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Author Topic: 58 and new to HRT  (Read 5364 times)


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58 and new to HRT
« on: November 24, 2016, 04:27:20 PM »

Hi, I have read many posts on here over the last few weeks, but this is the first time for me to write as I need some advice from you experienced women.
I am 58 and had my last natural period in June this year ! Lucky or unlucky I don't know  ??
Since then, I have experienced tiredness, sleepless nights and over wheming feeling of sadness- I cry at a drop of a hat - at home and in work ( which is embarrassing) It is an effort to do anything lately. I have flushes but not too bad ( not bathed in sweat like I have seen some ladies )
On my first visit to my GP she prescribed Evorel sequi which I have just finished. OMG - I have had the most horrendous week of my life ! Continuous crying and bad dizziness -so bad I could not go to work. I did have a spot of blood this morning but managed to get to my GP.
She has now prescribed Femostan Conti 0.5/2.5. She explained that the synthetic prooestrogen is less severe and kinder.
What I wanted to ask ladies, as I am reluctant to try them after my last experience, is a conti more suitable for my age ? Will It stop my periods altogether ? Is it suitably for low moods in the menopause and, as I had a small bleed today, do Istart taking them today ?
ANY help from your vast experience will be much appreciated x


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Re: 58 and new to HRT
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2016, 05:02:05 PM »

Hello pearl59 and welcome. So lovely to have another lady to talk to who is on the older side. There are a few of us in the same boat! I am sure someone will be along who has the HRT knowledge you are looking for.


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Re: 58 and new to HRT
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2016, 05:19:33 PM »

Thank you for the welcome Machair
 - due to my age and still having regular periods to June this year ( although only light, and lasting about 3 days) I have been called a 'freak' by friends and even a young GP !

Perhaps I should have used that as my user name lol x


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Re: 58 and new to HRT
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2016, 05:52:39 PM »

Hello menomale - it's comforting to know that there are older ladies experiencing peri menopause or late menopause. Thanks for your kind reply x


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Re: 58 and new to HRT
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2016, 03:04:47 PM »

Hi there pearl59


The average age of menopause is 51/52 and 80% of women will have gone through menopause by age 54 ( if IiI'm remebering the stats correctly) - not sure if that just means in the western woorld? However that means 20 % will experience it in the years following - and you are one of them!

It is usually to prescribe continuouis combined HRT to women who have reached menopause - but as you probably know that means having not had a natural period for 12 months so strictly speaking you have not got there yet!

As your menopause is late, have you had any checks to ensure everything is OK in terms of uterus lining? I am sure your doctor will have thought of this already.

When you say you have just finished the Evorel sequi - do you mean the whole of the first packet or the first month? Some women do react badly to the progestogen part of HRT especially the synthetic ones as in Evorel sequi ( which is norethisterone).  Also some women also react badly to the changeover - the progesterone withdrawal phase which occurs after stopping the combi patches and going back to oestrogen only.

It is usual to try each HRT type for 3 months before deciding it's not for you so you could find the side effects settle although if it is the progestogen you are sensitive to then maybe it would be bad each month?

You have been given a very low dose of tablet HRT now and this may not be enough - but perhaps good idea to try it and see how you get on. However as your last period was in June you don't know if you are post-menopausal so if your hormones do breakthrough you could experience the odd bit of spotting or bleeding. It is unlikely to stop your periods if your cycle is still strong but it depends how far into peri-menopause you were eg if your periods until last June had been very occasional then you might well be at or very near the end!

Re when to start - if you had a small bleed - I presume this was after stopping the end of the Evorel sequi for one cycle? This would be a normal withdrawal bleed so you could start them straight away. but as I said if your periods are still fairly regular then anything could happen re bleeding!

If you find you can tolerate the progestgoen then there is a higher dose available ( 1 mg) but some women do find continuous combined HRT is not good in terms of mood since if you are sensitive to synthetic progestogens (even the ones closest to our own as with the Femoston), they can experience continuous low grade side effects.

You won't know till you try so why not give it a go?

