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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Tibolone/Livial experiences  (Read 32958 times)


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Tibolone/Livial experiences
« on: October 05, 2016, 07:46:49 AM »

Hello all, I have been on Tibolone for 8 weeks now (switched from Ostrogel/Provera/Test etc). Loving the effect on the libido but...I am feeling very sluggish, tired, slightly spacey. I am wondering whether to continue or not. Would love to but don't think I can cope with the sluggishness if it is an on-going symptom. Might it settle down after another month or two? Would love to hear other people's experiences with taking Tibolone/Livial, good and bad. Anyone finding it good and been on it long term?
Thanks! Cherry


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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2016, 08:13:15 AM »

Apart from breaking out in awful spots (prone to acne anyway) I felt really good on Tibolone.  I'm sure things will settle.  DG x


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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2016, 09:02:15 AM »

I am interested in learning more about this as it seems the only thing my surgery will consider for my low libido, but the energy thing is worrying, I've got zero energy already, plus I've read about hair loss on it, I can't afford to lose any more x


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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2016, 08:20:34 AM »

Hi CherryC I switched to this nearly 3 months ago now as I'd reached 52 and my GP agreed my bloods were post menopause. I was previously on evorel and utrogestan, the evorel was brilliant but I was ill every time I had a period.  I believe it was a physiological response to the fluctuations in my regime and I neeed to stop having periods. Pros of tibolone have been: no periods (hence no ups and downs), steadier mood and increased libido. I haven't had spots (which testosterone did give me). Cons have been: slight weight gain (upsetting) and the spacey sluggish feeling you describe, funnily enough this only lasts the morning then wears off.  To combat this I have reduced my dose to half a tablet and it's doing the trick, also my energy is good. I feel as though a whole tablet builds up in my system and is too much for me. Finally I feel no hrt is perfect but on balance (and given I don't want periods) this as good as it gets.  Hope this helps x


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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2016, 08:55:08 AM »

Hi Peri, thanks for your helpful reply. Sounds like you have had a very similar experience to me. I did wonder about reducing it to half (or perhaps switching to take the tablet in the evening) and will speak to the consultant when I have a review shortly. You could be right, perhaps a whole tablet builds up as there were 2 or 3 weeks early on when I didn't have this. Or maybe it will settle down after a bit longer as Dancinggirl suggests.  Do you find your mood and libido are as good on the half tablet? x


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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2016, 09:00:26 AM »

Hi Annie0710, it definitely has an impact on libido (I would say after about 4 weeks). I had read somewhere else that some people find it good for energy, but I have not found that yet. Hopefully it is still to come! Or as suggested, I may be better on half a tablet. Will let you know if and when there is a change on the energy front. (Haven't noticed any hair loss but it has only been a couple of months for me so far). Hope you manage to get things sorted x


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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2016, 09:03:23 AM »

Thanks DG, hope will settle soon too. If I stick with it, will report on developments. x


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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2016, 09:05:18 AM »

Thanks Cherry, hope it works out for you x


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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2016, 09:32:12 AM »

Hi CherryC mood is definitely better.  I used  cry (or feel like crying) for several days a month around the time of my period, now I feel much stronger.  I think tibolone is very good for anxiety.  Re libido that is better also (response not drive), maybe it would be even better on a whole tablet but it's all a balancing act isn't it x Also Annie I haven't had any hair loss just a bit of weight gain (progesterone element I fear) which I hope to tackle with exercise x


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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2016, 10:38:46 AM »

Thank you ladies.  I just worry as I already have hair thinning/shedding/loss and am scared of it getting worse.  I'm in the throws of being referred to a gynae to fight for a trial of testosterone as hair loss is a symptom of deficiency (I have every symptom) x

Pam Madra

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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2017, 08:49:27 PM »

cherry C how are you going with tibolone as I am peri and taking half tablet for past 3 weeks and had a real bad spell near my period days. My biggest problem is that I suffer from nausea, anxiety and low mood. Having stones in gall bladder also. Could you please let me know how things are progressing with you.


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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2017, 11:31:10 PM »

Hi Pam, sorry for the delay, I have just seen your message. Well it has now been 5 months for me on Tibolone. My findings have been as follows: the tiredness and sluggishness I first experienced have improved: Libido is still good: anxiety is much improved. However, I was also feeling much more emotional/tearful and quite flat in mood. I spoke to the consultant about this and she suggested I add in Testim (testosterone gel) to see if that helped (she said it would enhance the testosterone part of Tibolone).  I have been doing this for about 3 weeks now and definitely feel much better in mood, confidence and a bit more get up and go. I hope that helps but if you have any other specific questions, please ask. I feel I am still weighing things up myself. I hope you are feeling better. x

Pam Madra

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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2017, 12:44:18 AM »

thanks Cherry for the information you have shared. Are you peri or post menopausal? I am also thinking of continuing or not after 3 weeks. Week 3 has knocked me badly as with cramps gastro nausea etc. Anxiety has not settled well much as I have these problems this week. I am peri menopause so don't know if tibilone suits me firstly ( doubting it) then should I increase the dose from half to full or not and what time. I will ask the doctor about testosterone gel next week. So to cut it short I think I have to decide what to do as it will be depending on how my body reacts to this all. Atleast by sharing I have better idea before deciding anything. thanks once again and will let you know what path I take.


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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2017, 04:50:56 PM »

CherryC - Wow I am still puzzled - about adding Testosterone gel to Tibolone.  :-\ You are the second woman on here to report this recently! I wonder if you see the same consultant? I am glad you are feeling better, but it is not a conventional treatment and I can't imagine there is any information (from trials) on what effect both of these together have (on balance between oestrogen and testosterone) and possible androgenic effects after several months (or years) of treatment.

I do hope you continue to feel better though :)

Hurdity x

Pam Madra

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Re: Tibolone/Livial experiences
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2017, 08:09:10 PM »

HI girls after 26 days of half a tablet no change at all rather worse with anxiety panic red alert mind. Hit rock bottom as I cannot sleep now even for last 3 days. What should I do girls? Stop tibilone and see doctor next week and change to something else. Sad tha it is not for me I think or is it that I home with holidays and this has added to the problem. some suggestions I feel i have hit rock bottom this week. What can I do to just have a breather from this 24 hour anxiety as I think I am losing the battle. Sorry once again.
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