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Author Topic: One of life's mysteries ..... shopping!  (Read 12614 times)

Ju Ju

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Re: One of life's mysteries ..... shopping!
« Reply #30 on: October 29, 2016, 08:07:31 AM »

Yep! Rely on companies like these. Also James Inglis and Medissa Shoes. I have long, narrow AAs shallow feet, one 1/2 size longer, which means I can only wear low heeled shoes with straps, laces. Styles incorporating these features tend not to be glamourous. Fortunately I don't lead a glamourous life style! But it would be nice to be able to wear slip on shoes or wellies! I remember trying to source white shoes or sandals for my wedding many years ago. Mind you I made it more difficult by getting married in December. I ended up wearing ill fitting white Greek dancing shoes. At least I don't have painful issues like you poor ladies, other than ingrowing toe nails, caused by shoes that haven't fitted properly.


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Re: One of life's mysteries ..... shopping!
« Reply #31 on: October 29, 2016, 08:10:50 AM »

I had never heard of Mortons neuroma until I was told that what I have in both feet, mine has been caused by back surgery making me walk differently...Long story.... The pain is just dreadful and you are right ladies, buying shoes a nightmare..
     I would love to hear from ER and Sparkle as I think more surgery is my only option.....


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Re: One of life's mysteries ..... shopping!
« Reply #32 on: October 29, 2016, 08:20:49 AM »

I had never heard of Mortons neuroma until I was told that what I have in both feet, mine has been caused by back surgery making me walk differently...Long story.... The pain is just dreadful and you are right ladies, buying shoes a nightmare..
     I would love to hear from ER and Sparkle as I think more surgery is my only option.....

I've never heard of this either ... what is it?


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Re: One of life's mysteries ..... shopping!
« Reply #33 on: October 29, 2016, 08:26:24 AM »

It's all to do with tendons, caused my different reasons for different people....Mine has started after back surgery making me walk differently and making my arches drop, that caused my instep tendons to tear and then the thick tendon between toes....Horid and very painful....


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Re: One of life's mysteries ..... shopping!
« Reply #34 on: October 29, 2016, 08:28:31 AM »

Sparkle are you a stalker?!!   :o  Are we separated twins?  ;D

I had surgery on my left foot about 18 years ago and it was a huge success. They tried the steroid jab first of all which was ok but a day latter sent the neuroma into excruciating spasms, surgery was the only alternative. It was painful afterwards BUT it was worth it and it was so much easier after it all repaired. However, I had the right one done about 3 years ago and that wasn't a walk in the park!

By this stage I was suffering with the migraines and boy oh boy the nerve pain was not pleasant. When in migraine the nerve pain at the op site was horrible. Trouble is, as you know, I'm in migraine a lot!! The results from the op were not the same as the first surgery and a different consultant suggested that it was possible that nerve had been left. Certainly I didn't have nearly the same numbness in the area I had from the first surgery. Worryingly I occasionally suffer excruciating pain stabs in the site, so have to be really careful with my footwear. Revision surgery is really not terribly successful with this.

If I had my time again I would still have it done as the pain before surgery had become awful and disabling BUT I would be wagging my finger at the surgeon second time round, insisting he thoroughly excise the area!!

Ellie I've just seen your post and I'm sorry you're suffering too. I would recommend the surgery however make sure you find a decent surgeon. The same chap did both of mine and he has a fantastic reputation and I don't think anyone was at fault with my second op it was just one of those things. The foot is still a million times better than it was despite the issues! Good luck to you x

Ju Ju, I feel for you, such a pain in the ____! When wearing anything other than comfortable walking type shoes my feet are covered in Compeed plasters, I think I keep the company afloat!

These old bones!!!  >:(


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Re: One of life's mysteries ..... shopping!
« Reply #35 on: October 29, 2016, 08:51:52 AM »

Thank you ER,  :thankyou:....please what are compete plasters, think I need a bucket full......
   I have had every sort of insole from the podiatrist and nothing helps a lot.  The only shoe that are remotely comfy are trainers, so I feel a mess all the time 🙁


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Re: One of life's mysteries ..... shopping!
« Reply #36 on: October 29, 2016, 09:13:47 AM »

Oh Ellie, i really feel for you, there is nothing worse than uncomfortable feet. I am quite convinced I have the feet of a ninety year old!

