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Author Topic: Can't fall asleep  (Read 12350 times)


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Re: Can't fall asleep
« Reply #30 on: October 12, 2016, 09:53:55 PM »

Sorry forgot to say Ms Saucy...thank you for offering me help with my son but it's very deep and very personal to him so I better's so worrying and I'm scared I'll come home one day and he'll have ended his life...he keeps saying he wants words any mum wants to hear..breaks you inside..but thanks for your kind offer


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Re: Can't fall asleep
« Reply #31 on: October 12, 2016, 10:28:36 PM »

Peroxideblader, it is devastating, it affects everything we do and our reactions.
Insomnia was my first symptom which started years before peri but I didn't relate it to hormones till I was almost a week without sleeping more than an hour. BCP stopped it and slept like a baby for the time taking it and now on hrt it is back and worsened on the Prog phase. This last week had four days of literally no sleep at all. I wasn't myself, emotional, over-reactive, clumsy as can be, anxious, you name it, I have it without sleep!
I've stopped going to the courses and group activities I'd signed on and don't know what to tell them. I moved here end of last years and engaged in lots of things this summer to meet new people and learn interesting things. Can't face anyone at the moment, it is so hard.
When we rest we do see things with a different realistic way.
 I really hope you find a way to rest and feel your real self
a big hug


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Re: Can't fall asleep
« Reply #32 on: October 13, 2016, 05:36:58 AM »

Dana you really do understand what I'm going through I could one understands the stress and devastation it causes and trip out the old wives tales and nothing works when it's hormonal we know that...I only cling onto the 1/8th dose of zopiclone because I know for the first week I stop totally I can expect NO SLEEP AT ALL...and I don't think my body or mental state could take that right now...I'm only worried about the hrt with so many people saying it didn't help at all but I know I'll put weight on..I've got a lifelong eating disorder which is in remission but a lot of Weight gain and still no sleep I couldn't cope with...but honestly Dana i feel so relieved you know what I mean how bad this big problem is when doctors will not agree that it's anything to do with for strong meds the other lady mentioned..what can I try to get sleep or are they all going to be too addictive x

Yes I definitely know what you are going through. I also know that's cold comfort and doesn't help you sleep any better, but at least you know that when people look at you as if you're making it up, or that all those "sleep hygiene" things are all you need to do, you know it's all crap.

The lack of estrogen is an actual barrier that prevents you from sleeping. It's got nothing to do with just learning to relax, or stopping caffeine (although caffeine certainly won't help the problem), or having a hot bath, or reading a book, or exercise, yadda yadda yadda. I've heard it all.

I also find it funny (in a sick kind of way) when people say "you'll never die from a lack of sleep" and that the body will eventually give in and sleep, but what they don't tell you is that it can take a long time before your body "gives in". I've gone 3 days with absolutely no sleep at all, and the only way I got my body to give in was to give it a drug. People don't realise just how long the body can actually continue to function with practically no sleep. While this is happening, you are suffering from anxiety, depression, brain zaps, mental breakdown etc. So while you may not actually die from insomnia, you can die from the anxiety and depression that comes with it. Many were the nights when I thought about just taking an overdose and ending the whole thing. Had I not had two fur babies that needed me, who knows what I might have done.

Sadly any of the prescription sleeping medications (whether it be a benzodiazepine, tranquiliser, z-drug or whatever you want to call it) are all highly addictive. They affect the GABA receptors in the brain, and that's where you can get into a lot of trouble. They are good as very short term remedies, but none of them should be used continuously for more than a couple of weeks. Not everyone will have problems with these drugs. I used to mentor on a support forum for people wanting to come off these drugs and I know that lots of people could take them for an extended period of time and have no problems coming off them, but it is estimated that at least 30% of the population has a sensitivity to these drugs and will become very addicted very quickly, and I was one of those people. You may not be, but the problem is you won't know whether you will be affected until it's too late.

I know you have already said that you can't take antihistamines, but the things that saved me during my 2 year taper and 2 year healing process was an over the counter antihistamine called doxylamine (it comes under a number of brand names, depending on your country, like Unisom, Sleep Aid, Dozile, Restivit). This has a very effective sedation effect at very low doses. I never really needed to take much more than about 10mg, so maybe such a low dose may not effect you too much. It tends to cause restless legs when used at higher doses.

