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Author Topic: My Testosterone Journey  (Read 24028 times)


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Re: My fight for testosterone
« Reply #60 on: October 17, 2016, 09:35:27 AM »

Just got off the phone to the appointments line at Chelsea and Westminster (Dr Panay) appointment not until March 2017!
I am seriously freaking out, I can't go on like this.. Can't my doc prescribe T alongside my existing Oestrogel? The gynae at the hospital who did my surgery can surely advise  (only advice is 'off licence')  I have booked a telephone consultation with her today (my GP) and will beg.. I can't wait another half a year, I have been suffering for years.. I feel like my life is just ebbing away...

Sorry to be negative.. hope everyone else is dealing with all of this ok



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Re: My fight for testosterone
« Reply #61 on: October 17, 2016, 11:17:34 AM »

Oh no please don't say that Annie...I have a sensitive scalp and it is always itchy so I won't know unless I start losing more hair 😩 I have not seen loads come out in the shower like I did last year but have noticed hair on my clothes but we naturally shed hair every day so hoping it's just the turn in the weather as it's not loads just your usual amount xx


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Re: My fight for testosterone
« Reply #62 on: October 17, 2016, 11:22:03 AM »

Abby I agree waiting is a keep on at your gp but keep in mind also you have a date and you have hung in this long and for me it was worth the wait and I'm hoping for you it will be to xx


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Re: My fight for testosterone
« Reply #63 on: October 17, 2016, 11:38:22 AM »

Hi Abby!

Wee soul!! If its and consolation, I won't be getting any TRT until at least my follow up appointment which is in January 2017 as I have to build my estrogen levels up first.

I went 18 months with NO HRT whatsoever following my oopherectomy, so have to address my estrogen deficiency first. Can I ask what HRT you're taking at the moment, and if you know what your estrogen levels are?


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Re: My fight for testosterone
« Reply #64 on: October 17, 2016, 11:51:02 AM »

HI TEmpest!
I'm on 1/1 half pumps oestrogel at the moment and starting to take 25mg of DHEA...

no don't know my E levels! will have them tested I hope soon

Abby x


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Re: My fight for testosterone
« Reply #65 on: October 17, 2016, 12:15:04 PM »

I would make an appointment with your GP and ask to have your estrogen and testosterone levels tested. It will let you know if you're absorbing the gel too. Also, I would speak to the GP and tell them how desperate you are and ask if they can contact the Menopause Clinic at the C&W and ask for an URGENT appointment. If you read back my posts, you will see some of the desperate measures I had to go to to get treatment.

It's disgusting that us surgical ladies are treated this way! HRT is NOT an optional extra for us, we need it to feel well and function more than anyone! Whatever you do, don't give in and don't give up. Keep pushing - I know it's hard but it's better than sinking lower and feeling desperate.

Please know that you're not alone!



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Re: My fight for testosterone
« Reply #66 on: October 17, 2016, 03:16:31 PM »

Thanks Tempest so appreciateD!!!

:) I have requested a telephone appointment with GP asap!!!



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Re: My fight for testosterone
« Reply #67 on: October 17, 2016, 04:11:59 PM »

Good stuff, Abby! Really press them and say that you're struggling badly. Your whole HRT picture needs looking at, as 1 pump of Estrogel really isn't going to cut it after having your ovaries taken. Please let me know how you get on, and if you want to do please PM me any time. I'm travelling the same road as you! xxxxx


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Re: My fight for testosterone
« Reply #68 on: October 17, 2016, 04:33:59 PM »

Hi ladies

Abby, have you thought about contacting prof stuff if dr Panay is so heavily booked ?

Best to get up to date bloods done on NHS as I've heard private ones are costly.  Your GP can also test ALL your sex hormones, I've had mine done quite a few times and although everything kept coming back as post meno I still had my results

I don't know how long I've had no ovaries for but I'm guessing it's as long as this peri hit me at least

Keepgoing - does itchy scalp usually mean hair loss for you too ?