My feet have been affected by ballet and never being able to find well fitting shoes and have very very weirdly become desperately sensitive in recent years. EVERYTHING rubs them raw even when there is no obvious reason! Compeed are a range of plasters for different uses. There are blister plasters, bunion plasters, callous plasters, check out the range. I don't have obvious bunions but the area is painful in most shoes but the Compeed make it bearable. I find I develop blisters on the soles of my feet which the callous plasters prevent. They also sell a wax type stick that you rub on toe joints etc which prevents rubbing and blistering. You can buy this range online where there is a more comprehensive collection that in Boots. They are expensive but do tend to stay on a couple of days. If I'm going to an event they are part of my getting ready routine, like cleaning my teeth! I would be crippled without them and I'm not talking about me wearing towering Widow Twankey heels, I am a flat's girl and pretty much have always been.

As far as finding anything to stop the MN hurting I can't offer any valuable advice I'm afraid other than to buy shoes with cushioned inserts. I live in comfy (as stylish as I can find them!) walking type shoes, I thank goodness that they are trendy at the moment so there are lots around. Trouble is my feet are too narrow to fit 99% of them! Try to find shoes with a wide toe area so the tendons are not too compressed. The Compeed callous plasters sit directly on the area where the neuromas tend to occur so can offer some relief with hard soles shoes when necessary.

I feel for you. Shoes are the first thing that spring to mind when I have to dress formally, it's such a pain! x
« Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 09:17:38 AM by Elizabethrose »


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Re: One of life's mysteries ..... shopping!
« Reply #37 on: October 29, 2016, 09:24:01 AM »

My feet are probably not as narrow as yours Juju but they are also shallow. Why is it that the majority of narrow shoes are cheap and uncomfortable. Hotter did do a narrow range ( a whole 3 styles I believe ). My toes are quite bent and a bit arthritic with trying to keep on court shoes when I was younger. Husband makes several rude comments about them.  No bunions thankfully but a 15 year old verruca that all sorts of treatments and 5 podiatrists have failed to get rid of. It is on the ball of my foot in the middle of hard skin. I sometimes feel a nail is being driven through my foot, I seriously think that the treatments have done more damage than the verruca.
Not so long ago I was told I wasn't walking properly as the skin on my big toes was brand new! Pity I can't get it transplanted to my face  :rofl: Flutterbyx


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Re: One of life's mysteries ..... shopping!
« Reply #38 on: October 29, 2016, 09:35:10 AM »

Haha, that is so funny flutterby! The skin over the whole of my foot is brand new - no hard skin anywhere, I think I must be hovering! (I really wish I could!!)

My husband has always taken the Mickey out of my feet too, he pretends to retch when I tuck them into his lap whilst watching TV. (That's before I slap him round the head of course!!)  ;)


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Re: One of life's mysteries ..... shopping!
« Reply #39 on: October 29, 2016, 11:12:42 AM »

No feeling of coldness at all Sparkle but of course that's not to say that someone else wouldn't experience it. The 'signing off' surgeon who discharged me 6 months after the second op suggested that either a little nerve had been left or that there was a possibility of a second neuroma tucked away. It only occasionally rears its ugly head so I leave well alone!!

I had both surgeries done under local and the cheeky surgeon during the first delighted in dangling the cut off neuroma in front of me  :o (I had asked!!) It was like a very large gobstopper dangling on a cord!!  :o

I had Mark Tagoe, I don't know if he is your chap Sparkle. Cryosurgery was never mentioned to me. x


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Re: One of life's mysteries ..... shopping!
« Reply #40 on: October 29, 2016, 11:58:34 AM »

My feet have spread because they have gone flat, and now I need extra wide shoes, and once I put the inner sole in (provided by the podiatrist)  they are too tight, especially my right foot as the toes are being forced up.  Anything slightly tight makes my foot cold and numb, and I have tingling under my toes all the time.  Next week I am seeing the surgeon that did my back surgery last year (my second back surgery) .  Things have been so much worse since the surgery, and now this added complication with my feet.....I knew when I had the surgery there was a 5% chance of it going badly wrong, but you just don't think it will be you  :'(.........When asked ' How are you '  next week,  I feel I will just break down........Heindsigh is a wonderful thing, isn't that the saying......Oh sorry I am moaning again  :-X
   Mustn't get started about my knees 😱


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Re: One of life's mysteries ..... shopping!
« Reply #41 on: October 29, 2016, 12:20:45 PM »

Oh Ellie, poor you, don't apologise, you just moan away!!

