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Author Topic: Tibolone diary/experience  (Read 68985 times)


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Tibolone diary/experience
« on: October 30, 2016, 08:14:42 PM »

I've already posted in the 'New' section and, if it might be useful will try and regularly update this thread outlining my experience on Tibolone.

So far I'm almost 7 weeks in and have found the following:

Taking before bedtime doesn't suit me.  I seem to get an energy surge in the first 4-6hrs, which isn't good before bed/at night.  I'm working on changing the time I take it - I've taken it at 2pm the past week and it seems much better.

Having an espresso in the morning is fine, in the evening makes me anxious and on edge at bedtime.  This is really strange as previously I could have a coffee before bed and have no problems whatever.

Alcohol.  I'm not a big drinker, but had half a bottle of wine (only 11%) last Saturday at a party, woke at 3am with what seemed like a hangover, and felt quite delicate in the morning. This is not an issue as I'd rather drop the wine & keep the Tibolone  ;)

Hair.  I'm naturally fair with very fine hair and had noticed over the past year or 2, a reduction in body hair (I'd developed a pubic bald patch, rarely needed to shave my legs and armpits).  I also can't remember when I needed to pluck my eyebrows.  Well I have started to get a little bit of sprouting, still fine and fair.

Energy/ aches and pains.  Took around 5-6 weeks before I saw an improvement.  I still have days where I feel better than others, but it is improving.

A question:
I was told to continue with Vagifem and use Ovestin cream 1mg externally.  I've stopped the Vagifem due to 'excessive moisture'  ;D the Tibolone seems to be doing enough.  I'm continuing with the Ovestin, but not sure if I'm using the correct amount.  My gyanacologist said to use a 'blob' and rub it in externally.  The tube is 15g and I've hardly used any from it.  However, things are nice and comfortable down there, so I guess I can't be that far off the correct amount?

Hot flushes - maybe once a day, more likely when I get up but really minor compared to how it used to be.

Anxiety - I'm having the occasional anxious moment, usually when I'm trying to get to sleep and trying some relaxation exercises which are helping.

Well that's all for now, will update as time goes on.


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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2016, 08:25:12 PM »

That's really good to hear you're getting on well with it

Have you noticed any weight gain ? And is scalp hair ok ?

These were the 2 things that worried me about trying Tibolone , I have hair thinning already and was worried, but I'm trying Testosterone and although the amount of shedding seems to have decreased I am sure I've lost more hair which is really odd as when I run my fingers through my hair I'm getting much less quantity coming out



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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2016, 08:30:17 AM »

Hi Sooze

I don't think I've done so already so  :welcomemm: !

Thanks for the update re Tibolone and glad you are feeling better on it - if you keep the thread updated it will be really helpful to others contemplating this treatment - even if you don't always get a response :).

Re the Ovestin - blob sounds about right! Ovestin contains a higher concentration of estriol than the generic estriol cream so should be quite effective. You might find VA re-appears if you stop the internal use but if you start to get any signs then perhaps you would need to do a re-load and then maintain its use regularly?

Hurdity x


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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2016, 09:18:59 PM »

No weight gain I can attribute to Tibolone. I gained about ½ stone between May & July that I'm now going to make an effort to shift over the next 3 months, as I have more energy for exercise (and horizontal jogging  ;) )

I've never had a hair loss issue, even post pregnancy, it just grew finer.  I've not noticed any hair loss so far, and it's too early to judge if it's improving. 

Thanks for the welcome, and reassurance.  I'm going to make sure I have a back up Vagifem supply, just in case, but the Tibilone made such a huge difference.  Adding Vagifem to the new 'monsoon' conditions seemed a bit excessive, and 3 weeks on it's still OK.


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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2016, 10:40:59 PM »

Well, her I am almost at the end of week 8 and things aren't going too badly.

I've had the odd muscular twinge, a bit like when you get cramp, which resolves quickly if I massage the area.  Otherwise my joints feel much improved, especially my left shoulder that I injured about 6yrs ago - it's more mobile than it has been for years.

I've had a glass of red wine with a meal and had no issues - so maybe I just need to avoid white wine or limit it to a glass?

I was a bit worried yesterday, as I had a headache from about 11am, and I rarely get headaches.  Work was very stressful though.  I didn't manage to take any painkillers until I got home and it did go by the time I went to bed, so I'll just keep a watch out in case I get more.

I did have 1 night last week where I had a touch of the anxiety symptoms, feeling unsettled, racing pulse etc and I think I may have done less than a blob of the Ovestin for a few nights, so I did a blob and a bit.  I guess it's not excessive as I didn't use the Vagifem?

I did top up with a Vagifem last night instead of the Ovestin, but did notice I felt a bit bloated this morning - not really noticed that before so going to stick with the Ovestin only again.

The only other thing of note is that my eyelids have gone very dry & a bit sensitive - think this might be due to the weather getting colder, but anyone else had this happen?

oh, and the libido is still  :bed:


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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2016, 04:06:57 PM »

Hi. I'm following this with interest, just in case my gp suggests Tibolone instead of testosterone. So thank you for the updates.

Blakeygray  :)


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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2016, 08:32:18 PM »

Update for this week., 10 weeks in.
White wine is a definite no no. Just half a glass made me feel awful.
Sticking to 1 espresso in the morning and no more nighttime anxiety.

