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Author Topic: Elleste Solo MX 40 PATCHES… tried everything . Will these be any different ???  (Read 6818 times)


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Help !
help and advice please someone  ! :( .i had a total hysterectomy , removing ovaries and womb last July . prior to this I had regular though problematic periods ( adenomyosis ).I hit the menopause with such a shock and a year later , after trying estradot patches , tablets and estradiol gel am still at my wits end , waking up abruptly about 3 times a night with severe burning flushes and early every morning . I feel emotionally delicate and worn pout . My G.P doesn't quite get it , I can tell . He almost rolls his eyes when I visit ! so…. he's referred me to an NHS gynae who has prescribed Elleste Solo patches ( i was disappointed that she only read my notes as I sat in front of her so here I am again playing the trial and error game with HRT ).Just put my first one on in fact. The other patches wrier unsuitable as I had itchy palms and soles of my feet as well as a burning itchy sensation at the base of my spine. Im also susceptible to migraines and have had some pretty extreme attacks due to too higher dosage when using a patch . ( doctor having to be called out to administer anti sickness injections !)
I can honestly say I wish I had never had this hysterectomy performed as I feel its changed me mentally and physically and Ive lost sight of who I was previously . Please , if theres someone out there who can offer me a bit of help, advice and how long Elleste Solo MX40 might take to work Id be so grateful. Sounds like Im moaning , and yes I am a bit , but a years worth of hell really is rubbish .I just want to be me again :(


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Hi jooleea


Sorry to hear about your issues with HRT following your hysterectomy with ovary removal and what a pity you did not get the attention you deserve from the gynae you saw.

I am wondering whether actually the problems you are having are more to do with being plunged into sudden surgical menopause rather than the type of pacth you have been using. When you say last July - that is very recently but do you mean the July before last - as you later mention a year of hell? Even if you meant July 2015 - your body still has gone through a lot and especially if you were still having regular periods.  From what I've read some women take quite a while to settle onto the right dose of oestrogen following a similar operation, and some women also need testosterone. Has this been discussed with you? There is a section on this website about HRT after hysterectomy: which includes a section on testosterone.

You haven't said how old you are but the younger you are (in relation to average age of menopause of 51 or 52) the more oestrogen you should have - and at least enough to help protect your bones form osteoporosis.

There are other members in surgical menopause like yourself and hopefully they may be along to advise you and share their experiences - but if you don't hear from them - do start another post in the section "All Things Menopause" with a thread title that mentions surgical meno and someone will be along. I know some women (including those who haven't had a hysterectomy) have had to start with low doses ( eg 25 mcg) and then build up very slowly over a matter of weeks or months to avoid some of the side effects.

I have almost always used Estradot (almost 10 years now) and have found them to be ideal. I am not sure how Evorel and Elleste patches will differ - except in size as the oestrogen is the same, although the adhesives may be different? I do hope you feel better soon on these patches.

Hurdity x


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Thanks Hurdity so much for your reply . Im 52 years old , and thats why I had everything removed as the gynae said I would soon be in menopause .My op. was July 2015 . I will mention and suggest the use of testosterone when i have my follow up appointment n 7 weeks . I have done exhaustive research to try and glean anything useful regarding my situation , but am getting and have been rather confused as you know this is such a wide and varied topic ! I think you're right to suggest that the shock to my system is probably the reason I feel so wreathed and awful , some days I have literally had to mentally deal with an hour at a time . My doctor , as I said really doesn't get it , and I feel he's the best at my rather grim practice . I will follow your advice given. Thanks again .


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Hello jooleea.

I agree with Hurdity and she offers sound advice as always.

I was interested to read that your gynae said everything could be removed as at 52 you would soon be in the menopause.  I was found to have a small fibroid when I was 49 and  was told there would be no treatment because I would soon be entering the menopause when fibroids shrink. Well it turned out that I had another five years of regular periods ahead of me. No one can predict when you will have your last period so it may be your ovaries had more life in them than your gynae thought and their sudden removal could have had a profound  impact!

I hope your symptoms settle down soon and please let us know how you get on.

Take care.



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Hi Hurdity  ! please could you give me some advice . …I have been using Elleste Solo  mx40 patches since my appt . with a general gynae at my local hospital for about 3 weeks . I have had a nasty itchy / burning sensation at the base of my spine since using this patch , i also had the same reaction with a previous patch ( Estraderm , I think ) . I m wake at 4.30 writing this , in tears and at the end of my tether . I have some Estradot 50mg patches( stopped using because they didn't seem to be that effective ) from when I left hospital in 2015 and wanted to know if I can simply remove the Elleste Solo patch and replace with the Estradot . ( my change over day is Wed , and I don't think I can wait until then ! ) i am also pleased that Ive finally been referred to the Nottingham Menopause clinic to see Dr Zeina Haoula on December 13 th . ( I live in Leicester , so its about an hour away ). but until then I can't continue another day with this reaction and as its Monday today won't stand a chance of getting an appointment at the doctors .


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Hi jooleea

Sorry I can't really help re the itching - it does seem strange that this is not at the patch site? Do you think it is because of the patch?

However re changing to Estradot - yes you can change at any time if it is pure oestrogen. The Estradot is a higher dose than the Estraderm but if you say you absorbed them differently then this won't matter - it is only a small increase anyway.

If the 50mcg patch does not work for you then as you know there are higher doses - which may well be appropriate if you have had a total hyster with ovary is still early says since your op and your body is probably still adjusting.

Good luck and let us know how it goes - hoping you feel better soon.

Hurdity x


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Thanks for that Hurdity > Im thinking the reaction is because of the patch as it seems like the nerve endings at the bottom of my spine .I know it sounds strange but i did have the same reaction to Estraderm Mx50 patches this time last year . I managed to get a doctors appt. this morning and am going to ask for another prescription for estrogel and use that until my appointment at the notts. menopause clinic .