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Author Topic: surgical menopause … help and advice please !!!!  (Read 5938 times)


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surgical menopause … help and advice please !!!!
« on: October 27, 2016, 05:39:27 PM »

Advice please .. Ive been feeling desperate since my hysterectomy in July 2015 . I am 52 and was having regular periods up until the op where ovaries and womb are removed due to adenomyosis. I currently wish I never had the operation as I no longer feel myself , have burning hot sweats that wake me with a jolt about 3 times a night and early in the morning  … I now go to bed wanting morning to come !!!! I have tried …estradot patches . esrtrogel , tablets and have now been referred by my G.P to an N.H.S gynae last week who prescribed Elleste Solo MX 40 patches ( applied yesterday ) . I know this is all a bit hit and miss , but Im mainly missing !!!!!! Some days I have to mentally deal with an hour at a time as I've been feeling so low and tearful ( I do also take citalopram !) Can anyone help ??? Has anyone been through this ??? Does testosterone help anyone who has been plugged into surgical menopause ??? I absolutely hate to admit it but there have been the briefest of moments where I have wanted to end it all .. :'( I done loads of online research but get so confused by an obviously wide and varied topic .Help and direct me a little , Id so appreciate it . Thanks guys ! :-\


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Re: surgical menopause … help and advice please !!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2016, 06:39:12 PM »

I can't advise regards your situation, but hopefully a lady called Tempest will be along as she is/has walked your path.


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Re: surgical menopause … help and advice please !!!!
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2016, 08:47:41 AM »

Thanks Maryjane . :)


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Re: surgical menopause … help and advice please !!!!
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2016, 03:42:37 PM »

Hi, Jooleea!

I just want to tell you that you're not alone - I'm a surgical menopause lady myself and had my surgery just a few months before you in April 2015 (I'm 47, by the way).

This is such a tough road, isn't? Did you have any signs that you were in peri menopause before your surgery and did you start some form of HRT straight away after your operation? I see that you have tried a few different types and this is not unusual as it takes time to get a good 'fit' with HRT (especially with us surgical ladies)!

How knowledgeable was the Gynaecologist you saw of ladies needs who have had their ovaries removed? Did he discuss testosterone with you or offer to check your blood levels of both circulating estradiol and testosterone?

If I can be of any help to you, I would be happy to offer a bit of support and maybe some advice if I can so that you can hopefully access good treatment.

Sending you hugs!


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Re: surgical menopause … help and advice please !!!!
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2016, 05:28:18 PM »

Hi Tempest ! was hoping to hear from you . yep its sooo tough . I had absolutely no signs of peri menopause at all . Started on HRT straight after op , but unfortunately was very sick due to it exacerbating a migraine attack and the G.P i saw around this time said I shouldn't be on Hrt ???!!!!The gynaecologist I have seen most recently ( this week ) was a young girl , probably late 20 's who was obviously not English >>> a bit lost in translation. I hoped I would be seeing the gynae , Mr Scudamore , who's supposed to be very good , but obviously when my name was called I saw this lady instead , although he was there seeing another patient ( luck of the draw ). I was very disappointed that I sat in silence for a couple of mins while she read my notes to discover why I was there . So again , feel I was prescribed something else to try in a very unconsidered trial and error way . My follow up appt. is in 7 weeks ( NHS for you )! maybe you can suggest to me what I should ask for or to try , then I might get somewhere rather than the doctor looking down the never ending list of meds. to try . I am needless to say very confused !! have done as much research as i CAN . I am interested in the mention of testosterone though , will they be willing to try this route on the Nhs or again maybe its not right for me . I have a blood test next week .. only for oestrogen though … although the hospital have given me the envelope to take to the doctors next week for the bloods and it says oestrogen on it , maybe I can add testosterone too ????? thanks again  ! Im really thrilled you have contacted me and understand my state of mind and body !


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Re: surgical menopause … help and advice please !!!!
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2016, 07:47:01 PM »

Hi, Jooleea!

You definitely need to see someone with good knowledge of how the surgical menopause should be managed. I'm so sorry that you didn't get to see Mr. Scudamore this time around. I'm wondering where you are in the UK, and if we can find out if there is a specialist Menopause Clinic near you? Is Mr. Scudamore General Gynaecology, or does he run a Specialist Menopause Clinic?

You most certainly can ask to have your Testosterone level tested by your GP. Are you aware of the latest NICE guidelines regarding prescribing this to ladies like ourselves? And is your GP up to date on the guidelines? It never hurts to print off your own copy and have it to take with you, so that you can point out that it clearly states also that any woman experiencing complex problems relating to menopause (and this most certainly is us surgical ladies) is entitled to be referred to a Menopause Specialist Clinic. Your GP should be able to arrange this for you, or if indeed Mr. Scudamore covers this speciality they can contact him and ask that you are seen specifically by him due to your difficulties with finding an effective HRT since your surgery.

I know when I got to the point where I felt as if I'd had the stuffing knocked out of me, it was very hard to muster the strength to 'fight' my corner' to get good treatment (and I'm still on that road right now, but under a very good Specialist at last).

