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Author Topic: My Testosterone Journey  (Read 24026 times)

Mary G

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Re: My fight for testosterone
« Reply #75 on: October 17, 2016, 10:09:26 PM »

abbyH, sorry, I hadn't realised that you have had a hysterectomy and don't need the Utrogestan.  You could ring Professor Studd's office and ask his secretary how much a telephone consultation would cost but I can tell you that his usual consultation fee is about £300.  If you can ask him to write to your GP, you should not need to have any further consultations and your surgery will continue with the testosterone prescription. 


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Re: My fight for testosterone
« Reply #76 on: October 17, 2016, 10:16:25 PM »

Ok, I will do... anything to get more balanced!!!
seems ridiculous these are the lengths we have to go to!

Thanks so much
Abby x


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Re: My fight for testosterone
« Reply #77 on: October 18, 2016, 06:35:19 AM »

Abby I rang his office and spoke to secretary

He prefers face to face consults but would do telephone in dire circumstances i.e. :anxiety attacks re travelling etc

I'm sure initial consult for either phone or in person is £350 and he'd want copies of full range of blood tests x


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Re: My fight for testosterone
« Reply #78 on: October 19, 2016, 12:09:04 AM »

Thanks Annie
I will wait and see what my GP says and maybe she can get ball rolling with CWE appointment



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Re: My fight for testosterone
« Reply #79 on: October 19, 2016, 07:58:36 AM »

HI Annie! Hi Tempest! Thanks both for your supportive comments.

Annie, yes I've had spotty itchy scalp for ages and yes have lost a lot of hair :( I look at myself in mirror and can't figure out who the nearly bald person looking at me is! I used to have a wild mane of long glossy hair.. Just some strands (it feels that way anyway!) remain...

Tempest, I will up to 2 pumps but just can't bear the increased boobage!!! Any ideas if this settles down or would be countered with T? I feel pre-menstrual ALL the time  - minus the weeping etc - just huge boob shelf that does nothing for my confidence running or exercise wise.. In fact the whole weight gain and tiredness (today so tired travelling on tube with smallish bag, could hardly drag myself up the escalator!)...

I have a thyroid thing too, mild antibodies and have got NOWHERE with all that - and am taking a small dose of natural dessicated thryoid but think I'm going to stop as all a bit much .. maybe better to straighten out the HRT...

I've read that really adding T, DHEA and maybe even a bit of micronised progesterone into the mix is the way t go.. I just want to feel ME again, the one that loved dancing, going out and being alive.. I just want to hibernate with my cats and not do anything anymore.. I've lost all confidence.. and I used to have a LOT...

THey don't call it THe Change for nothing...

sending hugs to all xx

Hi AbbyH

Sorry to hear about your continued problems.

You mention thyroid antibodies - how long has this been going on? My first thought on reading this and about your weight gain and fatigue is that thyroid deficiency is the most likely explanation and I would first get a proper referral for this. Maybe your dosage needs increasing? Could it be that the Hashimoto's has got worse since your hysterectomy and ovary removal? I really would sort this out before  the T replacement as well as getting your oestrogen dose right. Oestrogen should not increase boob size to much greater than they were before although they tend to be denser ( especially if you were nearing menopause and they had shrunk) - but increasing fat does go on the boobs too.

Re fat round the middle (rather than hips and thighs) - this - apple rather than pear shape is not due to lack of testosterone but a relative dominance of Testosterone over oestrogen. It happens to women as we age because our oestrogen declines more drastically than our testosterone.

I would try to get your oestrogen to a decent level where your symptoms of flushes and sweats disappear and you gain a better sense of well being - perhaps you should ask for blood tests to check if you are absorbing it well? However your thyroid is a top priority too. No amount of female hormone replacement will make up for a  malfunctioning thyroid.

Re DHEA - as far as I understand there is little consistent evidence on the effect of taking DHEA and as it is not regulated personally and the dosage needed ( for what?) has not been determined then I would steer clear. There have been some promising studies but I think it is early days. I have said before that just because it is a precursor does not mean that it will definitely be converted to T or O and which of these. If taking precursors to our hormones were all that is required then we could all just eat more cholesterol and that would do the job! Our hormones are governed by complex endocrine feedback control mechanisms and it is not as simple as taking a precursor. It may well be harmless in small doses if you are also taking oestrogen though - but I really don't know?

I would see if you can get a gynae appointment earlier but definitely keep that March appointment with Panay - but in the meantime I would increase your oestrogen (with doc approval) and get your thyroid sorted if you can.

Also T replacement - although off licence has long been recommended for women who have had hysterectomy and ovary removal - so you should be able to get this easily. I really would ask your GP to contact a specialist so that you can be prescribed some without having to wait. It is mentioned here ( scroll down):

Hope this helps and good luck with it all :)

Hurdity x


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Re: My fight for testosterone
« Reply #80 on: October 19, 2016, 09:43:33 AM »

Yes I'm currently taking thyroid meds.. (NDT)  Although my doctor initially refused to acknowledge that the presence of antibodies meant hashimoto's and refused to prescribe meds... so have had to medicate myself, which I was doing successfully..

Maybe upping the thyroid meds, but without supervision I feel really worried about doing this.. I'm currently on 1 grain of NDT which is about the lowest dose you can get, so maybe I do need to increase

I am sure everything has got worse since the op, but the swollen boobs are really annoying and getting me down as one of the symptoms of PMS I hated the most, surely on such a low dose of OEstrogel, this would not be an issue?

thanks for the comments, will get some thyroid tests soon and see what they say..