The other thing that really helped me was an amitriptyline antidepressant. The one I used was called Endep, but I'm in Australia so I don't know what other countries that one is available in. However, any kind of amitriptyline AD does have a sedating effect. Once again, it works best at low doses, as higher doses can cause restless legs. I never took much more than about 15mg and it worked really well.

Neither of these meds have the same addictive problems of sleeping tablets, although because I never wanted either of them to lose their effectiveness, when things would be really bad I would take one of them for 4-5 days and then I would switch to the other one for another 4-5 days, and then switch back again, and I never had any problems with stopping either of them.

To be honest, I think you will find far more people saying that HRT helped with their sleeping problems than those who say it doesn't. If you're like me your problem is a lack of estrogen, and you will be getting extra estrogen in the HRT. So hopefully it should really help you.

It is also definitely not inevitable that you will gain weight. We all like to blame other things for why we gain weight, but it's really our own fault most of the time. I'll admit I gained weight, and I blamed age, menopause, HRT, metabolism for it. I would blame anything other than myself, but after joining Weight Watchers last year I have now lost 20 pounds. I'm still on HRT, I'm still getting older, I'm still menopausal. The only thing that changed was I started being more aware of what I was shoving in my gob.

At the end of the day though, even if you do gain some weight, wouldn't you much rather be a little cuddlier, but be sleeping better? I really think you need to stop delaying the HRT, as hopefully it will help your problems. What's the worst that can happen? You really haven't got anything to lose.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 06:13:08 AM by Dana »


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Re: Can't fall asleep
« Reply #33 on: October 13, 2016, 12:57:50 PM »

Dana has given really good advice there, Peroxide.

I'll tell you my story: I was diagnosed with PND after having weeks of terrible insomnia. Some nights I'd drop off only to wake a couple of hours later in full panic. Some nights I wouldn't sleep at all. There was always terrible anxiety with it. I never knew that this, for some women, is a classic sign of PND/hormonal fluctuations. I'd always thought someone who was 'depressed' was sleeping too much. I was given Sertraline and that made me MUCH worse, so I was quickly switched to Escitaopram, which had exactly the same effect.
I was terrified of taking a sleeping pill but I had to do something... the full 5mgs Zopicline did not help and I would still wake in a full panic, adrenaline rushing etc.

This persisted for 8 weeks until I realised I was not getting any better and had to do something immediately for my own safety. I was admitted to a lovely psych hospital and straightaway the Prof there gave me Olanzapine, telling me I was extremely agitated and far too activated by the SSRIs.
Olanzapine is often given to bipolar patients who are manic and cannot sleep. I cried my eyes out, thinking 'what? I'm not psychotic!' But to be brutally honest, if a doctor had handed me arsenic and told me it would make me sleep I would have taken it, I was that desperate after months of this awful insomnia.

It worked. It knocked me out completely. For the first while I felt groggy and sedated in the mornings but again, at that point I did not care about that. I had really gone into the depths with the lack of sleep and never, ever wanted to go there again.

I weaned off Olanzapine slowly with no issues at all, despite being prepared for a rough ride. I took it for one year, the lowest dose of 2.5mgs. I was taking no meds at all for the past 3.5 years...

Now I've hit peri and that classic insomnia is rearing its head again. It feels exactly the same as the PND.

Here's the kicker, when my oestrogen was 69p/mol in July (that of a woman in full menopause) I had sleep issues. When it was over 700 p/mol last month, I had sleep issues.

I know, for me, it is not a lack of oestrogen. It is fluctuations of oestrogen and probably a host of other hormones too. My norepinephrine has gone wacko and is responsible for that terrible insomnia.

I think that is why severe peri symptoms can be so hard to treat. My gynae told me I'd be much better of in full menopause with zero or very little oestrogen because at that point I can add it back until I hit the sweet spot. Right now, I'm all over the place, up and down so it's very hard to know when to top up and when to pull back.

Sorry for the essay! What I'm trying to say is this: Chronic insomnia, left untreated is extremely dangerous. I left it too long to sort out last time around and ended up in hospital. Any medical professional, be it a psychiatrist, a gynae, any of them, will tell you you must get restorative sleep. It is impossible to think rationally or function otherwise. Please don't let this persist. You may find HRT helps you, so get cracking on that. In the interim, if your sleep has not improved very soon, please do something about it.