Good luck when you see your surgeon next week, maybe there's a possibility of them resolving your back problem? I do hope so, back pain is the pits!

I had orthotics made up years ago that fit the arch of my foot which prevents the foot from pronating which is thought to help the Morton's neuroma. I didn't find they really helped though. I wonder whether there's a light weight thin gel pad that could sit under the area that is narrow enough not to compress your toes? My husband has a real problem with this in his ski boots and know he bought something. He's out walking at the moment, I'll ask him when he returns. xx

Ju Ju

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Re: One of life's mysteries ..... shopping!
« Reply #42 on: October 29, 2016, 01:20:08 PM »

My feet are probably not as narrow as yours Juju but they are also shallow. Why is it that the majority of narrow shoes are cheap and uncomfortable. Hotter did do a narrow range ( a whole 3 styles I believe ). My toes are quite bent and a bit arthritic with trying to keep on court shoes when I was younger. Husband makes several rude comments about them.  No bunions thankfully but a 15 year old verruca that all sorts of treatments and 5 podiatrists have failed to get rid of. It is on the ball of my foot in the middle of hard skin. I sometimes feel a nail is being driven through my foot, I seriously think that the treatments have done more damage than the verruca.
Not so long ago I was told I wasn't walking properly as the skin on my big toes was brand new! Pity I can't get it transplanted to my face  :rofl: Flutterbyx

Cheap narrow shoes.......where?!! Very few shops in the U.K. stock AAs. Just think! Some poor people have AAA or even AAAA width feet! I was once told my feet looked like combine harvesters! DH wouldn't dare give rude comments though. I'm quite capable of using my feet to good effect! :bounce:



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Re: One of life's mysteries ..... shopping!
« Reply #43 on: October 29, 2016, 01:23:34 PM »

Haha, glad to hear it Ju Ju!

Getting back to the original topic of this thread - I am loving these scarf/shawls that seem to be everywhere this season. They are perfect for hot flushes!

Unlike some of you ladies I adore the autumnal colours and blacks and greys etc. I'm very much a winter person and pretty much love everything about it especially the clothes!! I'm really fair skinned and virtually aways wear scarves of varying weights twisted around my neck as it's a way to introduce sympathetic colouring to my vampire type colour tones and also to hide my skin from the sun! I bought two wonderful green and orange cashmere scarves from JL, really rich and vibrant, and have been wearing them with my waterproofs in Cornwall this past week or so. I've been stopped twice by women asking where I'd bought them despite looking like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards with the wild weather we've had.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 01:25:29 PM by Elizabethrose »


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Re: One of life's mysteries ..... shopping!
« Reply #44 on: October 29, 2016, 02:03:31 PM »

Haha, glad to hear it Ju Ju!

Getting back to the original topic of this thread - I am loving these scarf/shawls that seem to be everywhere this season. They are perfect for hot flushes!

Unlike some of you ladies I adore the autumnal colours and blacks and greys etc. I'm very much a winter person and pretty much love everything about it especially the clothes!! I'm really fair skinned and virtually aways wear scarves of varying weights twisted around my neck as it's a way to introduce sympathetic colouring to my vampire type colour tones and also to hide my skin from the sun! I bought two wonderful green and orange cashmere scarves from JL, really rich and vibrant, and have been wearing them with my waterproofs in Cornwall this past week or so. I've been stopped twice by women asking where I'd bought them despite looking like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards with the wild weather we've had.

A few years ago I knitted myself a lovely long shawl and just realised it perfectly matches my new boots.  Two people have already asked me where I bought it and I took great pleasure in saying I made it myself.  :)
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