Let us know how you get on :)



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Re: 58 and new to HRT
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2016, 03:48:02 PM »

Thank you Hurdity for replying and being very informative indeed ! I have learnt more in your message than I did from my own GP.
I was having regular periods till June this year, albeit light and only lasting 3 days, but regular. But none since.
I suppose that's why my GP put me on sequi. I went to my GP as I was really depressed, having all the Pmt symptoms every month, sore breasts, dragging sensations in bottom of stomach, constipation and bloating also reoccurring thrush( I was prescribed ovastin cream, very good for me)
I am a bit reluctant to try Femostan at the moment. Reading all the posts on here, I think my symtems a quite light, and maybe I am peri menopause and not yet in full blown menopause quite yet ?
I called in Holland & Barratt this afternoon and had a good chat to a lovely lady. She suggested that if I am only peri menopause to try 100mg vitamin B6 as this also helps balance hormones  and used to treat PMT (which are my main symptoms- flushes are like blushing a lot for me)
Really confused and unsure what to do. Have not opened Femostan yet.
Anyone hade experience with B6 ?
I must say I find this site really informative. I live in the country, and feel that sometimes my surgery is not really up to date with ' woman issues' as one GP described it !!
Thank you all x


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Re: 58 and new to HRT
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2016, 04:10:38 PM »

Sorry Hurdity, I just re read your message. I was only given Evorel Sequi for one month. But looking st the Femostan Conti my GP has given me 3 months supply ?
Beginning to think I should be taking Femostan sequi. Is there one ??
I did notice my joints ached alot less even on one month of Evorel Sequi.
Sorry to bother you all - so confusing


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Re: 58 and new to HRT
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2016, 08:58:34 AM »

Maybe your doc just gave you the one month to see how you got on with the patch?

Yes if you are not post-menopausal then you should be given Femoston sequi. There are two doses 1/10 and 2/10 and you would start in 1/10. They are listed here: Not sure why you were given conti?

No harm in continuing with the Evorel for another couple of months - as I said it is usually advised to try a particular type for 3 months - and glad some symptoms have improved! Your doc should give enough for 3 months now though otherwise you end up paying rather a lot!

Despite what anyone says - vitamins do not "balance hormones" - only hormones do that. However it is good to ensure you are not vitamin deficient - but it is best to get what you need from your diet if you can and eat foods that are rich in this vitamin. I don't know what it does when it is taken in higher doses than needed - whether it acts medicinally? There is information on this vitamin on the NHS website here:

Let us know what you decide anyway and how you get on :)

Hurdity x



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Re: 58 and new to HRT
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2016, 01:32:38 PM »

Thank you Hurdity, you are so knowledgeable in these matters.
I have decided to go back to the GP and ask for Femostan sequi.
Weighing everything up, I would rather have 2-3 weeks feeling on top of the world knowing that the bad period of the cycle will eventually end.
If I am late stage of perimenoaise, will my own hormones sometimes override, therefore causing extra bleeds or even no bleeds eventually ? And will that be the time to take the conti ?

Thank you ever so much x


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Re: 58 and new to HRT
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2016, 05:08:31 PM »

It is possible that you may have another hormone surge but hopefully most of the time any withdrawal bleed will be around the 4 weeks mark and coincide with the end of the combi phase of the HRT, or a few days later. Yes some women end up not bleeding even on cyclical HRT - the figure given on this website is 15%. It happened to me when I presume I was post-meno - I was 57 and had been on HRT for 4 years starting in late peri-meno. My bleeds stopped completely, so I knew I would then be OK on a longer cycle which my GP was happy with. You won't know until it happens how your body/womb lining will respond. Yes that would be a time to change to conti but if it doesn't happen after the time you would reasonably expect to be post-meno, after being on HRT for a year or two at your age you could switch to conti anyway - if that's what you would prefer - but it does mean taking progestogens all the time.

Hurdity x


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Re: 58 and new to HRT
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2016, 05:38:36 PM »

I can't understand why GPs don't give ladies the 'kinder' HRT in the first instance  :-[

Let us know how you get on!


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Re: 58 and new to HRT
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2016, 04:08:00 PM »

GPs will often just choose from the selection available  - which may well be the cheapest it seems ie Prempak and all the horsey ones, or Elleste - almost as cheap. They will then only re-prescribe other types if a woman reacts badly to that one! I am assuming there are thousands of women quite happy on these cheaper ones otherwise they wouldn't still be on the market - although I am surprised that the PRE ones are still sold given all the research and that Estradiol is now so readily available in many different HRT products.

Hurdity x