I really hope you get some relief very soon.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 01:03:37 PM by flufferama »


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Re: Can't fall asleep
« Reply #34 on: October 13, 2016, 02:19:09 PM »

Thank you Dana and flufferama your advice is fantastic. And fluff I know what you are saying about lack of sleep I know I am on the edge and anything more I'll snap. When it had gone on a year I ended up having a full mental breakdown which is when I started on low dose of escitalopram which helped a little and zopiclone. It was the only thing that helped me sleep and for 3 months I was given it by my doctor only because I was suicidal..I weaned off to 1 tablet from 2 and now I take a quarter..I don't sleep on that dose now but I am so scared of stopping that final little amount as I'm worried the withdrawals will be too much for me to handle. Dana i know what you are saying and that I have to stop totally it's just so scary snd sadly I Googled the other sleep aid they don't do it anymore in the UK and as I said the others not only don't help me sleep they keep me up with worse restless legs than I usually have. I tried lots of antidepressant afyer my breakdown amiltrytiline being one of them. Sadly it make me very ill and I had to come off them. I have made the decision to go see my doctor to start hrt but now it's the million dollar question do I try femoston with the friendly prog or go for patches and gel..I don't like the idea of patches and gel I'd prefer a tablet as I can take it with my others but if I look at the previous posts some people have worst sleep on other half is ready to leave me I'm sure as he sees my daily struggles and can't see why I'm not on hrt he thinks there's just one option..maybe I have to risk femoston at first give it a go..sadly my fiancé only fancies skinny women and if I got tubby he'd have even more reason to leave me..isn't life just crap! :(


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Re: Can't fall asleep
« Reply #35 on: October 13, 2016, 10:33:55 PM »

Please stop focusing on a few posts where women have said HRT didn't help them sleep. Usually you find what you are looking for, and I'm sure if you looked for the posts where HRT has helped women, you will find a lot more positive ones. The ones who have sleep issues with HRT are more than likely experiencing that with the progesterone component, not the estrogen, as it's the progesterone that tends to cause more of the problems for some women.

You also can't judge yourself against other women. If I did that I would be taking Utrogestan, but it doesn't agree with me, so I have to make the choices that suit me. My preferred method is Estradot 50mcg patches, with 5mg Provera taken for 10-12 days every second month. That works well for me, but of course everyone needs to find what works for them.

As to the kind of HRT that will be best for you, that's very much an individual thing. Some women love tablets, some love gel, some love patches. I've tried everything except gel, and for me patches seem to be best. I have also tried tablets and they were also okay, but they tended to lose their effectiveness after a while, which my doctor put down to my liver "working too well", but that's just me. It's possible that during my whole diazepam tapering experience my body simply wasn't working as well as it should have and the tablets suited me better then. However, as my whole body healed my liver started working better and that's when I found the tablets stopped working as well. That's my theory anyway. :)

You have to start somewhere, so pick the HRT you think will fit into your lifestyle the best. Most women need to try a few different types of HRT before they settle on the one they like the best. HRT is always trial and error, but you have to start somewhere. 

If you want my honest opinion, I think when you first start with HRT you are best off keeping the estradiol and progesterone separate and being on a cycle, so you aren't taking the progesterone all the time. That way if one or the other isn't suiting you, you will know which one it is. If you are taking a combined HRT, and something's not feeling right, you won't know which component it is.

I'll just say one final thing - please stop focusing on other people. You need to be focusing on yourself. Your partner should be happy with you, regardless of whether you gain a bit of weight or not. Your overall mental health is far more important than whether you gain a little bit of weight, and that should be important to him as well. Even if you do gain some weight, that can be tackled later on, just like I did. The reason I put on weight was because of what I ate and lack of exercise, but that was also due to my overall depression and anxiety caused by all the trauma I went through with my diazepam dependency. I finally got over that, and then I tackled the weight. Take one step at a time.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 10:47:02 PM by Dana »


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Re: Can't fall asleep
« Reply #36 on: October 14, 2016, 10:52:22 AM »

Peroxi, I fully sympathise! Just want to say that I have been on Femiston 2/10 for almost 3 years now and my sleep has dramatically improved, esp during the second half if the pack when you take estrogen and progesterone. And yes, the progesterone in Femoston is very good. And a final word - I did gain a bit of weight during the second year but dropped it off this year without trying. I think the weight was brought about from estrogen surges that have now subsided, and not from the HRT. I am convinced because I didn't move in weight for a whole of 12-13 months. If it was the Femoston, I would have seen changes within the first months. I am talking about 1-2 kilos, not more, which was probably bloating and water retention. This is gone now.

