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Author Topic: Blood sugar dropping  (Read 5209 times)


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Blood sugar dropping
« on: October 31, 2016, 04:12:48 PM »

Do any on you suffer with low blood sugar attacks ??

Ever since i started 'peri' I have had terrible problems with my blood sugar levels. it drops at an alarming rate .It only started with all the other menopause symptoms.Its totally horrible and has in turn lead to sever anxiety attacks .The gap between breakfast and lunch is the worst time ,sometimes i so desperately need food/sugar only 1 hour after eating other days 2 hours.
Coupled with this, Menopause also caused a massive flare up of my lifelong IBS so having to eat this often is a total nightmare. Someday's i feel like i have to choose between feeling that i'm going to faint or eat something to stop that but know that i'll desperately need the toilet 5 mins later.The worst part of this is i am a singer and neither fainting or pooing myself are viable options whist on stage LOL !!

I've had several diabetes tests and blood work done and everything is showing normal except my hormone reading for menopause. My general GP or nurse didn't seem bothered or really interested in this blood sugar problem and couldn't tell me if HRT would help at all ...mind you hes a man !

I have learnt ways to keep the blood sugar in check most of the time now(eating regular etc ) but it has left me with deep mental scars of how terrifying it is to almost faint whist singing ,so much so that i have mini  panic attacks on stage now every time.I am booked to see a doctor within my profession who will pass me to a councilor hopefully

I know its a strange one but any suggestions will be welcomed x


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Re: Blood sugar dropping
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2016, 04:15:55 PM »

We should eat protein at every meal to prevent these issues.


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Re: Blood sugar dropping
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2016, 04:19:04 PM »

Yep.  I would become suddenly nauseous and have to look for a receptacle, in case: 1 time I dashed into a Pharmacist and asked to use their loo …… it took 20 mins. for the feelings to pass.  They weren't keen on my using the Staff toilet but I told them it was better than having to use their floor.

I contacted the N[ational]A[ssociation]forP[remenstraul]S[syndrome] who advised eating every 3 hours even in the night.  That's every 3 hours, 24/7, 12/52.  Of course I would forget and found that in the 10-14 days before a bleed I would suffer.  I go so that I carried Dextrose tablets, packets of mixed fruits and nuts as well as dry biscuits, so that I could nibble B4 my body was hungry.  I had a puppy at the time who learned that after she had been out to wee in the early hours, there were biscuits to be had by the bed  ;D.  Fortunately Himself is a light sleeper  :lol:.

The idea is to spread the amount we eat through-out the 24 hours.  That way we don't increase weight but the body isn't suddenly hungry.  Even now when I get that queasy feeling Himself will ask when I last ate 'properly' - well he ought to know, he does all the cooking  ::)


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Re: Blood sugar dropping
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2016, 04:28:38 PM »

Do you eat breakfast?  You may find porridge sustains your gut much longer than toast and don't forget that bananas can be a good stand by too!


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Re: Blood sugar dropping
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2016, 04:36:08 PM »

CLKD ...I LIVE on Bananas !!
They re indeed an amazing food
Some of the venues i sing at call me the 'Banana girl' as i eat one just before every show no matter that time of day it is .It might be all in my mind  but i read somewhere that 1 banana can last in the body for about an hour so i feel safe knowing this as i usually sing for an hour.I feel that i won't keel over !


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Re: Blood sugar dropping
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2016, 04:40:21 PM »

That's good!  Remember that anxiety/stress can cause the body to burn off energy too.  So you may need 2 bananas ;-).  Have a good with fruits/nuts which helps grazing.  Eat B4 you are hungry!

We have a thread about hobbies and singing is on the list. 


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Re: Blood sugar dropping
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2016, 04:44:30 PM »

Eggs  :sick02:  ;D

True about hidden sugars in processed foods.  Too many and I get bloated  :(


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Re: Blood sugar dropping
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2016, 04:52:30 PM »

Oh thank you SO much ladies .I only put my post up an hour ago and already you have helped me feel less alone in this.It is such a comfort to have understanding and support like this and i will listen to all your ideas on how to beat this.Its been ruining my life and i'm so sick of crying on my way to a show because i don't feel in control of my own stupid body ....together we can beat this vile thing
Thank you xxxxxx


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Re: Blood sugar dropping
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2016, 04:55:06 PM »

Hi Elsiebear

This appears to be a problem encountered by several of us - in fact there was a thread on it a few weeks ago where I posted about my experience. Not sure if I can find it.