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Re: My Testosterone Journey
« Reply #81 on: October 20, 2016, 04:55:51 PM »

Hi, Anne!

Noticing anything changing yet? I know it's early days, but I'm keen to hear any updates. :) ;)


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Re: My Testosterone Journey
« Reply #82 on: October 20, 2016, 05:24:10 PM »

Hi Tempest

I'm on day 8 but won't finish the tune I reckon til early next week as I'm obviously not using a pea size blob, incidentally put in another prescription and it wasn't at pharmacy, apparently it hasn't been put on repeats ! So I have to phone tomorrow to sort it (soooo frustrating)

Anyhow, no obvious effects as yet.  I'm trying to stay calm about my hair (itchy scalp and I'm sure I'm noticing more gaps but being positive it would've happened anyway and it's not the T)

I've had that viral cold/aching for last 2-3 weeks so think my better mood/feeling better is because I'm recovering from that and not the T

But I will keep watching



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Re: My Testosterone Journey
« Reply #83 on: October 20, 2016, 06:24:25 PM »

Hi everyone! Just to say ((with Tempest's help!!! ;D ;D ;D))I managed to get an earlier appointment - by ringing up and whinging basically!!! So I'm being seen in Dr Panay's clinic on the 30th November! ;D

I'm so grateful to her for spurring me on to put my case - that I'd basically been left to get on with it aftero being put into Surgical Menopause by my operatiion earlier this year and not been given much, if any, follow up.

So I hope I can get testosterone prescribed by Dr Panay or one of his team

So far on oestrogen only I'm not doing so well it has to be said, the more I have (up to nearly two pumps now) the weepier and more emotional Ive got and also very sore and heavy boobs

So, obviously I need something else in the mix to balance everything..

Thanks everyone!


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Re: My Testosterone Journey
« Reply #84 on: October 21, 2016, 07:29:32 AM »

Excellent news Abby !
Fingers crossed (but I'm ever so optimistic) that you'll get the chance to experience T

I've had a right rigmarole this week trying to get tube no 2 prescribed, it's Friday now and no dr has signed the prescription as it's not on repeat, I have to phone later to get it sorted, what's worse is that the prescription clerk I spoke to yesterday is a skanky sister of a girl my daughter had beef with a few years ago and in the phone yesterday she said a few times in a snotty voice "like I just told you the dr hasn't signed it off yet" I could've throttled her and nearly choked on my words thanking her for her 'help'



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Re: My Testosterone Journey
« Reply #85 on: October 22, 2016, 03:44:03 PM »

Day 10 of first tube and not finished it (I reckon it'll be finished about day 14 as my idea of a pea doesn't seem to be big enough)

I got 2 more tubes prescribed yesterday

Hair: I'm sure I'm not shedding as much, but don't want to tempt fate , I took an antihistamine this morning after putting on the gel as my head has been itching, again not sure if coincidental but I've not felt itchy

I've got loads done today, I can't remember the last day I've felt this (not energetic as such, but a yearn to sort out things that have built up while I've been ridiculously fatigued)

As a result I've hurt my back (ongoing from slipped disc so I know I'm limited with activity) so I have to keep resting on one bum cheek in between jobs and just took painkillers



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Re: My Testosterone Journey
« Reply #86 on: October 22, 2016, 04:42:48 PM »

That's an improvement Annie I have the urge to gut my house but it's still a bit at a time...sorry about your back tho still need to take it easy. Have you noticed any difference in your dry eyes like I have ? Xx


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Re: My Testosterone Journey
« Reply #87 on: October 22, 2016, 04:48:28 PM »

Annie, that is SUCH encouraging news!!! Can I just say that the change in the seasons can also make your scalp itch? I was talking to my Mum In Law about this only yesterday. She gets the itchies at this time of year every year, and yes - she has a full head of hair still so don't panic. It can be other things too and it's so encouraging that you're noticing less shedding.

Watch that back though, Mrs Dynamo - and no chasing Mr. Annie round the bedroom! ;D xxxxxx


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Re: My Testosterone Journey
« Reply #88 on: October 22, 2016, 05:03:47 PM »

Annie, that is SUCH encouraging news!!! Can I just say that the change in the seasons can also make your scalp itch? I was talking to my Mum In Law about this only yesterday. She gets the itchies at this time of year every year, and yes - she has a full head of hair still so don't panic. It can be other things too and it's so encouraging that you're noticing less shedding.

Watch that back though, Mrs Dynamo - and no chasing Mr. Annie round the bedroom! ;D xxxxxx

Lol nothing on the sex front Tempest !!!! Yet anyway 🙈

Itching usually indicates hair loss with me , I've had it all year round and since this all started July 2015 but I'm wondering (hoping) that this itching is a side effect and not loss, hence me trying a tablet, it might've just not have itched anyway today but the itching drives me crazy

My pea size blob , well my tiny blob that isn't as much as it should be, it'd still give me some T right ? I keep agonising over just going for it and increase the blob but I'm tooo scared to, so do you think I'm ok going along at this pace ?

My back is constant, sitting at my desk at work does it to me too it's just frustrating that it's held me back today, I've got loads done but was hoping to get even more done and sorted



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Re: My Testosterone Journey
« Reply #89 on: October 22, 2016, 05:06:37 PM »

That's an improvement Annie I have the urge to gut my house but it's still a bit at a time...sorry about your back tho still need to take it easy. Have you noticed any difference in your dry eyes like I have ? Xx

Hmmmm still gritty when I wake up but this morning I didn't notice the little funky stuff that more often than not appears at one outer edge, I think (trying so hard not to get my hopes up) my eyes were ready to use quicker though this morning

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