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Author Topic: feel very depressed on qlaira  (Read 8097 times)


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feel very depressed on qlaira
« on: September 17, 2016, 10:57:35 AM »

God I'm fed up! Have that horrible gnawing depression that I know to be hormonal.
I'm 44 and perimeno- PMDD, depression during period and not much time for anything else!
I'm now 1st week of 3rd packet of qlaira- last month became progressively more difficult but this is another level- no anxiety now, just grinding low mood. I'm already on 225mg venlafaxine and don't want to keep increasing especially as doesn't make that much difference.
On day 4 of third month so have started prog component (yesterday)- usually prog makes me anxious, though, so why this shitty depression? excuse language.
I will try to stick it out for the 3 months that it can take to "work", but I can't imagine having a turnaround from this horrible feeling.
I feel like I did when I had zoladex ie a complete absence of hormones which is odd.
Strongly suspect it's low oestrogen- but I know speculating doesn't always help.
What I don't understand is why I felt ok in the first month- it's the first prog I've been able to tolerate for that long so was very hopeful. Is it possible that my own hormones are not fully inhibited yet and that what I'm feeling could be result of that? Clutching at straws  :-\


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Re: feel very depressed on qlaira
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2016, 02:39:06 PM »

Its important to remember that your own hormones are only suppressed to a degree on the pill - otherwise all woman would feel exactly the same as each other on each pill, which is clearly not what happens!

You will find that your own cycle ticking away in the background resets to 28 days (due to taking enough progesterone for it to create a formal cycle). If you can work out where you are in your cycle, say if its clear from a sudden change in symptoms when you would have had the Day 28 dip, you can then plot it on a calendar to notice the different peaks etc to see if they match what is going on for you.

As Qlaira is a phased pill, then you may get confused as you'll have the ups and downs of the exogenous hormones on top of your own ups and downs. If its not working of you then you could try a monophasic pill and take it back to back and then you'll only have your natural hormones going up and down, which is easier to monitor.


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Re: feel very depressed on qlaira
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2016, 03:08:40 PM »

Thanks for that, Dangermouse- I hadn't realised that I might not be fully suppressed- very useful to know! I had been wondering about the wisdom of a pill that wasn't monophasic- my fault- i wanted to try qlaira as it's promoted as relatively natural/ tolerable. I think I will swap at the end of this packet.


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Re: feel very depressed on qlaira
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2016, 05:54:40 PM »

Yes it's more natural as it has the plant based oestrogen but I found either that or the type of progesterone didn't suit me when I tried it.


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Re: feel very depressed on qlaira
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2016, 05:04:27 PM »

During the first month your cycle was in the process of shutting down - I did read it can take around 3 months to do so fully so maybe this is what's happening to you and the resultant oestrogen dose you are getting just from Qlairai isn't enough for you? The other explanation is that the progestogen component ( which is in large doses in any pill) is causing these effects - it does have a depressive effect which some women do not tolerate well. So don't be too hasty to blame it on the fact that doses are variable. However if this is what is affecting you, there is another one - Zoely - which also contains estradiol and is monophasic so may suit you better. It does have 4 tablet free days though - less than conventional pills so maybe easier to tolerate?

Hurdity x


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Re: feel very depressed on qlaira
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2016, 06:46:54 PM »

Just a quick question, how do you find out about the pills and what does Monophasic mean? Does it mean it has 1 level of hormone throughout the month?


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Re: feel very depressed on qlaira
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2016, 07:51:30 PM »

Monophasic has the same amounts of oestrogen and progesterone in each tablet for the month. Biphasic have 2 different strengths and triphasic have 3.

If you Google 'pill ladders' you should see all the latest ones listed and how best to choose.

I preferred the older pills like Brevinor as they tend to have less side effects due to newer progesterones having extra effects like controlling bloating, acne etc.


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Re: feel very depressed on qlaira
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2016, 09:30:38 AM »

Ill have a go at "googling" later but all I know is that whilst on my period, whether it be on or off HRT, then I feel very down and depressed.

I can only imagine that HRT is not strong enough to override my own fluctuations.

How do you know where to start? Never really had much experience of birth control pills but I need something alongside my AD to control my emotions.


