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Author Topic: Dreams and Nightmares  (Read 5958 times)


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Dreams and Nightmares
« on: October 20, 2016, 01:44:50 PM »

I have just read through some of the Dream posts but couldn't find where to post a separate thread so have started a new topic of one. Hope that is ok!

I have always had lots of dream, though I am finding it harder to remember all the detail as I get older. I have often had those where I am out shopping in some town and it all looks different to how I remember it should be. The time is getting on and I have run out of money and the phone is running low on charge. I try to contact my husband to come and bring me home but I can't get hold of him. I don't know anybody and the shops are closing and I am starting to panic I will be stuck on my own and don't know where to go. Not had that dream for a while though.

Another is where I want the loo and there aren't any available and when I do find one there isn't a door on it! Quite common dreams!

I had a dream about my mum (who passed nearly two years ago) which was very real. It was like a visitation dream. I was standing in a stairwell. There was stairs going down from my level and stairs going up from my level. I became aware of something beside me and when I turned to my side it was my mum's favourite dress. But it was just hanging there, as though on an invisible mannequin. Then my mum began to appear inside the dress and I watched in amazement as my mum fully appeared within her dress. She looked around early 50s although she was 84 when she died. And she was looking at me with so much love and understanding in her eyes. I was screaming with joy and disbelief in my dream and shouting mum, mum and could hardly breathe with excitement I was seeing her, whilst all the time being aware she should be dead. Mum put her arms around me and gave me a massive hug and I hugged her back. It was all very real. I was on holiday when this happened and the following morning I was travelling back home. Just three weeks later my dad died.

One  nightmare which stands out in my mind is that a man was trying to put his hand over my mouth. I was fighting him off and struggling to. Then suddenly, thankfully, I woke up.  I turned over and was facing into the much lighter part of the bedroom and the door was open with the landing light shining through. My heart was racing as I thought what a horrible nightmare I had woken from and then I became aware of something beside my bed. There were around two dozen or more shapes spinning around like a little whirlwind. These shapes were like see through pebbles. There was liquid inside them and these shapes together formed an oval shape around two feet high and around a foot width. Above this shape was a smaller form of the same pebbles and this was a round football shape. Both forms were swirling at the same tempo and time. I thought I must be seeing things and blinked several times. They were still there but were moving slowly and further away until they were around 8 feet away and beside the edge of the wardrobe. From there they just disappeared. I would say they were there for around 30 seconds, possibly a little more. I wasn't frightened (which is odd because I normally would be jumpy with anything like that) It was fascinating to see and I felt incredibly calm the whole time. Whatever it was calmed me from the nightmare immediately. I have often wondered what this was and do have my own thoughts.

Has anybody experienced anything like that before?


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Re: Dreams and Nightmares
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2016, 01:59:48 PM »

Yes I posted in the other thread about my mum visiting in her dreams.  We were so close.

I have to go out now but if I remember to I will post my very first one @6 weeks after she passed, things changed after that 'dream'



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Re: Dreams and Nightmares
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2016, 03:14:09 PM »

Another is where I want the loo and there aren't any available and when I do find one there isn't a door on it! Quite common dreams!

Yes, this is a very common dream of mine but I really don't know why .  I often search for hours only to find communal loos, where all the toilets are next to each other in a row :o  Not nice!


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Re: Dreams and Nightmares
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2016, 04:13:25 PM »

Hi I'm back home now .....

My mum passed away after a brain haemorrhage (scan revealed there were 2), I was with her when it happened and she lasted 3 days in a coma.  We were inseparable and her death hit me bad as I worked with her as well.  Anyway from the day she passed I constantly felt I was being watched, I said to my friend it was like cctv was following me everywhere, strange but comforting feeling.  About 6 weeks after losing my mum she was in my dream, she'd somehow called for me to visit her , I didn't know the house but I knew she'd died.  We were hugging, crying and hugging more then she said she had to go, that we'll never be together again, I begged her not to leave me again but she said it was her time to 'move on' and explained she'd been hanging around until it was her time to go to another level. I asked if she'd been watching me and she said "yes, I've been with you 24/7". I was so upset when I woke up and realised about a week later I hadn't had that watched over feeling since the dream, and never have since, that was in 2002.  My mums been in my dreams a few times over the years and I can't touch her only that she tells me it takes so much energy to get in my dreams. X


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Re: Dreams and Nightmares
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2016, 05:05:27 PM »

Hi Purplenanny - if I remember correctly the dreams like we have had about the loos is to do with us holding back with personal fears - or something along those lines. I may not be remembering this quite right!

Megamind, thank you for the link. I have had a look at that. I'm not sure this is what I experienced, but it could be. I have not had it since, nor before and it wasn't scary like it felt for your mum.
 Having said that I saw my 'dead' dog a few weeks after he was put to sleep (This was over 9 years ago) and it was when I was wide awake in the day time going about my daily chores. He was right in front of me, solid like when he was alive. It was only for a matter of seconds. I have not seen him since. I thought at the time it was his spirit, but who knows!  I have seen a few other of what I thought to be spirits but this has been infrequent and spanned over many years, since my 30's. I suppose there are lots of explanations of why we see things that don't add up.

Annie, the dream of your mum is similar to what I have dreamt. I have dreamt three times of hugging my mum. The dreams don't normally last long. In one dream I was in my bedroom. Not sure why I was there but I was dressed and not in bed. Suddenly my mum came in. She was laden with bags as though she had been shopping and had managed to find time to call in. She hugged me and we did speak briefly though I don't remember what we said. I was aware all the time she should be dead and I would wake at any moment. I have often seen her face close up to me as I have first closed my eyes to go to sleep. And I have had this with my dad too.  A few days after my dad died I dreamt that he was standing in front of me - he looked healthy and around 70 and he put his hand on my shoulder and said, 'I am ever so grateful, you know.' Then I woke up.  Such dreams feel so real. I hope we will see them again :)


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Re: Dreams and Nightmares
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2016, 05:18:33 PM »

My dad passed away 4 years ago but he's never been in my dreams

The dream where I couldn't touch my mum was her visiting me in bed, she kind of told me off when I cried that I couldn't touch her, she told me to be grateful for small things then explained how hard it was for her to visit me in dreams !



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Re: Dreams and Nightmares
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2016, 05:46:14 PM »

It's a strange world Annie. Maybe your mum is just trying to help you cope without her by saying what she has. Sometimes we need some tough talk. I have kept asking my mum and dad to come see me in dreams if they can't show themselves in any other way but they haven't done for a while.  Most likely it is hard for them to visit us - otherwise I am sure they would be making sure we knew all the time.


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Re: Dreams and Nightmares
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2016, 06:15:51 PM »

Very occasionally I've smelt my mum and dads home when I've walked in my front door, my daughter did once when she visited too xx


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Re: Dreams and Nightmares
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2016, 06:47:30 PM »

That's lovely and reassuring. Moments like that mean such a lot. I don't think they ever completely leave us Annie x :)