Day 5 on T, so technically half way through my first tube and I've hardly made a dent in it, It's so hard to measure a pea size blob, I usually just scoff peas I've never analysed one for its size x


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Re: My fight for testosterone
« Reply #69 on: October 17, 2016, 04:44:44 PM »

HI Annie! Hi Tempest! Thanks both for your supportive comments.

Annie, yes I've had spotty itchy scalp for ages and yes have lost a lot of hair :( I look at myself in mirror and can't figure out who the nearly bald person looking at me is! I used to have a wild mane of long glossy hair.. Just some strands (it feels that way anyway!) remain...

Tempest, I will up to 2 pumps but just can't bear the increased boobage!!! Any ideas if this settles down or would be countered with T? I feel pre-menstrual ALL the time  - minus the weeping etc - just huge boob shelf that does nothing for my confidence running or exercise wise.. In fact the whole weight gain and tiredness (today so tired travelling on tube with smallish bag, could hardly drag myself up the escalator!)...

I have a thyroid thing too, mild antibodies and have got NOWHERE with all that - and am taking a small dose of natural dessicated thryoid but think I'm going to stop as all a bit much .. maybe better to straighten out the HRT...

I've read that really adding T, DHEA and maybe even a bit of micronised progesterone into the mix is the way t go.. I just want to feel ME again, the one that loved dancing, going out and being alive.. I just want to hibernate with my cats and not do anything anymore.. I've lost all confidence.. and I used to have a LOT...

THey don't call it THe Change for nothing...

sending hugs to all xx


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Re: My fight for testosterone
« Reply #70 on: October 17, 2016, 05:18:40 PM »

Hi Abby

Progesterone (I've tried it and actually like it although I've got no uterus) will oppose your oestrogen so you definitely need to up your oestrogel dose for a while.  Same with T apparently, if you don't have good oestrogen levels the T will become even more androgenic = unwanted side effects so start on that higher dose of oestrogel sooner rather than later

It is horrible I agree, before all this I was young at heart and had a playful disposition, now I found myself muttering moans about all the things you'd associate an old lady groaning about x


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Re: My fight for testosterone
« Reply #71 on: October 17, 2016, 08:11:53 PM »

Hi Annie nope itchy scalp doesn't mean hair loss for me as my scalp itches quite a lot and has done all my life xx


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Re: My fight for testosterone
« Reply #72 on: October 17, 2016, 08:33:24 PM »

Oh I've only started with an itchy scalp since the hair loss started

I use nizoral for the itching, it helps x

Mary G

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Re: My fight for testosterone
« Reply #73 on: October 17, 2016, 08:58:51 PM »

abbyH, I have been taking DHEA for over a year now and it really does make a difference.  I started on 25mg but when I started producing my own oestrogen again, my gynaecologist told me to reduce it to 10mg but my silent migraines returned during the progesterone phase.  Therefore, I have gone back to 25mg and what a difference!  It takes a while to work and it does mean you will produce your own oestrogen and testosterone again and I also think a small amount of progesterone because my periods have become lighter.

So I would recommend you stick with the DHEA but if push comes to shove and you desperately need to get hold of testosterone, why not book a consultation with Professor Studd - he also does telephone consultations if that helps.  He will prescribe it for you and write to your GP with his recommended prescription and that should clinch it.  He did this for Freckles and she gets testosterone, Oestrogel and Utrogestan via the NHS and it saved her a lot of money. 

I hope that helps.


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Re: My fight for testosterone
« Reply #74 on: October 17, 2016, 10:02:43 PM »

HI mary, thanks for all that. i have no womb or ovaries so technically not in need of prog, but will investigate... and Professor Studd will do phone ? how much? I'd be happy to do that and at least get ball rolling!!!! I have the oestrogel (and utrogestan if needed) via the NHS, thank god and thanks to this board for helping find out !!!

Abby x
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