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Author Topic: Tibolone/Livial experiences  (Read 32961 times)


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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2017, 09:25:42 PM »

Hi Pam

It does sound like Tibilone is not suiting you.  Normally they do say stick with any new regime
for at least 3 months (cant remember how long you've been on it) but if if you're anxiety is that bad I would ditch the tibilone and see the doctor next week.  Good luck and hope you're feeling better soon x


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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2017, 10:25:11 AM »

Hi Pam, I have just seen your questions asking if I am peri or post. To be honest I am not exactly sure! I started on HRT 2 1/2 years ago when I was peri and consequently don't know where I am in the process (age 55 1/2). When I switched to Tibolone 5 months ago, I was told you could have it post meno or after age 54.  However, I did have a period in november and again now, so I don't know if this is due to incorrect balance or my own period breaking through? I will be asking the consultant at an appointment later this month. How are you getting on, have you made any decisions whether to continue?


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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #17 on: January 11, 2017, 02:18:26 PM »

Hi ladies,

A quick question - As I am in the first month of changing from 3 pumps of Oestrogel to Tibolone, I am finding dizziness and morning anxiety to be worse for me. Previously when I have tried reducing oestrogel I have suffered dizziness too.

Do you think it needs more time to adjust.



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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #18 on: January 11, 2017, 04:58:26 PM »

Hi, Warwick!

I'm just about to join you on Tibolone - my consultant changed me to this yesterday but I've yet to start it. I'm worried about coming off my 2 pumps of estrogel onto this. Do you think Tibolone is much weaker? I'm worried about having one of my catastrophic 'hormone crashes' again. xxx


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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #19 on: January 11, 2017, 05:19:12 PM »

Hi Tempest

Tibolone sounds like the perfect HRT for post meno ladies, so join me and give it a go ;)

However, I would suggest you introduce Tibolone by taking half tablet along with one pump of gel the first week (my consultant recommended this) then increase accordingly. I have now completely stopped the gel (was on 3 pumps) and now taking a full tablet at 10.00am.

Yes had headache, joint pain the first 2 weeks but all gone now. Head not as fuzzy as when I was on the gel. I am determined to give it at lease 2 month and review then. The main issue I have is the dizziness and I think its due to coming off the gel, as previously when trying to reduce the gel...
always got dizzy.

Good luck and keep us updated  ;) Wxx


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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #20 on: January 11, 2017, 09:29:18 PM »

I'm so encouraged that things be are settling well for you, Warwick! That's great. :)

My consultant advised a straight switch - so I hope this is going to be OK! :o

My GP said today that he's noticing a renewed interest in Tibolone just lately. He has a few older ladies who are still doing well on it after many years and he's happy for them to do so, that that's very encouraging!

Do keep us posted how you're getting along, Warwick - there are a growing number of the 'Tibolone Tribe' now, aren't there? I do pray that all the lovely ladies who are trying this manage to have great success with it! :) xxx


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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2017, 08:39:26 PM »

I was told I can't have it!
because of hair loss

but I think I'm going to go to doc's and ask as I can't take anymore oestrogen only and am still in same boat as I was over 7 months ago, hair loss, weight gain low mood

I'll see doc's on the 20th and demand



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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2017, 08:46:02 PM »

Hi Abby

Keep us updated on how you get on with GP.

I have existed for several years, now I want my life back so trialling Tibolone (nothing to lose)

Watch this space  ;)



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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #23 on: January 12, 2017, 08:53:51 PM »

Thanks Warwick.. that's good - no point in just 'existing'

keep me posted



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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2017, 10:29:20 PM »

Oh, dear Abby! Hi!!!

I've been catching up on your posts, and I have PLENTY to answer on your thread but just for now can I say that I really think, like me, you have NOTHING to lose by asking to try Tibolone and possibly everything to gain! And.....provided you are well (and I know you are a very fit lady), you can stay on it long term! My GP has ladies in their 80's who still use it by choice after having total hysterectomies including ovaries and they continue to do well on it. :)

By the way, your diet is EXCELLENT and there is NOTHING that needs changing - I'll answer more on your thread but surgical menopause is different in that we go through things so suddenly that the body is in shock (and mind too, might I add) and the 'normal rules' don't apply to us. I also have good news for the long term which I received from my Consultant regarding us surgical ladies, but I'll tell you more later.

I am a trifle perturbed by folk telling us that we should be 'happy' to be able to take estogen only, because this in reality is NOT a piece of cake! Progesterone acts as a diuretic, and as we don't get prescribed it, the bloat and water retention for us can be worse, at least initially! I feel your pain, I really do and the Tibolone may very well give you better 'balance'. I for one HATE feeling like a custard filled balloon and like you, I REALLY watch my diet. And curiously - I've gained 10lbs since my surgery too. So I'm beginning to wonder.....

I'm rooting for you Abby - go and ask! And also if the GP hits you with hair loss, tell them you feel it's likely thyroid related and you need to see an endocrinologist as you're self managing at the moment. It's really not fair on you!!

Sending you biggest hugs!! xxxx


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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2017, 07:57:41 AM »

Oh thank you Marie!!
I've got an appointment next week - I think all you say is correct and that the ongoing hair thinning/loss and inability to lose weight is really nothing to do with diet/exercise carb balance (although I must saying doing the Veganuary thing has tipped carbs over normal, but only things like brown rice etc, not cakes biscuits white carbs)

 I will see if I can try tibolone - as you say, nothing to lose and I am missing something clearly.. hope you get on with it too please let me know!

Abby xxx


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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2017, 04:36:43 PM »

Interesting study on the increase of FFM (lean body mass!) after taking Tibolone!



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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2017, 05:07:07 PM »

Wow!! Given your work out regimes Abby, this sounds ideal for you! Did you also notice the compliance statistics? They were very high - only 5 women out of 98 enrolled dropped out of treatment! And the reasons were very benign.

Can I just also say that you'd find a good friend in Menomale who has just rejoined us here as she is a committed vegan too! You two should definitely hook up. :)

I must admit I'm 'bricking it' about starting the Tibolone tomorrow but that's only because I've had such a wretched time with ERT so far, as I know you have! A lot of your experiences have been so very similar to mine that I KNOW us surgical ladies are different!

Sending you hugs, as always! xxxxx


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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #28 on: January 13, 2017, 05:24:23 PM »

Hi Tempest,

A wise women once told me 'risk nothing - gain nothing' I hate any sort of medication as I always have problems antibiotics etc. My husband always says I must be in pain if I take paracetamol.

Yesterday I read on this site a pt of Prof Stud was advised by him to reduce the gel to one pump and add half tibolone for one week (just to let you know)

My advice..... make no plans for a couple of weeks and expect some form of side effects for the first few weeks. The first 2 were the worst for me. Not out of the woods yet but planning something nice for hubby tonight........ if you know what I mean ;D defo the libido is returning  ;D

Procecco in the cooler although like other have said white wine makes me feel a bit odd (that was the first week)



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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2017, 05:49:53 PM »

WARWICK!!! You temptress.....!  :veil:

That is absolute music to my ears, my dear!!! Thank you so much for your encouragement.  :) :)
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