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Author Topic: Utrogestan  (Read 2286 times)


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« on: October 24, 2016, 11:28:23 AM »

Hi to everyone.
I found this forum after doing a search about Utrogestan. I have been taking it for 18 or so months along with 2 pumps of Estradiol

My journey started with spotting and an ovarian cyst was found. Im pleased to say my little body got rid of it after a couple of months. I had severe anxiety and felt like I was having a breakdown. GP gave me AD's and I had an extreme reaction to even 1. Then we looked at the M. It all just went away like magic when the hornones went in.

I had an amazing GP who has just retired and I really do feel bereft. He has supported me for 15 yrs or so through my Lupus journey. He let me educate him even though he trained GPs himself. He has no ego.

He allowed me to research then take the bioidenticals trusting me that I knew what I was doing even if he didnt totally understand. This week I saw a lady GP, very senior who didnt know what Utrogestan is and couldnt tell me if I should be having a bleed ( intact womb) She said its not something we would generally prescribe. I feel very fortunate to have already been on them. I may have to fight to stay on them.

So I havent bled for 15 months. I did a search and saw that some ladies insert the U. Vginally. I thought I would try that. Day 4 of 200mg and zero side effects. I feel as though it wasnt getting past my liver. The tummy issues (slight) all gone. It just feels right. There is zero mess in the morning. I am doing the 11 days method to try and copy what the body does.

My Q is, should I have a bleed on Utro? If not is it because the lining shouldnt have built up?

Female GP refused to do a blood test to check my hormone levels. She said no result will change what we do so theres no point. She will never scan me or follow up in any way. Ok, it is what it is.

Im all alone now, not only with this but with Lupus and chronic Labrtnthitis (11 months)

Would be very greatful for any replies


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2016, 11:42:25 AM »

Hi MammaG. Alot of the ladys on here use the utro either days 1-25 (postmeno) or 15-28 (peri). If you are post meno then no you should not have a bleed if you are on the 1-25. If you are peri then yes you should get a bleed usually after you have stopped taking the utro. Hope this helps.


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2016, 11:53:21 AM »

Hi MammaG,
I am a user of Utrogestan, yes I do get a bleed, although it is very insignificant it can be very painful. I also have cyst and fibroids, I also use evorel 50 and 40mg daily of Citalopram.
I do prefer to use it vaginally instead of orally, when I use it orally I get terrible nausea. It isn't licences for vaginal use in the UK but my GP said it was fine if I was happy to use it that way.
Hope this helps.


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2016, 01:40:03 PM »

Thanks so much ladies for the quick replies.

I shall not be telling said GP about my method change.

I did read that some women do the 25 days. I still am unsure why post meno ladies dont need a bleed. Is it because the lining doesnt build up or some other reason?

I love my Hormones but there seemed to be so little info about Utrogestan till I found this site. Maybe my search was too vague


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2016, 02:27:02 PM »

Hi MammaG


So have you been taking 200 mg utrogestan orally daily all the time you have been using the oestrogel? If so that is double the licensed dose although variability in absorption when taken orally, as well as variation in dosing of oestrogen, means that some women experience spotting with oral use of only 100 mg utrogestan.

200 mg daily use of Utrogestan vaginally is an excessive dose and I would suggest that if you use it vaginally you use it at the licensed dose which is 100 mg as it acts directly on the uterus.. Although post-meno dosing suggest Days 1 -25 in practice most women do continuous daily use. The 3 days off is to allow shedding of any lining that might have built up though so perhaps good idea to try it this way first when you switch to daily vaginal use?

If you use progesterone continuously it interferes with the oestrogen receptors so that the lining is not stimulated by the oestrogen and so is not built up. This is dose dependent though so if your dose of oestrogen is high and progesterone low - you may well get some build up which would manifest as irregular spotting.

Hope this helps.

There are papers about utrogestan ( micronised progesterone) and I have posted summaries of the abstracts, as have others. There's some here:,23372.75.html (should be page 6 or 58) as I look at my posts with most recent on top! Hope that comes to right section (my post aug 21st)

Hurdity x



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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2016, 05:31:26 PM »

Thanks so much Hurdity. No I havent taken 200mg daily orally. I take the Utrogestan on 11 or so days a month, cant remember exactly at the moment ( brain fog today)

I will check the links and have a mooch about the forum some more. Many thanks for the welcome too


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2016, 07:48:41 PM »

I presume you haven't been getting a bleed because your lining hasn't built up although with 2 pumps of oestrogel and 11 days of progesterone it is perhaps surprising. However it depends how much of the oestrogen you are absorbing from the gel, and I did read somewhere on this website (the main site, not the forum) that 15 % of women do not bleed on cyclically HRT regimes. Also when I first went onto cyclical HRT in late peri (age around 54) I did get a monthly bleed but 4 years later I did not - I was using vaginal progesterone all this time but different formulation.

Glad it is agreeing with you, and do keep us posted as to what happens bleedwise after 11 days prog eg if you end up having a bleed this time.

Hurdity x