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Re: feel very depressed on qlaira
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2016, 09:38:53 AM »

Thank you, ladies, for replying!
Mis71- I get mega depressed during my period, too- not before (that's reserved for anxiety!)- I'm thinking to try a strong enough patch to override my own cycle and give me sufficient oestrogen. Which hrt are you on?
Sonka, it does help very much to know that I'm not alone and particularly that qlaira has affected someone else like it did me. I say "did" because I'm not taking any more- I can't function like this, it's not worth it- am thinking of patches like you.
Hurdity- I didn't realise that progs could make a person depressed- screaming crazy, maybe- but hadn't appreciated that they can be depressants. I now strongly suspect that it's the prog I can't tolerate. Don't think it's low oestrogen as had a bit of a libido over weekend, so kind of assume oestrogen not in boots. Too depressed to act on said libido!
Thanks again, Dangermouse- definitely worth thinking about older progs.
I have questions re the patch but I'm going to start a new thread for this because it's a new topic and I don't want it to get lost in a qlaira thread!! Thanks again, everyone


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Re: feel very depressed on qlaira
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2016, 09:51:18 AM »

I also get very down during my period. Never used to before peri, back then my mood immediately lifted as my period began.

But one of my first peri symptoms was my mood suddenly staying very low through my period and only lifting a day or two after it finished.

I think it's the double whammy of the sudden drop in progesterone + oestrogen being at it lowest during your period, too.


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Re: feel very depressed on qlaira
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2016, 10:01:12 AM »

Hi Gypsy- i didnt think about a drop in prog also being problematic- it's obviously all such a fine balance.
I realise that perfection is unlikely to exist but just some semblance of normality would be great!
Can I ask what you're currently taking, gypsy? Thank you.


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Re: feel very depressed on qlaira
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2016, 12:27:30 PM »

Hi Vintage I am on Prof Studd's regime of 4 pumps of oestrogel, with 100mg of Utro for 7 days a month + a blob of testim gel.

It sort of works, most of the time, but every time my hormone levels rise/fall then I react very badly. This month I have reacted especially badly to taking Utro, and then an even worse reaction a few days after stopping Utro and my bleed started.

I saw a new GP last week and she has advised that I only use Utro every 3 months from now on. Apparently because I still have my own periods, I am producing enough of my own progesterone to keep my womb lining thin enough between times.


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Re: feel very depressed on qlaira
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2016, 12:39:26 PM »

thanks for that- so it looks as tho in your case 4 pumps oestrogel good overall but not suppressing your own cycle, which perhaps wasn't what you wanted anyway!
i found utrogestan v difficult to take previously- was climbing the walls! great that you can use every 3 months now.
i think i'm going to start low as it's not something i've tried before(!) and it's worked for someone else on here- in peri.
i'm gonna try half maybe even quarter of a 100mcg patch evorel and see how that goes. i've been all over the place today and popped a 100mcg patch evorel on, having decided to stop the qlaira. but i've taken it off again in case i'm being hasty! ah well- we bumble along! thanks again grl x


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Re: feel very depressed on qlaira
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2016, 06:13:18 PM »

Hi vintage, sorry to hear you're not doing great with Qlaira...I gave up with it, mid packet month 3.
I'm now on norimin and feeling better already.  Early days yet though.


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Re: feel very depressed on qlaira
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2016, 09:55:27 AM »

thanks keithee- sorry i probably should have put an update on this thread!
yes, it made me horribly depressed- there was no way i could stick it out and i cannot believe that something that can make a person feel so dreadful could possibly help!
i remember u saying about norimin- was it a midway between brevinor and something else? presume it's norethisterone- i've never tried that so very best of luck- is the prog in each pill?
i'm trying a slightly different approach now: i've stuck on a 25mcg patch (no prog)- i did it immediately after the qlaira so body's prob in a bit of disarray! like you- early days. interestingly i accidentally put on a 50mcg patch for 2 days (forgot to halve it) and i got very spotty and anxious! this may have calmed down eventually of course- things often worse b4 better supposedly, but it's interesting that a nominal increase can have such an effect. back to 25mcg and those symptoms less pronounced. i'll def post- start new thread- when i have anything to report! take care x