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Author Topic: feeling desperate  (Read 3938 times)


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feeling desperate
« on: October 08, 2016, 11:59:22 AM »

Hello again,

I'm having a truly terrible time and would love some thoughts.

My first post here back in August outlined my situation so I'm loathe to bore everyone with the whole story again - history of PND, intolerance to SSRIs, PMDD completely cured by oestrogen alone for one week prior to my period from age 36 to 39.

I'm 40 and in the throes of a horrific perimenopause. Still having regular periods and FSH/LH all point to a normal menstruating woman.

After feeling very low for a month or so, my bloods back in August showed extremely low oestrogen. Gynae told me to use the oestrogen continuously until he saw me next and get two more sets of bloods done. The oestrogen went from 69 p/mol to over 200 and then to over 700 p/mol which is where I'm at now.

The low mood lifted a little as did the brain fog, but now I have horrific anxiety, adrenaline rushes from very early AM, can't get back to sleep. The adrenaline rushes and panic happen during the day too. The gynae shook his head and said he doesn't know why I'm feeling like this, my oestrogen is that of a 30 year old, and referred me to another gynae for a second opinion.

I won't get to see this other gynae for at least 5 weeks and I am terrified.

The last week has been horrific, I've been having total meltdowns, thinking I cannot go on for a minute more. I know I am ovulating this week and I'm wondering if my own oestrogen is adding to the current patches and sending me totally off the wall.

I am going to my GP next week to ask for three things - a referral to an endocrinologist (because I think an endo will look at my hormones in relation to each other as opposed to 'you've lots of oestrogen, what's the problem?'), something for emergencies to get me over the hump (Xanax or the like) and the combined pill.

I am truly desperate at the moment, haven't felt like this since the PND was at its worst.

Am I crazy in thinking a monophasic pill can help? Even in the short term until I can see someone who is willing to help me?

I know I can't continue with unopposed oestrogen.... have I too much oestrogen now? Can oestrogen overload result in the jitters? I actually had a few decent days towards the end of my last cycle, when my own oestrogen would be lower, which tells me I might be overdoing the oestrogen at the moment?

Should I take the patch off or is that going to make me crash?

I'm so sorry if this post is all over the place but I am so desperate at the moment and I know the fantastic women here have more knowledge about this stage of peri than the bloomin' gynae I saw does.

He genuinely did not seem to understand what I was telling him and worked off blood test numbers, despite telling me two years ago that blood tests are pointless at this stage when I'm having regular periods.

Any advice or thoughts at all would be so appreciated as I'm at the end of my rope, I really feel I need to do something, anything now as opposed to waiting 5 or 6 more weeks.


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Re: feeling desperate
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2016, 12:05:51 PM »

Hi just replied to your other post.
Yes, yes, yes oestrogen gave me the jitters. Almost like fluttering in my chest,it was awful.

You could always take the patch off mid month to see how you feel as you have been told the you can use for short periods.

It's worth a try!

I have felt like not being able to get to my next appointments which were 6 weeks away, strangely, I only felt like that when I was on 50 mg which I believe was too high.

I don't think you are in U.K. But we have a Monophasic pill here called zoely.


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Re: feeling desperate
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2016, 12:09:57 PM »

I also agree .

I upped my patch (estradot) too 100mcg and I felt completely jittery and anxious

I started snipping bits off my patch to find an ok feeling and at present am back to 75, but that could change and I might go to 50 x


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Re: feeling desperate
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2016, 05:12:30 PM »

Fluffer, yes and yes I have felt like that on too much unopposed estrogen. Please remind us why you are not taking any progesterone?
Although some women have huge problems with prog, it is the calming hormone. I have read somewhere that it acts like benzos on the brain. Perhaps you really need progesterone for half of the month to offset the esyrogen surges.

Just a thought to consider and forgive me if you have already explained why you don't use prog in the equasion.



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Re: feeling desperate
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2016, 06:04:34 PM »

Thank you so much for the replies.

Milamam, I had been using oestrogen alone for 7-10 days pre-period to remove the severe PMS I was experiencing. That worked incredibly well for two years and I was fine, functioning perfectly normally. In July I started to feel those feelings returning at a random time during my cycle, and it didn't improve as the weeks went by. I had bloods done, which happened to be on day 3 of my cycle. I was due back to see the prescribing gynae anyway so I took the copy of the bloods with me and told him I was feeling very low, getting palpitations and not sleeping past 4am. He saw my oestrogen was very low in the bloods and told me to use the oestrogen all the time for a while, not just the week or so premenstrually.

I went back to see him last week, had been using oestrogen alone since the end of August. My last set of bloods (Day 21 in Sept) showed my oestrogen at 700+ p/mol, which was a huge increase from where it had been.

