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Author Topic: Taken Off Vagifem  (Read 22295 times)


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #60 on: November 11, 2016, 08:00:59 PM »

The polyp on my ovaries shrivelled but the consultant said this one on my colon wouldn't?  Not sure really!! I'm going to have to go back to my GP about the vagifem.  I've thought about it today now that all the worry is over.  It's time I spoke to hear about it and I hope that as I've had a few things going on she might take pity on me and prescribe it!  ::)


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #61 on: November 11, 2016, 08:13:48 PM »

Why would she not?  It is localised and 'designed' to ease VA symptoms.  let us know!


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #62 on: November 11, 2016, 08:31:47 PM »

Well I think why wouldn't she too but she took me off it in the first place so I'm not sure how her mind works!  Will let you know!


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #63 on: November 12, 2016, 05:16:43 PM »

Everything we said in this thread first of all re Vagifem, your rights to treatment, the NICE Guidelines, the information on this website, and VA - still holds - so now that you have resolved the immediate worries about your colon and bleeding, you perhaps feel in a more positive frame of mind to address this? Please do read up on it again, and do not suffer because of an outdated doctor's personal views.

If we can help in any way please ask again :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #64 on: November 13, 2016, 01:38:04 PM »

Thanks Hurdity.. Now that I am not consumed by the other issues, I shall be going in to see my GP and I'll update you.. really appreciate all the help, advice and support x


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #65 on: November 14, 2016, 12:52:33 PM »

Lynne I just can't believe the predicament you're in. Without the Vagifem I can't get out of bed, the bladder pain is awful. In middle of a relapse as I started the reducing week this week - bad idea, clearly need it every day for a while longer!

Given that you're in Wales, and maybe this sounds daft, but is hopping on a ferry to Dublin an option? Trust me when I say Dublin is NOT the centre of menopause care, but maybe you could get a repeat script here. I've been to 2 doctors and a gynae who are all pro-Vagifem.  How utterly infuriating for you, and upsetting. I'm so sorry you're having to put up with this. Makes me angry for you!


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #66 on: November 14, 2016, 02:55:06 PM »

Hi cjmca. I'm not sure about the Dublin thing, only because, if it's a repeat prescription they may well need me to hand over a prescription which of course, I don't have!  Plus I don't think there are no ferries anymore from Swansea. I am going to see my GP and if I need to I shall tell her I have been forced to buy off the internet. From what I can gather, it's the free prescription thing that's the issue.  They just won't prescribe anything that costs more than a few pence easily!! The thing is I'd happily pay to get the vagifem but I think my GP will probably send me to see a consultant as I've heard that GP's cannot prescribe it here, it has to come via the consultant in the first instance. To be honest, because I was having to pee more often when taken off it, I didn't really pay that much attention to the colon problems when they started because I thought the excessive peeing was due of the lack of vagifem (that was my worst symptom).. it would appear that the polyp could have been causing me to urinate more due to pressing down on my bladder. Maybe I'd have noticed if I had still been on vagifem which is more than a bit annoying! I've got a few left but as I only have a few I tend to use them sporadically when things flare badly.. this isn't the right way to use them and could cause worse problems. I just don't feel I should be in this situation!  It sounds like vagifem works well for you too. I wouldn't reduce too soon. Every now and again I used to have to double up to get everything under control. Can you imagine having to do that and then being told sorry that's it, you're not having any more.. not even a gentle reducing situation :-\


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #67 on: November 14, 2016, 02:58:39 PM »

"cannot prescribe" what exactly?

You live in the UK not outer Mongolia  ::).  Contact the BMA equivalent in Cardiff - have you asked a Pharmacist, I can't remember  :-\


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #68 on: November 14, 2016, 03:03:03 PM »

There is nothing in this Document that states HRT and other treatments for menopausal women is not available in Wales.

ancient runner

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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #69 on: November 14, 2016, 05:17:39 PM »

And surely the NICE guidelines apply in Wales as well as England? No expert but if your GP still refuses does anyone know if the PALS system works in Wales too?
Mind you - given the lateness of her referral for your bowel issues I think if you give her a few Paddington-style hard stares - and say what you just told us about the Vagifem - she might be minded to think again. Lay it on thick about quality of life, too, Lynne - you had it with your last GP, Nice guidelines clearly state prescribing this isn't a problem, etc.
Good luck!


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #70 on: November 14, 2016, 07:08:09 PM »

Apparently GPs don't have to follow NICE Guidelines  :sigh:


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #71 on: November 15, 2016, 09:57:25 AM »

Lynne888 - I assume you have been referred to urologist for full investigations for your bladder problems ?
Referrals cost money and if the GPs are trying to save money then they might think it's easier to give you Vagifem if it keeps the symptoms away. A referral may be a good idea anyway as when I saw the urologist and had the usual investigations that showed nothing wrong with my urinary tract and kidneys, he simply told me to keep using the local oestrogen as my problems were clearly related to a urogenital atrophy - this would be enough for the GP to continue prescribing.
The NICE guideline clearly state that if local oestrogen treatment is stopped then atrophy problems will return.  DG x


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #72 on: November 16, 2016, 10:19:56 AM »

Hi dancing girl.  Yes this has been an ongoing problem for a number of years. I've had all the tests and checks but it was all arranged by a previous GP.. that's the problem I think. Before I was given vagifem my life was terrible. I could barely leave the house as I needed the loo so often, I was awake every half an hour at night too.   I'd had enough I can tell you. I was fortunate enough to change my GP and the one I moved to specialised in women's problems and spotted the signs and symptoms right away.  I'm not exaggerating when I say it absolutely changed my life. The one thing I worried about when moving house was moving from my GP because she had been brilliant.   I have to wait a couple of weeks for an appointment with my current GP..  Will update.


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #73 on: November 16, 2016, 12:37:16 PM »

If they won't continue to prescribe Vagifem then you may have to ask to see the urologist again to get their back up. DG x


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem - update
« Reply #74 on: February 04, 2017, 02:34:17 PM »

Hope it's OK to resurrect this post.. I just wanted to update those of you who were so kind showing an interest in the colonoscopy I needed after having several red flag symptoms for bowel cancer. As I mentioned back in November, I was given the all clear and told I had a large polyp which needed removing.  I had this done two weeks ago and unfortunately, I was recalled and told the polyp was cancerous. I now have to have an MRI (couldn't manage the first one, had a panic attack).  Apparently nothing showed up on CT scans so I have to do my best to have this MRI to see where the cancer is (if indeed it has spread)   So my life is in a turmoil after being given the news I was cancer free 3 months ago, I have now been told that I do. I am devastated.  On a lesser note, I still haven't been put back on Vagifem but I have found a UK online pharmacy which I have ordered some from so at least I'm not without at this point!   I haven't even been able to get a GP appt since being diagnosed.
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