The first and most important step is to find an effective estrogen replacement for you - for myself, I found the Estrogel to be far too unstable in dose delivery and I also tried Premarin, but the side effects weren't tolerable for me. Once your circulating estradiol level is at a comfortable level for you and stable, the Testosterone can then be added and this can help with mood and energy as well as libido (although libido is the only indication for prescribing in the guidelines)!

I have also found myself that I am very sensitive to large increases in estrogen, and in my research I have found this to be true of quite a lot of us surgical ladies so the mantra of 'go low, go slow' seems to be the the most useful guide. This is why you need a knowledgeable and careful hand helping you to find the level of HRT that you feel most comfortable with (as well as the most effective and comfortable delivery method).

It all does take a little time to work toward finding a good balance, but it IS worth taking the time initially so that you can feel well again.

If I can be of any help at all, please don't be afraid to ask - us surgical ladies are in the minority so it's always good to share knowledge so that we can help and support each other.  :)



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Re: surgical menopause … help and advice please !!!!
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2016, 08:36:19 PM »

I'm here to help too! -
Surgical as from june this year trialling oestrogel .. waiting for testosterone.. have felt pretty crap too but slowly improving.. have appointment with nick Panay team on Nov 30.. got gp if you need anything.. it might take some time but you should def get referred to specialist if your gp can't help

Abby xx


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Re: surgical menopause … help and advice please !!!!
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2016, 08:07:46 AM »

Morning. And welcome

Very quick reply from me as I'm away on holiday and catching up on a day of no sleep whilst travelling but just needed to say you're in good hands with these ladies

I'm a hysterectomy lady from years ago, kept ovaries but they failed then recent scan couldn't find my ovaries but wanted to say about Testosterone .  I don't think the levels need to be tested.  It should go by symptoms.  I tested mid way in range but have almost zero libido

On @ day 17 of T gel and feel slightly lifted in mood and definitely less tired but NO change in libido.  Quite frustrating that if a woman had good libido but low mood and zero energy she wouldn't get the chance to sample it PLUS I'm experiencing worse hair loss.  But like anything I think we deserve to be given the chance.  Better to have tried and failed than to have never tried and always wonder what if

Sorry if jumbled but just wanted to add that bit in but I'll leave you to these ladies as their experiences will be closest to yours



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Re: surgical menopause … help and advice please !!!!
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2016, 10:19:06 AM »

Thanks for taking the time to reply . I won't be beaten by this ! I too have zero libido , but currently feel thats the least of my problems … Im so pleased that everyone , especially Tempest have been full of support … and of course have a fab holiday  :)


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Re: surgical menopause … help and advice please !!!!
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2016, 10:41:00 AM »

Hi again Tempest ! thanks so much for your support. I live in Leicester and Mr Scudamore is a general gynae . covering hysterectomy etc .( I asked to see him as I have heard good things , but only hysterectomy related ) So menopause conditions are not a speciality . I am sure in the past months I came across a menopause clinic in Nottingham , although I can't remember where etc. (I know Notts. fairly we'll and as Im a bit car phobic would be happy to travel there ! ) Do you know if I am right ??? If so is this the sort of clinic I can be referred to on the NHS ?? Be even better if there was one in Leicestershire ( I have given up my job in teaching this summer due to my condition and savings are at a minimum ! )I found it interesting that you suggest low dosage of HRT  , as my estrogen levels are very low and one would assume that high dosage is needed , so thanks for that advice . As I mentioned I will be taking Elleste solo MX 40 for the next 7 weeks until my next hospital appt . Would love your guidance Tempest on what I should do ..should I go back to my GP and express my concerns about my hospital appt . and the fact that the doctor read the notes while I was there and prior to my visit hadn't read my notes , therefore making a decision about my treatment in 5 minutes .Or should I wait until the follow up in 7 weeks with this new patch and insist on seeing the consultant I thought I would be seeing …. Mr Scudamore .. Very confused with going forward on this. Thank-you so much again for being there for me ! :)


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Re: surgical menopause … help and advice please !!!!
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2016, 10:52:17 AM »

Thanks abby . so lovely to hear from you . I just think my Gp is obviously lacking any knowledge in this area , although he has a very good reputation within the practice and don't want to change to another Gp and have to explain /convince anyone else of my history etc . ( 10 minute appointments and all that !) I think I need to go to him and literally say I want referring to this clinic and to see this consultant .. I don't think he even knows specialist clinics exist because he has referred me to a general NHS gynaecologist ….so if anyone knows of a clinic in the Leicester / Nottingham region who could see me on the NHS with a G.P referral pleeeeaaase let me know .xx


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Re: surgical menopause … help and advice please !!!!
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2016, 10:53:13 AM »

I think there is a specialist clinic in Nottingham - I am thinking of asking for a referral myself. 


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Re: surgical menopause … help and advice please !!!!
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2016, 12:39:03 PM »

Hi there ! Let me know where and who you go to , and Ill do likewise . Good luck . xxx


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Re: surgical menopause … help and advice please !!!!
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2016, 01:00:52 PM »

See my other thread about finding a specialist.   There is one at the QMC, follow the link to specialist at the top of the page.  You need referral from GP.   I'm hoping for a recommendation from somebody one here to see a private specialist.    Will keep you posted.


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Re: surgical menopause … help and advice please !!!!
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2016, 01:52:29 PM »

okay . Not that computer savvy !!! bit will see if I can do it ! thanks and good luck too. x
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