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Author Topic: HRT following hysterectomy/ovary removal  (Read 12458 times)


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Re: HRT following hysterectomy/ovary removal
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2016, 05:08:41 PM »

Over on the hysterectomy forum there are women who are prescribed progesterone especially if they had endometriosis x


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Re: HRT following hysterectomy/ovary removal
« Reply #16 on: October 18, 2016, 08:33:47 PM »

Now that is TRUE Annie! I actually did a bit of research myself as I'm desperate to find the best balance, and I thought adding Progesterone as they seem to do routinely in the States might be the way to go. I tried mentioning it to my GP and she dismissed this as somewhat ridiculous as ' you don't need THAT for goodness sake, you don't have a womb'!  >:(

I've read loads of posts over at Hystersisters from women who have had hysterectomies and oopherectomies who HAD to add in Progesterone as it was the only way they could achieve any balance, and for many it was the only way they could get their anxiety under control. It just goes to prove that those of us (you included, dear soul) whose ovaries are missing or totally caput have very different needs to women whose ovaries are still producing hormones, albeit a trickle. We need different doses and a more consistent supply of estrogen, very possibly progesterone and YES, that elusive Testosterone!

It's a totally different world over in the States with HRT! The wonderful world of 'balance' instead of just lobbing in one type of HRT and hoping it works. They have Tri-est and Bi-est compounded estrogens, which are a blend of 2 or 3 different types of estrogen, bio progesterone, troches which dissolve in the mouth and thus bypass the liver without the use of fiddly patches or gels and E-string systemic vaginal delivery HRT which gives a constant steady dose that I think only needs replacing every 3 months. I'd gladly pay privately if only we had these options available to us!

I've noticed just lately that we have quite a few more surgical menopause ladies joining us, and I've asked our admin Emma on 2 occasions now if we may have a locked thread for surgical ladies and ladies who have had hysterectomies, but so far nothing. She did say the first time that I messaged her that she would look into it, but sadly a few weeks later when I asked if there was any joy on this she hasn't replied. I guess she's very busy! It would be nice for ladies to have their own wee corner as we have different needs and issues, and it would catch their eye when they join instead of their posts getting lost on the boards in general.


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Re: HRT following hysterectomy/ovary removal
« Reply #17 on: October 18, 2016, 08:50:21 PM »

I agree totally Tempest.  I feel I can't add to so many discussions because periods have had no part of my journey

I tackled my meno nurse over progesterone after hysterectomy , she said I must NEVER take it again as I have no womb, I asked her why Drs didn't give me a drug then post hysterectomy to stop me producing my own if it's that dangerous, she couldn't answer but months later offered me Tibolone , I asked her why offer me something that produces progesterone when you said I shouldn't have it? She admitted she was wrong and that some women would benefit from it.  I bought 100mg utrogestan online from a reputable company and took it orally continuously for about 5 months and felt OK, no side effects and lovely restful sleep

We women with no uterus/ovaries deserve to be offered everything we once naturally produced x


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Re: HRT following hysterectomy/ovary removal
« Reply #18 on: October 18, 2016, 09:21:00 PM »

You told her! Good on you. ;D

I've dabbled with the idea of Tibolone too (especially as I'm totally fed up with this gel faff and now the rash, and I don't feel at all balanced or well on estrogen only). The only thing that worries me about this are the fairly high number of reports of weird muscle pain some women get with this. I don't want to set myself to fail - AGAIN!!! I think some have also reported bad acne on it too. But, if I start running out if options - this could well be on the table!


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Re: HRT following hysterectomy/ovary removal
« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2016, 10:06:41 PM »

I was very tempted but it was the reports of hair thinning/loss that put me off, but if options were all used up I would've give it a go x


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Re: HRT following hysterectomy/ovary removal
« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2016, 12:07:27 AM »

I have some Uterogestan spare from previous prescription.. Maybe going to start taking that as well at night..
So far.. have just been lobbed oestrogen and NO advice post BSO or hysterectomy.. Just left to get on with it.. Tempest I agree the surgical ladies might need their own corner. Fascinated to read of US treatment protocols differing so vastly to ours. I do believe If I haven't been so vocal in trying to get help, i would just be left with nothing!

so far. Massive hair loss and loss of any kind of condition, hair in v poor condition falling out and thinning noticeable bald spots :(
huge boobs and weight gain
feeling depressed re the above - but not having massive mood swings as PMS no longer a thing...
tired and unable to exercise as much
just all over miserable due to this unexpected misery!

