 AM »

Hello  :)
Well I'm on day 5 with citalopram 10mg and actually feel a bit better,not getting so many knotted stomach with the shaky feelings,and less dry mouths due to the anxiety,haven't had many bad side effects,so far,apart from feeling a bit more tired  & fuzzy headed...
But night time seems the worst,go to bed around 10:30pm and am able to fall to sleep quite easily,only to wake up at least twice,feeling like I'm burning up,sweating and feeling anxious and scared,this carries on till I get up around 6am,but once up and moving about (making 5 lunch boxes  :) ) my mood lifts.. only yesterday afternoon whilst walking the dog,something bit me,ant? Spider? so my hand was itchy so yesterday evening took 10mls Piriton...Result I slept from 10:30ish till 5am although did wake a little hot and anxious.... so might do this again if after a few bad nights I need some sleep,as don't know if doing this every night till the citalopram properly kicks in,would be ok

xxxx Lady T