Aha - just done a search - here are a couple of threads:,33362.msg534905.html#msg534905,32823.0.html

To save rewriting it I've quoted from my post in the first thread:

Hi Maxine B


Most definitely yes! I've had a tendency to this anyway throughout my life - on occasions getting what I now know is called reactive hypoglycaemia - where you get all the symptoms of true hypoglycaemia (  acute trembling, sweating feeling weak, craving sugar, needing to sit down until sugar rises, irritable) - because blood sugar has fallen too quickly but is not low as in diabetics. I've been to the doc about mine and was given a monitor - I measured a few times and the lowest was 4.2 I think which is fine.

When I was in late reproductive stage ( periods still completely regular but not yet peri-menopausal) I started to get migraines for the first time ( didn't know they were though) and also started getting these attacks during the second half of my cycle - probably a week or so before my period - and especially mid or late morning. Progesterone and oestrogen have a differential effect on blood sugar levels so when the balance changes throughout the cycle - it seems to affect some women more than others. It's also related to adrenalin I gather but I don't really understand it completely - complex endocrine control.

Morning was my weak time - I went from just having toast for breakfast to having cereal like shreddies, and then even that wouldn't work (would have the shakes by mid morning) so went onto Weetabix (while the children were growing up!) and then to muesli and then to muesli and toast. Now I'm on a different diet (to keep weight down)  I have two boiled eggs and lots of fruit and yog for brek or bacon egg toms mushrooms as well as fruit and yog - and I'm OK - but it happened to me this morning at my exercise class (only had one egg + fruit + yog).

I agree eat little and often and above all cut out any added sugar from your diet for the most part  ie sweet drinks, juice, biscuits and cakes ( including muesli bars which are usually loaded with sugar - not healthy at all!) - and reducing carbs especially refined ones - replacing all of this with lots of low fat protein, fruit veg nuts beans etc or whole wheat carbs ( but restrict these too). If you make sure you're never hungry but eat as above you should not put on weight (especially if you take exercise). The odd treat is fine - as well as the odd drink :)

 This should stabilise your blood sugar and your tendency to get these attacks. Also try to identify your weak points - times of day or month and make sure you have plenty to eat at this time.

Ooops got carried away there but this problem has been with me for so long I have to be governed by it - well I know how to handle it now!

Hurdity x

I totally agree with Maryjane re the protein. You must eat a substantial meal a couple of hours before you perform. As you will know singing requires a huge amount of energy and breathing and it is easy to feel light-headed - which will be compounded by hormonal changes during peri-menopause (and before).

Cutting down sugar/carbs drastically is the way to go. Yes bananas are good - but I wouldn't have more than one a day (OK maybe 2 but not at once!) Lots of nuts....

I don't hold with the eating every 3 hours including through the night as our metabolism shuts down overnight - although if you eat early in the evening a slow release snack before bedtime seems to help some women. However if you have to get up a lot in the night (bladder etc) then your metabolism will kick start to some extent so in these circumstances I imagine a quick nibble (nuts!) might help!

Needing to eat after only an hour will definitely be helped by having big breakfast. Your metabolism sounds just like mine - breakfast to lunch being the tricky time.

I have said on other threads - the old saying "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dine like a pauper" notwithstanding bedtime snack if necessary! Do try. Look at what I have for breakfast. I guarantee if you have a big breakfast (lots of rtui yogurt and protein and a few carbs if you need them) it won't happen!

Hope this helps and good luck! :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Blood sugar dropping
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2016, 06:27:51 PM »

I see a nutritionist, and she wants me to just eat three times a day.

Breakfast eat like a king.

Lunch eat like a prince.

Supper eat like a pauper.

If you are hungry between each meal , then you need to have more protein at each meal until you don't get the hunger panges.


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Re: Blood sugar dropping
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2016, 07:03:03 PM »

As a recovering anorexic I have had a hate relationship with food, kitchens, cooking since age 3.

Hunger now is different; it feels different to that sudden dip that I had pre-menstrually.  Now I don't get it unless I've been lazy or done a lot of walking.  Eating 3 times a day isn't 'normal' in that we would be grazers.  Eating when food is there.  Going to bed with the dusk and waking at dawn. 

I can't face food first thing ……. and have always found finding something to eat at lunch time.  Evening meals are easier. I also work on the 'little of what I fancy'  ;D.

Mary - how do you feel on a 3 times a day regime?


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Re: Blood sugar dropping
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2016, 07:28:45 PM »

Oh, with brown sugar?  Someone suggested a banana in a bowl of custard ;-).


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Re: Blood sugar dropping
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2016, 07:40:43 PM »

I don't have it with brown sugar.

I love bananas and custard!


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Re: Blood sugar dropping
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2016, 07:43:46 PM »

Especially if the custard is full of vanilla ;-)


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Re: Blood sugar dropping
« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2016, 05:44:17 PM »

Elsiebear - was any of that helpful?

Hurdity x
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