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Author Topic: I am new too - any advice please  (Read 2195 times)


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I am new too - any advice please
« on: October 31, 2016, 04:33:09 PM »


I am new too and I've looked through lots of posts but can't really find the answers I'm looking for so I am hoping someone can help me. I am 49 (50 in early December) and have been in the perimenopausal phase for a year now. I am not able to take HRT due to having a DVT in 2013. At night I take Menopace night but am not sure if it is helping or not. I am not on any other medication but do take a cod liver oil tablet once a day.

The symptoms I have are intense itching on my tummy/scalp/hands/shoulders and vaginal area (outside). Since I was 12, I've suffered from severe migraines which now I'm in the perimenopause, are considerably worse and usually every day. I ache all over both during the day and at night, but particularly my hands, fingers, toes, arms and legs, well just about everywhere ! I can cope with the aching, almost like flu symptoms but the itching is driving me mad !! I have times where I am on a "high" and then the next minute I am in tears, frequently waking up in the night, freezing cold one minute and then sweltering hot the next.

Oh the joys of being a woman ! Please can anyone suggest how they cope with intense itching or anything else. I would be very grateful for any advice.

Thank you  :)



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Re: I am new too - any advice please
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2016, 04:42:41 PM »

Oh the Joys of Menopause  >:( - not  ::).  As oestrogen levels drop so muscle become lax = aches and pains.  An over-the-counter pain relief can ease symptoms. 

Localised HRT can help with vaginal atrophy.  It is a small uptake which plumps the vaginal area, moistens the tissues to stop itchiness up there and stops that feeling of a need to pee constantly.  It won't affect your history of DVT.

Some ladies here have advice on migraines.  Hopefully they will be along soon!


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Re: I am new too - any advice please
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2016, 07:38:35 PM »

Hi Clarebear,

I have had similar problems with the itching and mine started on my stomach as well! At first I thought I was allergic to my shower gel or washing powder but it began to move from one area to the next. I have had it on my stomach, vagina, neck, behind my ear, scalp and also top of foot and top of hand. I also had the aching which started in my fingers and moved like yours, to my feet, legs etc but then I found I was low in Vitamin D, so taking supplements have helped with this and also the itching disappeared. However, I stopped the Vit D for a while and noticed the aching coming back and now for a few weeks or so, the itching has returned but mainly on my scalp and neck so I started taking the Vit D again.

It might be worth you going to see your Practice Nurse/GP and having a full blood count done where they test for many things but do ask for them to test your Vit D and B12 levels.

One of my children has eczema and was prescribed this. You can buy it on Amazon. I used this for my itching (obviously not on my vagina or scalp!) and it really helped.


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Re: I am new too - any advice please
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2016, 07:43:26 PM »

My itching began on my insteps, as soon as I took my socks off at night and got into my bath.  Also I had irritation across the back of my shoulders, husband would scratch gently ……. I would also have an all over 'glow' in that my skin there would be damp.  It didn't last more than 40 mins. but was every evening for months  ::).



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Re: I am new too - any advice please
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2016, 10:42:57 PM »

Thank you CLKD and Megamind for your welcome advice. I also forgot to mention that my memory is dreadful or rather that I forget things even if I am part way through a sentence and go off track, I have tingling in three of my fingers in my right hand, very dry and cracked skin on the soles of my feet amd I too have intense itching on my stomach. I went to see my GP today and she has recommended I go for a blood test checking my full blood count, vitamin B12, liver etc plus she has referred me to a specialist who deals with the menopause so I'm waiting for an appointment. It's so nice to get answers on here though as friends and family who I speak to all seem to have sailed through the menopause with no problems at all - lucky them !


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Re: I am new too - any advice please
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2016, 03:03:06 PM »

Hi clarebear


Sorry to hear about your health issues and also menopausal symptoms.

Have you started skipping periods yet? It's good you have been referred to a menopause specialist as taking HRT may not be completely out of the question - this is what it say on this website about Thrombosis:

Since HRT is associated with a small increased risk of venous thrombosis, care must be taken when considering HRT use in women with a past or family history of thrombosis. Depending on the indication for HRT and on the cause of the thrombosis, risks and benefits should be assessed. If HRT is to be used, preference would usually be given to the transdermal route (patch or gel) [ref 22]. Specialist advice should be requested. Vaginal estrogen may be used for treatment of vaginal and bladder symptoms.

In the meantime concentrate on making sure you are in the best possible health you can be - by making any lifestyle changes that will help regarding body weight, diet, smoking, alcohol, exercise, sleep and stress.

Also I sympathise re the migraines - I do get them but not badly and not often so it must be dreadful to have them every day. I presume you are getting help for these too.? There are several women on here who suffer badly with them, and have  posted about how they treat them.

Hurdity x


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Re: I am new too - any advice please
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2016, 07:29:30 PM »

Hi All

I'm sort of new to the site I first appeared a year ago when I was going to the doc's to ask about the menopause well over a year later [and god knows how many tests later not related to the menopause] I have been told my bloods are showing signs of  the menopause.Tell me something I don't know. What happens now, what should I do. I have been left in limbo I feel tired all the time, no energy, sleeping badly, and I think my hubby thinks I've gone off him big time {a bit of hows your father is the last thing on my mind} my proper periods stopped about a year ago although I have had the odd " show" but nothing fo the last 6-8 months my body still thinks it's going to have a period as I still have those symtoms I sort of know about hrt but I'm not sure if I can take it due to liver problems hence the tests.
sorry for yabbitting on but any advice would be helpful


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Re: I am new too - any advice please
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2016, 08:01:07 PM »

Hi Blueblue

Sorry to hear about your symptoms. You haven't said how old you are but if you haven't had a period for 6-8 months and not a major one for a year then this is the likely cause ie menopause.

According to the brief information on this website there are scenarios where liver disease may be a contra-indication to HRT but not ruled out in all cases:

Liver disease
A history of liver disease with liver function having returned to normal would not be a contraindication to HRT use, though non-oral route would usually be advised. Active liver disease with abnormal liver function tests is seen as a contraindication to HRT use.

It sounds like it is worth exploring further with your specialist and if necessary ask for a referral to a gynaecologist or menopause clinic? I presume also you have had other blood tests to rule out other causes for your tiredness, eg thyroid function, and vitamin or iron deficiencies?

In the meantime best thing is to take a look at any lifestyle changes you might need to make eg related to diet, body weight, alcohol, smoking, exercise, fresh air, stress etc? I know they don't replace oestrogen but can really help with your overall health and how you feel too.

Hurdity x