Abby x


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Re: HRT following hysterectomy/ovary removal
« Reply #21 on: October 19, 2016, 07:59:36 AM »

Hi abbyH I've answered on the T thread - I probably should have posed on here instead as this is your thread!

Hurdity x


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Re: HRT following hysterectomy/ovary removal
« Reply #22 on: October 19, 2016, 09:46:14 AM »

I've not had it 'investigated' I've been to the doc's on numerous occasions but no help of any kind just sympathy

I've taken Viviscal with some results and I think when I started taking Thyroid meds it helped a bit

Because my doc refused to diagnose me with any sort of Thyroid disorder saying that the level of my antibodies was too low to matter (er, no, antibodies mean antibodies luv!)

so I've dosed myself with Naturethroid a natural dessicated thyroid for some time. Will up the dose gradually now and see if that helps...

only thing is I do know that oestrogen and thyroid meds should not be taken together or near one another? is that right?



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Re: HRT following hysterectomy/ovary removal
« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2016, 10:02:54 AM »

Abby there's 2 really good Facebook groups for thyroid patients FTPO thyroid and also Thyroid healing journey.  I lurked on there when I was investigating my hairloss/double vision/no energy etc .  Many of the members know their stuff

I also paid privately for a full thyroid panel as the NHS wouldn't do it just for my own peace of mind, Blue Horizon online offer these

I went to an NHS dermatologist for my hair problem.  She wasn't really interested, said it was a mix of female pattern hair loss and seborrhoric dermititus and as I was leaving she remembered she hadn't pulled a strand out to look at, I didn't feel very confident in the visit x


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Re: HRT following hysterectomy/ovary removal
« Reply #24 on: October 19, 2016, 10:34:44 AM »

Thanks Annie! yes I've lurked in several of those groups since all this started in 2013!!! They are very helpful, I'm going to resume a gluten free diet as that seems to be quite effective, plus upping protein intake .. all of that stuff

I think I will try and get another thyroid panel through Blue Horizons as they offer a pretty comprehensive screening for 70!
The GPs are useless and that's really shocking that the dermatologists were so useless!

Its a struggle to sort this all out.. and I just want to feel myself, that's all!

Abby x


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Re: HRT following hysterectomy/ovary removal
« Reply #25 on: October 19, 2016, 11:47:53 AM »

Welcome, Daisie! So you've had both ovaries and uterus removed? And you're not on anything at the moment? It's very rare in the UK to be given Progesterone if you have had a hysterectomy - the  vast majority of professionals here don't think it's necessary.

How much Estrogel did you use and if you don't mind me asking, what age are you?
hi tempest i was on 2 pumps of the estrogel gel made me feel worse so i stopped it ,,no not on any thing only amitriptyline antidepressant as i have been for over 7 years   im 61 now ..the progestorone does not just protect the womb it also protects other parts of the body you need it to balance out the estrogen if not taken together you can have a build up of estrogen it does say the progestorone all so protects the breast from too much estrogen .after reading that it did make sense to me ..theres a lot of Gps out there who are not as clued up on hormones as are some others im at doctors today im going to ask him if i can try tibolone that one is for postmenopause woman


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Re: HRT following hysterectomy/ovary removal
« Reply #26 on: October 19, 2016, 05:52:06 PM »

Hi All,

I have my womb and no ovaries and was on oestrogen only for 2 months to get the dose sorted. I then introduced Utrogestan and my mood which was OKish on oestrogen alone (, but still a little flat), certainly improved. So it may be that a bit of prog can help to balance things out.


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Re: HRT following hysterectomy/ovary removal
« Reply #27 on: October 19, 2016, 05:56:05 PM »

hi Rhiner. How much and often do you take the Uterogestan?
Abby x


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Re: HRT following hysterectomy/ovary removal
« Reply #28 on: October 19, 2016, 06:06:08 PM »

Hi Abby,
I take 100mg every other day. My meno specialist approved this, I will have a scan in March to check the lining, but no spotting etc so far.  Although appear to have got a rash around my mouth - hope its not the Utro and if so hope its just transient.


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Re: HRT following hysterectomy/ovary removal
« Reply #29 on: January 24, 2018, 07:09:47 PM »

Hi Annie
I'm just wondering if you had any more joy with the bio identical hormones (progesterone ) in particular since you last posted? I am currnhkh battling with my GP following a total hysterectomy in March last year
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