He basically shrugged his shoulders and said he didn't know why I was feeling so terrible. Told me to carry on with the oestrogen and that he'd refer me to a different gynae for another opinion. I pointed out to him twice that I had no progesterone and that in all three blood tests I've had done the prog was VERY low but he brushed that off, "it's all about your oestrogen".
I know I won't get to see the other gynae until mid November at the earliest and cannot carry on the way I am.

The low mood has been replaced by terrible agitation, a feeling of trembling internally, twitching, awful anxiety and rushes of panic/adrenaline always around 5am. This lasts pretty much all morning, returning at random times during the day. By evening I'm usually OK, I've little problem falling asleep but even relying on antihistamines at night for the last three weeks I'm jolted awake any time from 4am and the awful cycle continues.

So I am now looking for a referral to an endocrinologist because the gynae is no use to me whatsoever and I have no idea if the next gynae will be the same or think there's no issue because hey, my oestrogen is fine. At least if there is actually a problem with my adrenals/cortisol/hormones etc an endocrinologist will see that. If not, then I accept my brain does not like perimenopause and try to figure something out to deal with that.

I removed my oestrogen patch earlier today. Maybe that was a bad thing to do but yesterday I had my phone in my hand to ring the Samaritans  :'( only my little boy followed me upstairs and distracted me. I've felt so, so terrible at times over the past week, it's so frightening. The thought of carrying on like this for another 5 weeks at least made me feel like I wanted to die.

The reason I want to ask my GP for the combined pill is because I think it was dangermouse who replied to me before saying it helped her quell the crazy peri surges for a while. I'm thinking I need to suppress my own hormones for a bit, just to get on to something resembling an even keel. At least if I'm not a trembling, agitated mess I can think straight and look at my options longer term.

I'm not in the UK but we do have Zoely and Qlaira here. I am actually thinking of asking for Cilest, I took it when I was much younger and had no issues at all with it, it's monophasic and I could take it back to back?

I have no idea if my ideas are nuts but I'm banging my head off a brick wall so far with medical professionals and am so angry that I have to do a ton of googling and researching and reading the amazing information from women here to try figure out for myself what the hell is going on and how to keep myself out of the psych hospital. For sure I need to do something now.

Thank you all again so much for responding to me. I am so grateful. I can't believe it's possible to feel this bad.. well I can given I had PND but I never in a million years thought this situation would recur just a few short years later.  :'(
« Last Edit: October 08, 2016, 06:07:36 PM by flufferama »


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Re: feeling desperate
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2016, 06:10:30 PM »

By the way, does anyone know if I can snip bits off Evorel patches, are they evenly distributed?


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Re: feeling desperate
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2016, 06:17:39 PM »

I'm not sure
But I've been told by 2 different professionals different things, one said I can snip my estradot and one said I can't so I do what I want and snip if I need to, if it doesn't work you've only lost one patch x


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Re: feeling desperate
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2016, 06:20:52 PM »

 :hug: :hug:

Its horrible feeling like that isn't it,I do empathize with you.

I think your estrogen is possibly too high ,can you leave it off for a few days see if that helps,it's all a bit trial and error I'm afraid.  :-\


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Re: feeling desperate
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2016, 06:47:19 PM »

Thanks daznet, I'm going to do that and see how I go. It can't get any worse than it's been lately.


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Re: feeling desperate
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2016, 06:55:12 PM »

You can cut the Evorel in half or snip bits off - I was doing that and gp suggested it


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Re: feeling desperate
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2016, 07:23:29 PM »

Hi flufferama
Let me know how you get on with the reduced estrogen. I too get the agitated and adrenaline surges and jumpy limbs at times. I am on oestriogel(2 pumps) and utrogestan for 12 days of the month. I'm really not sure if it's too high estrogen.


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Re: feeling desperate
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2016, 02:16:16 AM »

No advice as I am not that clued up like the ladies on here, just a hug. Hope you get it sorted soon.x


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Re: feeling desperate
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2016, 04:11:27 AM »

Hi flufferama. I've been quietly watching your posts with interest because what you describe is very similar to how I felt. I am 39 now, and at 38 was having early morning adrenaline surges, agitation, anxiety. Dealing with all of this seemed to bring on a depression for me. In my case, adding estrogen made all the difference. When I started the end of last year with a 37.5 patch, I was very unstable. I was miserable before the patch but huge swings up and down with the low dose. Raising the dose to 50 was beneficial for me. I am feeling much better. That said, if your instinct is that you're on too high of a dose, definitely try reducing first. If that doesn't help, maybe ease back to your current and then try higher. Whatever you decide to do regarding combined pill/patches, keep us posted on here. Hopefully we can assure you that it will become more bearable.