Headaches. I'm not convinced that what I'm getting are actually headaches, but possibly sinus congestion.  It's defiantly an 'ache', which comes and goes lasting a minute or 2 maybe 3 or 4 times a day.  Annoying, as my specs feel too heavy when it happens, but no more than that. Perhaps Tibilone is effecting nasal mucous membranes?

My joints are feeling amazing, and mobility still good. 

Skin still fine, eyelids improving no extra facial hair, slight eyebrow & lashes improvement.  I don't think there's any change in my scalp hair density but I am getting more root lift, and when I get up my hair isn't as flat - this could be because I'm not getting any night sweats I guess.

No real weight loss, but no gain either. Not managed much exercise as I'm working more hours to cover maternity leave. That should change next month.

My cleavage does look fuller though, which is nice. And the cellulite on my thighs is defiantly less 'bumpy'. Be interesting how this changes when I get chance to exercise more.

Still sticking with Ovestin externally only and all down there very good, keeping an 'action' diary and averaging 3 times/week, so pleased!

Really hopes this all continues and so glad I tried it.


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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2016, 10:42:34 PM »


Thanks for all this info I'll be watching your posts with interest

I'm hoping to feel a bit better tomorrow day 3 as have had an awful day today
Felt so nauseous
Wobbly & nervy
Feel very unsure of myself

But sure it's just the hormones infact I know it is

But I'm so hopeful

My hubby being so supportive 🙂 As had lenghty  chats about how I've been struggling past few years and he's been great I suppose I'd just not told him and expected him to understand 😁
 Explained to him

My brain is like fog 
I can't seem to think straight
My mood is like a raving lunatic
I've a mobile phone going off intermittently just behind my c section scar
One min ok ....
next angry
 feel sick
hot palpitations

and I can't control it 😰

I'd joined a menapause forum thing and I didn't realise how many women are the same but that doesn't help it just reassurance I'm  not losing my mind ! As I've gone from a woman whom was

Multi tasked
Sense of humour

To fog brain
Motivated as a cabbage
Can't even remember what I bloody went in the fridge for
No enthusiasm
Sad lonely
Some days it even scares me to go out but that's something I'm not letting happen
ZERO Libido
Feel worthless

So I suppose I'm trying to say talking helps as he really is being fantastic X

I m not Me  anymore I don't know who I am it's so bloody hard im like  😉🙋😰💋😋😁🤔🙄😖😱😕🙂😝😡😏😃😂😁😬😁🤔😎🙄😏🤑😰😩😫😖😱😳😰😤😤😩😫😈🙅😂😂😂😂😂😂



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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2016, 12:11:38 PM »

Same here Sooze. Exactly the same!!! Except I'm not on Tibolone - I've been taken off HRT altogether!!  :bounce:

And I don't know who I am anymore either. Please let this pass soon - surely we won't feel like this forever??


At least your OH is understanding. Mine tries to be and asks me how I'm feeling but if I tell him the truth he accuses me of talking about the meno too much  :beat:

So I try to stick to subjects which are all about him. Or politics. Or the fecking's exhausting. I avoid conversation as much as possible now...

Hang in there - women say it gets better...



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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2016, 06:37:04 PM »

So a bit of an update, managed to do 'double exercise' at the gym today (80 mins). 50mins cardio split into 35mins and 15mins with light weights in between and I'm not wrecked this evening  ;D I can't remember when I last managed this, maybe 10yrs+

Going to tackle the ironing (lucky me).  So a definite energy surge.

Despite a crap day at work yesterday I actually felt happy and upbeat at the end of the day ( possibly because it's 2 weeks until I go part time).

I can't remember when I last felt so positive about the future, my future.

I think I may be getting borderline evangelical about Tibilone - I really hope this continues.


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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2016, 06:47:51 PM »

That's fantastic!

I'm seriously considering putting up with the headaches and going back on Tibolone as I had so much energy on it compared to Oestrogel and Testogel.

Glad you're doing well on it :-)



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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2016, 08:04:33 PM »

Sooze this makes for brilliant reading,  well done you!

I'm less than a week into taking Tibolone and can't wait until it starts to kick in.


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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2016, 04:01:27 PM »

Ooh Sooze you make me want to try it after years of being on the same HRT. ;D Probably a bit late for me to swap to tablet (sort of) HRT in my 60's though!

Hurdity x


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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2016, 10:18:01 PM »

Here you go, another update.....
So don't be tempted to go full out on the exercise. Boy have I suffered  :-\
My poor hips, knees and ankles have really been stiff for 4 days this week  :'(
No so bad that I've resorted to pain relief though, just slowed me down.
But the good new is that headaches/ sinus pain has completely gone.

My scalp hair is defiantly growing quicker, but not thicker unfortunately.

Body hair more like it was 5-20yrs ago, no facial hair increase besides maybe 1 or 2 eyebrow hairs.

Skin fine, no breakouts

Still got quite good energy levels-I'm not collapsing on the sofa after tea still.

Hubby went away last weekend (family thing), and I think he's suffering from the "Manopause' or possible 'hormone envy' with my mood lifting.  I've not been prescrIbed Testesterone gel but anyone tempted to 'secretly share'. Or how do you think could I broach the subject with 'him indoors' that he could do with a boost  :D

Suggestions welcome!


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Re: Tibolone diary/experience
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2016, 09:25:34 AM »

I'd visit a manopause website and leave the page open on the laptop/tablet. Or any Internet page about the benefits of testosterone in older age  ;D
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