I think you should definitely at least try HRT!
All the best,


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Re: Can't fall asleep
« Reply #37 on: October 15, 2016, 01:52:03 PM »

Thanks Dana and milimam...I know I shouldn't worry what others think and if I gain weight but I's not a reason to not take hrt but it's another worry to add to my's very started my period today on the exact day which has never happened in almost a year I'm always been 4 or 5 days early and now I'm convinced it's not peri with my period on time and that it's something undiscovered by my doctor...aarrgghhhhhhh what a mess I am...but anyway I'm going to try femoston first on my next period and hope it works for help8bg me sleep..milimum it's good to hear it's helped a lot with your sleeping thanks for your reassurance and I'll shut up for now until I've tried hrt then u can repost hopefully with good news..😊😊


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Re: Can't fall asleep
« Reply #38 on: October 15, 2016, 08:22:47 PM »

I have to say I sleep so much better on hrt than I did without Peroxideblader. Prior to starting on the patch I would be lucky to get a couple of hours sleep a night and it was as if a voice inside me wouldn't let me settle. I got the urge to keep turning over every few minutes and felt very on edge.... Nightmare!
 I agree with the other ladies, give it a go for three months and then see how you feel.
As for weight gain, well, if you sleep better on it, you have more energy to keep active and help keep those excess pounds off. Good luck and let us know how you get on.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2016, 08:27:44 PM by linz57 »


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Re: Can't fall asleep
« Reply #39 on: October 15, 2016, 10:37:39 PM »

Linz57 thanks for your encouragement..but I'm going on a pill for my first try is the tablet as good as a patch..I just lie awake for hours and hours like someone has switched my body on wide awake mode yet I'm dog tired..x


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Re: Can't fall asleep
« Reply #40 on: October 15, 2016, 10:46:01 PM »

There really isn't any right or wrong, or something being better than the other with hrt. Lots of women will have lots of preferences and opinions about what is better, but I'm a firm believer in using what works for you and suits your lifestyle.

The most important thing for you right now is to make a start. You can always experiment with other types later on.

Also please don't think you can't come here and have a good whinge about things, or talk about what's worrying you. This is the one place where everyone understands what you're going through. 😊


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Re: Can't fall asleep
« Reply #41 on: October 17, 2016, 08:37:03 PM »

Thanks everyone you've been great..I'm hoping to get on hrt next cycle and I've no doubt I'll be back on here for a worry..😊


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Re: Can't fall asleep
« Reply #42 on: October 17, 2016, 10:24:25 PM »

Hope you find some relief soon. I get a couple of nights a week, at most, where I fall asleep relatively quickly. The rest of the time it can take about 3 hours, no matter what time I go to bed. Last night was nearer 4 hours. I get up exhausted, but life has to go on. Drag myself around at times. Occasionally I nod off in the afternoon, but it makes no difference to my night time routine. In fact, on occasion, I've slept better at night after 40 winks in the afternoon.


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Re: Can't fall asleep
« Reply #43 on: October 18, 2016, 02:29:18 PM »

I wish I could sleep in the afternoon but it's like I've lost my off switch..last night was another 3am to sleep and like you said it doesn't matter if I don't go to bed til 3am I need 3 hours to get to sleep..can't believe my mother  sailed through her menopause and my friends but for me it's ruined my life and it's only been 3 years of crap I've got about another ten years to go...shoot me now!@@


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Re: Can't fall asleep
« Reply #44 on: October 18, 2016, 05:05:30 PM »

Your GP could refer you to a sleep clinic.  Somewhere safe where you can be monitored so see exactly what your brain activity is that might be activating your lack of sleep.

As for your son - think about what support you have had; what is available - there always is some.  There are several support groups for those considering suicide. 


Do have a look at these sites.  He may need support individually apart from what he might tell family.  There were things that I couldn't tell anyone except a stranger.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 05:09:19 PM by CLKD »
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